Are you a race traitor if you're Irish and don't support the IRA?
Are you a race traitor if you're Irish and don't support the IRA?
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and a coward
No, you're a fucking idiot who supports terrorism.
>being catholic.
filthy kid fucking papists.
What if I want to support the IRA but I'm a Protestant
Not talking to you UK. Dont you have a Kingdom to break up?
I think that's cool user
Get fucked you plastic paddy.
Why do you ira loving degenerates even post here? Go back to lefty"pol" and stay there.
Northern Ireland belong to Ulster.
Gibraltar belongs to Spain.
Los Malvinas son Argentinas.
Deal w/ it.
The IRA are commies. Why would I support that? The Provos anyway. The original IRA was fine, but I'm not going to support commies.
IRA are just drug dealers nowadays.
Besides the only 'fighting' they ever did was going to retired British soldiers homes and shooting them when they weren't expecting it or bombing civvies
>siding with potato niggers
You gonna side with isis too op?
The IRA are race traitors
IRA are alligned with communists extremists bro
Yeah, that's the point
Country Antrim here
>claiming to be Irish
>Irish Nationalism/Republicanism = Catholicism
>Historically ignorant surrender-monkey
...and France belonged to Germany until the Anglos saved you, you baguette guzzling cunt.
>The original IRA was fine
>I'm not going to support commies
And France belongs to Algeria.
Only the original IRA. The Provs are just a bunch of socialist cucks.
The original IRA was not communist. If it was, then why is the Republic of Ireland not communist?
The IRA lost m8
You are replying to the wrong person.
Because the ROI isn't under Ira control. They have a regular potato nigger government.
>dee oirishh
>one level below the scotts
>two levels above the poles
>about even with the welsh
step it up senpai
>mfw every one of those countries got utterly and comprehensively Blown the Fuck Out by us
Including your own baguette. Joan of Arc on a stake, Napolean on an island.
>the Irish
>above anyone
The moment the Irish don't get their way they become just as bad as the niggers in America. They are nigger tier.
I remember a thread with a brit talking about how the police came to his house to check his computer and other things because he was reading something about the IRA.
By making this thread you're triggering a lot of alarms for the brit-anons browsing this site.
I'm not talking about post-treaty. Did the army that fought and successfully won Ireland's independence not call themselves IRA? That is to whom I'm referring.
The Irish are white too, they need to team up with the UK and get rid of the real prroblem: Mudslimes
>Irish Palestinians
The Welsh are loyal and tough
Irish are whiny bastards
It's not so much I want to support the because they are leftist, I want to support them because I feel they are the only ones who would be likely to defend their people from the Muslim horde currently invading
t. an actual nigger
Irish isn't a race. So no. You fucking moron.
The Ira were hijacked by retarded commies. If they had stuck to bombing infrastructure instead of people they may have gained popularity among the masses.
The current IRA are just a bunch of retarded terrorists who are hated by most of the Irish.
Apologise NOW! The UK owes us Billions in Reparations over the slavey they put us through!!
No they wouldn't you idiot. They are literally extremist leftists and love muslim cock, not even kidding.
Here in Texas the IRA is still very heavily supported by police departments and Catholics.
Maybe 100 years ago.
Today? Absolutely not.
The IRA is nothing but a bunch common thugs hiding behind what the IRA used to stand for. They kill innocents, they claim to want to rid areas of drugs by killing drug dealers but they do it not to improve the areas but so they wont have competition when they sale their own shite. Ontop of that, like any shitty low level gang there are always internal feuds and innocent people get caught up in it. We've seen it too many times.
The IRA are scumbags, even the IRA of old doesn't have a place anymore, not today, not when Northern Ireland is so undesirable to both the UK and Ireland. It's all well and good to be patriotic and say they should be our counties but they're a tumor, they'd be better off sinking into the Atlantic.
I'm sorry irishbro. Now get back to pick in potato fields.
Where I grew up in Pennsylvania there was a lot of support for them to. My grandmother used to gave them money and supported them until the day she died. She voted for Reagan twice too, which makes no sense. But such is the way of plastic paddies I suppose.
NO NO NO NO NO You fucking idiot!
The IRA only killed WHITE PEOPLE
You are a true traitor to your race if you support these idiotic nigger-like terrorists that killed both Irish and Anglos!
>May as well say you also support Black Panthers!
Nice one faggot. A true coward runs away
Now fuck off and play IRA men in the woods with a hurling stick!
Yeah my dad was cop in Austin till he retired not to long ago. Him and a majority of other officers would all go to this Irish pub and throw money in to a collection box for the IRA.
>Are you a race traitor if you're Irish and don't support the IRA?
Yes, you are.
These threads are always full of actual Irish calling the IRA leftist retards, then a bunch of historically illterate "Muh heritage" Ameriburgers saying how great they are.
Emperor Trump calls British Princess a common two bit whore.
Yes! Lets kill more whites!
How fucking retarded are you?
>then a bunch of historically illterate "Muh heritage" Ameriburgers saying how great they are.
Putting internet in the trailer parks was a bad idea.
Shut the fuck up british faggot. Nobody cares about your Irish proxy.
>Cherry picking at it's finest
Xd kys nigger
What if you're an English man married to an Irish catholic woman, living in Derry who supports the IRA? Am I a cuck?
>What if you're an English man
>Am I a cuck?
I think retards like you should be gassed.
What did the mud raced Anglo-Saxon's last hope for saving the UK do after Brexit? quit, run and hide like a bitch.
hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! fucking die!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy getting balkanized you jew compromised anglo faeries.
Some British fag BTFO by German American Donald Trump
Get the fuck out potato nigger scum.
Phedophile Anglo Prince crying about Glorious Emperor of the East.
These British faggots never shut the fuck up. Enjoy their death boyz... we earned it.
The only scum around here is your pedophile queen and your god damn muslim mayor.
Eat shit and fucking die already.
See you british jews burn is the greatest moment of my life. Sink into the atlantic never to be heard of again.
IRA are communists.
Communism and nationalism don't jive.
Supporting the IRA is treachery because they sell drugs to Irish people, kill children and engage in every other kind of criminality you can think of.
They're not nationalists, they're not even Republicans at this point.
>Polk County, FL
>leading ancestry: black
That map is trash.
Some faggot british police officer. Common every day occurrence in England. Prince fag williams goes to gay bars for dancing lessons.
Along with pedophile parties, muslim mayors, skinny whiny little half jew anglo's on the internet dreaming about their 300 year old by-gone sailboats.
>Be anglo
>We wuz sailboat's 'n sheeit
It's hilarious England is being destroyed by the same way they destroyed Europe. Divide and conquer.
hahaha, love it!
there is a party called sinn fein that has connections with ira (they are communist/refugees lovers/etc) and they got about 13% in recent irish elections and 20% something in northern irish eelctions
Muh dying anglosphere hysteria.
Look up hashtag #anglosphere sometime... at least 30% are die hard zionist from Israel.
lmao, the english really are nothing but half white kikes. Good riddance.
Why are my fellow Americans so obsessed with trying to be Irish? Isn't American heritage good enough?
More now than ever I fully believe the British adapted Judaism, the same way the Khazar's did. Everything about their 'rule' is Talmudic in nature to the very core. Everything from the "Chosen One" superiority complex, to the "We created everything" delusion.
The British won power through social manipulation, divide and conquer, usury, taxes and pyramid market schemes.
The British Empire was Khazaria 2.0
Anglo's attacking absolutely everyone. Scots, Poles, Russians, Germans, Irish, Pakis, Niggers, Arabs.
These British kikes are nothing but Talmudic devils. None of them are as intelligent as the claim to be. All they have is a massive amount of smug attitude. Just like.......... Jews.
>16 posts by this ID
So tired of hearing about the bottom half of this retarded little fucking jew / muslim /cuck island called England.
Even their best Hero, quits like a coward before the battle even starts.
Just get the fuck out of the history books already.
Trump flew to Scotland during Brexit... not England.
Eat shit and fucking kill yourselves.
Huh? North Irish, south irish and british are white. All of their in-fighting has zero to do with race. Religion, power, etc yes. But race? Obviously not
>18 posts by this ID
Irish with a cushy job detected
status quo ftw!
That means new caledonia belings to Australia
Yes ofcourse
And a coward cuck
One's man terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter
Most people don't realize that the IRA have been hijacked by Marxists and are a bunch of fucking commies
Most people don't realize that England was sold out to the Jews by Oliver Cromwell in 1657 in order to financially compete with Denmark. It's been a Jew dominated nation ever since. Even the English Royal Bloodline is totally cucked by Jew Rothschild trillion dollar jewish dick.
It takes like five seconds to google "Oliver Cromwell and the Jews". Of course British cucks never want to know the truth. The smug chosenite gene is firmly embeded into their genes at this point.
The solution is full balkanization of the UK.
Cya,'s about time you were destroyed.
>The solution is full balkanization of the UK.
thats a really small island m8
All y'all crumpet Brits ITT better shut da hell up.
Y'all is oppressors up in here
We Wuz Potatoes n sheeeeeit.
Fuck all y'all, y'all needs to be payin fo dat shit.
If u Irish, u can't rape a Brit bitch cuz rape is assault + power
irish didnt have power over brits so Imma impregnate some fuck ugly brit girls and chav bitches for real yo