How have republicans been so successful covincing millions of Amerifats to vote against their own economic interests ?
How have republicans been so successful covincing millions of Amerifats to vote against their own economic interests ?
>Occupy Democrats
I'm sorry to say this, but give us better source next time.
Because the average American thinks their economic interests lay in between mcdonalds and the gas station minimart.
*paid with a tax
America is nothing like Denmark. Fucking delusional liberal retards thinking they can fix everything.
Also there's no niggers.
Everyone is happy when Socialism begins.
Then Venezuela happens.
I notice that they conveniently fail to mention how ridiculously expensive the cost of living is in Denmark. A fucking Honda Accord costs $52k US over there.
Yeah, but Denmark is not a superpower. Also, it's a predominately white society.
No gibs to millions and millions of niggers
Who needs a car when you can fly form one end of the country to the other in 30 minutes
Venezuela was doing fine as well... Then they couldn't sell oil at enough of a profit to keep doors open. Imagine what will happen when Norway runs out of oil. They'll fall into the same pit.
>Denmark has no minimum wage.
>We have a 37-40 hour work week.
>We paid some of the highest taxes in the world to finance the last three points.
that picture is shit burger and you know it.
This is why we are so damn happy:
>"In particular they have found the closer a nation is to the genetic makeup of Denmark, the happier that country is"
How can none Danes even compete?
>t. Dansken
Denmark is shit
>Highest rate of anti-depressant usage in the world
Yup, real happy people over there LOL
>flying instead of driving
yeah, really saving cash there
20$/hr? What's net after taxes? $2.13?
How is not paying a shit ton of taxes so that black assholes can get free shit against my economic interests?
Also I believe we need to get rid of welfare all together. Not so I don't have to pay into it, but so niggers get off their lazy ass.
Denmark seizes the assets of every immigrant that shows up to it's doors.
I agree. Let's follow their lead.
*75% tax rate
rolig nu Preben. Det kunne sgu vaere vaerre.
Bare taenk på Sverige.
Why, because Denmark has only 5-6 mil people and US has 320 mil. Now we bring in millions more per year that don't speak the language and have O work skills. Hmmm, I wonder!
Fuck off.
Why do leftists always try to use these tiny shitty ass fucking countries as some sort of proof that their ideas work? Atlanta has a bigger population than Denmark lol
>this thread again
did you think i didn't save my edit?
>Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires
This Faceberg shared meme shit conveniently leaves out all the systems in place which make those apparent nice benefits work.
People just think if governments implement these few things everything will be all nice and happy.
I get money for free from the gubbamint for being a NEET, so I don't really care about saving it
Please stop this meme. We are happy because our politicians don't destroy our country the same way most others do.
Our free shit is going to shit because the money is running out.
10 month waiting time at hospitals for stuff that doesn't require immediate attention. What a joke
>Minimum wage
No, we have union to buisness agreements. There is no minimum wage in denmark.
>33-hour work week
No it's 37 hours.
>Free x
Payed through by extremely high taxes and hidden taxes in the form of government fees on EVERYTHING.
Buying a car? A FEE
Having the car on your property? FEE
Gas? FEE
Our happiness is largely due to cultural uniformity and individual liberty.
And a strong psychological attribute put into words in the form of Jante Law
Die Babken
>Occupy Democrats
no bias here at all
you realize you are just barely not a slave, right?
>SHARE if America should follow their lead!
That law is a joke, it has been used only once since it came into effect, because "muh feels" parties forced them to change it to basically be unusable.
>Working while being a NEET
What kind of retard doesn't get himself out of that?
But how many niggers are there?
Checkmate, OD
>very small country with very small, ethnically homogeneous population with a very cooperative, collectivist (in the strict definition, I'm not using that as a buzzword) culture that has a millennia of accumulated wealth to work with
>third largest country in the world with a population of 320,000,000 people of a mish-mash of ethnic backgrounds in areas with wildly different climates and levels of development (most of America is empty, look at nighttime satellite imagery) who have a very individualistic culture, and to top it all off it's only been around for 240 years, and only been notable on the world stage for 100
Regardless of your personal opinion of social safety nets, you cannot simply operate on the assumption that because something works (and even then, "works" is debatable) in western Europe, it will work here.
we have 0.4% Somalia African Niggers
Unlike American Chimps they do not riot. All they do is chew Khat and live of welfare.
useless trash
i mean in the sense that you can't leave if you wanted because you can't save money
prisoner would probably have been better word
This is the last election Republicans have a chance to win any fair election in the U.S. Their gerrymandering simple cannot outpace Democratic voter registration drives and the influx of migrants that vote Democrat.
Denmark is roughly 95% white. Most of our outsiders are SE asians and sandniggers.
Just because we are a huge and epic empire shouldent mean we their suicides with ours.
>implying niggers want to share their free college with anyone else
Notice how none of them voted for Bernie Sanders.
ITT: fake Denmark flags proxies that are Americans
That picture is an IQ test
Right, all these right wing idiots jizzing over muh socialism in Venezuela have it wrong. The country didn't collapse because of it; it collapsed because the government retardedly put all it's eggs in one basket with the oil.
The one advantage they would have had under a more capitalist system is the benefit of multiple points of failure. A national industry going bankrupt is a lot worse than a private company shitting the bed.
Shut up nigger
>x minimum wage in one country is the same as in other
What if i tell yo that in Poland if you work for $6-7/h you can get a pretty good life?
Not sure about denmark but i do have a friend in Norway, the wages are really hight but everything is expensive as shit(things that you use every day) so it doesn't really change your life much other the fact that you can buy electronics for "Less" (as you earn more and comparing it to standards in, say Netherlands you have to work less to get the same thing)
>Free free free
no, its not free, you pay taxes.
so then any argument you make about living in Denmark is invalid, you social parasite.
>before rapeugees
I would have agreed until you stupid fucks brought in animals destroying what you had.
Sounds like paradise
>Homogenous populations cooperate better
>1/55th the size of america
>Not members of the EU
>Less work hours mean higher taxes
>Which means $20 minimum wage is essentially $10
Your country is happy because it has no niggers, gibsmedats, and attractive women.
source:nigger living in America
They forgot
>homogeneous white population
That picture is wrong, University is not only free in Denmark, the government pays you something like 1k USD/month to study.
What will you do if your government crashes and cancels your NEETbux?
Checkm8 parasites
Why would I leave? Anywhere else I would have to work for a living.
This is one of the few places in the world where they take money from the people who work and give it to me for free.
>Not members of the EU
>a country that has two percent the population, is racially and culturally homogeneous and has little to no crime is comparable to the USA
Because it's a Northern Germanic homogenous nation of 5 millions with a sense of the community and compassion.
someone post it
>Why would I leave?
when the people your govt robs for you get upset and leave
you'll be stuck there without a bucket to shit in
lol. meant to say they don't use the euro.
pretty easy my bro
infographic forgot that Denmark is 99% white and tells islam to fuck off
>forced to buy products / services we don't all want
No thanks, I'd rather pay for these when and if I want them, rather than constantly paying for everybody's all the time.
Sage for socialism.
wader gondugds elegdrisidj :DDDDD
I can't tell if you are being retarded on purpose, but the middle house will be cold this winter...
>$20 minimum wage
But it's not. Denmark actually has no minimum wage along with Sweden; the system really isn't socialist as much as labor unions tend to have a significant voice in collective bargaining.
>33 hour work week
This isn't true, either. If I remember right, the work week before overtime is about 37-40, with maximum work required topping off at 48 with exceptions given for special jobs/emergencies/self employed.
Denmark is one of the most taxed nations in the world. None of it is free. Infact, I live in the States because the lower tax rate easily outweights all the benefits of living in Denmark.
>tfw 25% VAT living in Copenhagen
I'm going to a trade school next month.
Literally this. They also conveniently forgot (chose) not to mention that Denmark has a 95% homogeneous white population.
Stop giving me these feels ameribro :( That statement has not been true for years.
We have like 6% muslim population and social cohesion is already starting to go to shit.
>$20 minimum wage
>70% income tax
You know what to do
>living in the US
>mongrelized "whites"
>Jewish influence like nowhere else
>shitty food control
>unattractive people
if you replaced denmark with 1930s nazi germany Sup Forums would be like
Try like 88% Danish and 94% White
Now add couple of 100 million people, including millions of niggers and spics. Also add being the world police and having high competition due to chinks.
You mean Democrats right?
You realize Democrats are the ones that pander to poor people, and then go ahead, and bail out banks anyway.
It's interesting, because in the states you at least have the option.
For instance, I can avoid spics and niggers quite easily; they're concentrated. I can choose which goods I consume, and which media I enjoy. These problems can be circumvented legally, and without much difficulty.
Yet, in Denmark, I'm forced to pull the cart regardless of the situation. I will lose 77% of the real value of my labor to pay for those who contribute less. The society is so homogeneous that I go on Tibetan goat herding forums to hear opposing views. Odd, or high quality foods I have to rather seek out as the markets are much less effective at producing an abundance of oddities of novelties; for better or worse.
>unattractive people
I dunno, being white looking and vaguely European means I'm pretty high on the ladder.
We're indeed full of niggers.
Fuck off mongoloid retard
Things started getting worse after 2001 when the EU/NATO shill took office.
The cuckening has luckily been much slower than other nations, a lot of our media still possess free thought, so the cuckservatives and socialists haven't ruined us yet.
Hmm, really makes you think...
Its like 40%
For poor fags maybe
>What are antidepressants
Somewhere out there is a pic of a Dane explaining the truth about Denmark's social-economic circumstances. Of course Denmark has those robust public services and high minimum wage, but the cost of everything is sky high. Most people can't afford a car, nor will they ever own their own home. The quality of life is much lower than in the US.