So what do Black Lives Matter even want? Do they have any specific demands? Or are they just going to protest until they get bored?
So what do they actually want?
To end any and all white pride or existence
>So what do Black Lives Matter even want? Do they have any specific demands?
they want minorities (mostly nignogs) to stop being punished for anything
they also want to kill white people
kill white people
be in power
They want white people to die.
I say to them good luck, niggers.
They'll never be satisfied. But they want to be in charge of white people like slave owners basically. Anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot who isn't paying attention
"change the system"
George Soros is black?
To kill and terrorize whitey?
At least it will harden up and red pill white males. Bright side of the situation
Equal justice
same thing the occupy protestors wanted. to be annoying and be pandered to.
I don't think they have any particular demands. I also don't think they are an actual organized group. They're pretty decentralized and just use the "blacklivesmatter" thing as a big umbrella to cover all that is SJW.
For instance I watched the Minnesota protest last night and one of the women went over and talked to some police, including the Commander, and he asked what their end game was. She literally said "uhhhhhh..... we don't really have a specific set of demands blah blah" it was likely that was the first time the thought crossed her mind.
I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure I heard another soundbyte of a woman saying they wanted to make white people afraid or something to that extent.
They say they want police to stop unjustly oppressing and beating / killing black people but that happens to people of all races. Sorry but some cops ARE dickheads, but that's not a police matter thats a psyche matter and that isn't going to change ever.
What BLM SHOULD be doing is educated people how to interact with police. There's lots of videos on the internet about the 'am I being detained' meme but that's not how you approach the situation.
I've had a lot of interactions with police, the best thing is to just go with the program, yes sir, nor sir, admit you were being retarded. If they're going to be a dick they're going to be a dick, being a smart ass doesn't help.
They don't even know themselves what they want:
>Or are they just going to protest until they get bored?
Just until the election is over. This is Tea Party 2.0. Once the election is over, no one will hear about them again.
Same shit; different election.
They want their own country they just don't know it yet.
>they also want to kill white people
Can they just go ahead and try it already so we can finally have it out. Shit or get off the pot. Once they lose we can ship them back
I never understood why people give cops a hard time. Do you think talking shit or resisting arrest is going to end in your favor?
right now?, looks like bait a race war or similar thing to keep Obongo in charge, since Hillary looks like she'll lose to Trump
They are just doing this our of anger. When asked the vast majority of them have no specific answer as to why they are doing this. The few leaders that do have a specific idea have very unrealistic and/or nonsensical demands. They will vent their frusteration while blocking highways and eventually stop if they get out there anger.
I think same
Kind of like Occupy Wall Street. It's just people upset who want to blame someone else.
Chicken and Waffles with a supersized grape soda an' a free tv.
Slavery legal again
What do they want? Dead cops
When do they want it? Now
They are now a domestic terrorist organization.
They were raised through public school to believe they were persecuted, and when reality didn't jive, they developed schizophrenia at a rate ~8 times higher than white people and invented persecutory delusions to keep them sane.
>So what do Black Lives Matter even want?
Their paychecks from Soros, free shit and whatever social mobility they can get through white guilt.
Also, they want to defer personal responsibility indefinitely. They see how shit blacks are, but think that it must be whiteys fault.
Actually, correction. I've found what they really want, and it's worse than I imagined.
The main media has been telling them forever that police are evil murdering racists. They now have blood on their hands.
Theoretically convictions of cops who kill blacks, body cameras on cops, etc, but they will keep creating new demands.
>I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure I heard another soundbyte of a woman saying they wanted to make white people afraid or something to that extent.
Soo... terrorism, gotcha.
>I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure I heard another soundbyte of a woman saying they wanted to make white people afraid or something to that extent.
So... terrorism, gotcha.
their demands are as abstract and defused as their organization
Yet when those convictions happen they pretend it didn't happen because that would be justice and go against their oppression narrative and persecution complex.
They published something today that was like "We want LA, GA, MI, and AL to be black-only states, give them to us."
I would be ok with giving blacks 2 or 3 states if they all agreed to leave.
its not what they want, its how its organized. the reason they seem so dysfunctional is because it decentralized on purpose. no it seems to be getting railroaded by anarchist type who want to sow discord on purpose. so its basically a black occupy and will experience a self defeating prophecy. im not sure what it will take but dallas is probably the beginning of their end.
They won't specify what they want so they can keep moving the goal line.
>load Supreme Commander
>single player skirmish
>cheats enabled
>spawn hundreds of Armored Command Units
>screen turns into a bright white mess
>less than 1 FPS
>crash server instance
Good times.
because it is decentralized, there is no leadership to keep them focused on goals and a higher purpose, thus it devolves to the common niggering. because it is decentralized, no leadership can be taken out to end it.
so it will go on and on and niggering and niggering more and more and it will just piss everybody off until they are invalidated and ignored and achieve nothing.