I think the main reason has to do with the concept of immigration. People think libertarians are for open borders, which doesn't seem like the case. Honestly it seems like most people here are just libertarians + race realists.
Why has libertarianism become unfashinable on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
The libertarian candidate is literally in favor of open borders.
Libertarians are in favour of open borders when there is absolutely no welfare, in any shape or form. Which I think is a solid stance.
his platform is more about being anti-trump than anything.
Stormfront invaded and then stayed.
Gary Johnson is pro-Hillary
I never called myself libertarian because they're for open borders. Fail.
Because younger people don't appreciate freedom and are generally dumber than 90's kids. Most of Sup Forumsacks are now born in late 90's or early 00's.
>the borders are open
>there's no welfare
>the shitskins flood in
>now they're a majority
>they vote for welfare
You people are fucking imbeciles.
Libertarians defend or revel in degeneracy
>Libertarianism favors open borders
This isn't true and dickheads basically don't understand the fundamental principles of Libertarianism.
The Libertarian ideology is good in theory but it would NEVER work.
t. reformed libertarian
Shitskins won't be able to survive without benefits. So they go to some other place. There is no welfare to vote for because it would not be the state's function, meaning that even if shitskins got to the country, they'd be too busy making money.
We'll get the good guys who actually want to better themselves via their hard work.
Personally they became less of
>we are sick of government we are a serious party
>we are like totally not Donald Trump guis
It used to seem like they could make a change given enough exposure but they turned into same crap different party.
After their "convention" and the embarrassment it was I realized the libertarian party never was and never will be anything more than a joke.
Also I grew out of a libertarian mindset and more into a national capitalist beliefs but with a smaller less controlling gov
many posters here would not do well in a libertarian society where merit is the only metric. so they turn towards their identity and nationalism that promises a position of all of the same kind.
>no goverment
because the massive shilling for molyneux has created a rediscovery of his old videos we used to trash
Libertarian in current year is basically, living your life the politically correct way. AKA madness
Not quite, they maintain the idea that you can decide for yourself to be a degenerate, but other people can refuse service or treat you like dirt because of it.
The ONLY rational political ideology is nationalism but with a free market and respect for human rights.
libertarianism is just leftism with open markets. Its just nihilist bullshit.
Sup Forums used to be good because at least some guys actually debate about roles of the governments, personal responsibilities and personal liberties.
Sup Forums actually argued why young kids cannot consent and tried to explain that in logical and rational manners.
Now that's just gone and fucking stormfags basically shut down the debate by calling it "muh degenerate". Those fascists have never appreciated personal liberties - they only use Libertarianism to defend their rights to speak statist nonsense.
Give fascists power, then they will silence all their critics by force, just like what SJW are doing now. Socialists by nature, Stromfags and SJW are basically same shit.
Because people here want emperor Trump to fuck them in the ass
Put down the pot, became pragmatic, and grew up.
What if I tell you, libertarianism is the ideology you have just described. Basically nationalism + free market.
libertarianism is a meme
Because libertarianism is just a transitional phase out of liberalism.
When you grow up, you realize that no, nothing will get niggers to integrate into society, equality is bullshit, and you need strong laws and strong enforcement of those laws to keep order.
The "non-aggression policy" of libertarianism is just an invitation for people who don't follow your philosophy to fuck up everything. The only thing that can save us at this point is ethno-centric fascism.
On Sup Forums or in general? I think the majority of college idiots heard Ron Paul talk about "crony capitalism", liberty, bailing out big banks, etc. and thought it was socialism. Then you say stuff like "Ron Paul doesn't want free health care" and they don't believe you.
Libertarians are the same as communists. They are supporting ideologues that ALWAYS have to fail in practice due to the nature of humans, so they attract only shutins with no life experience. And when you show them why the ideas are fail, they move the goal posts "hurr durr libertarians don't want open borders" (lie) or "hurr durr real communism has never been tried" (lie). Take that shit to reddit.
You already pay property taxes to pay for the fire department, why not a private service?
the problem is libertarians ARE stumping for open borders. they have been all fucking year and all of last year. the LP has gone fucking haywire.
"open borders" isn't compatible with private property rights.
because i'd rather not waste my money on something that will never happen.
a sprinkler system is far better than anything some fat fucks at the volunteer station can put out
cause they be open borders take a black cock up the ass for fear of being called a raseist cucks
this. anyone paying attention has seen it for themselves. national socialism leans left, towards big government. degeneracy is a real thing but natsoc isn't actually equipped to deal with it. only a far-right regime that stays out of social affairs leaves enough rope for degenerates to hang themselves with; if you use the state to try to fight it you'll only end up with more of it, like the war on drugs, the war on poverty, and war on terrorism.
when people think of libertarianism they often think of open borders, because we should all be free right? well, freedom =/= no borders and no laws. you NEED borders and laws to protect the freedom of your citizens. when you kill someone, you have violated the non aggression principle. so ofcourse we need laws to make sure this doesn't happen. now for closing the borders against refugees and muslims, taking in refugees is a risk. look at the increased crime rates, bombings, and billions of euros we've lost on them already. the rights of our own citizens are at risk the more refugees we take in. and i often hear ''well but that's not fair against the refugees that don't do anything wrong''. well we also have a law for drinking and driving, because drinking and driving increases the risk of accidents and deaths. so it would be the same to say ''well that isn't fair against those people that do drink and drive and dont get in accidents!''. it doesn't count. the least we can do is protect the freedom of our own citizens. and then i'm not even talking about all the taxmoney that alot of us don't even want to contribute to the refugees. that is a direct violation of freedom.
closed borders absolutely fit in libertarianism.
it was supported on Sup Forums as a fucking sarcastic joke you stupid nigger
>if you use the state to try to fight it you'll only end up with more of it
Remind me how many degenerates were running around in Germany in the 30s and 40s.
The big libertarian think tanks are funded by open borders corporatists who want cheap labor. Cato Institute is a good example, it gets lots of money from the Koch brothers, who are also funding the open borders favoring Gary Johnson. Maybe the rank and file libertarians don't want open borders, but their opinion means nothing. The shot callers who control libertarian candidates and think tanks want cheap labor, they want this flood of 20-30 million foreign nationals who do not have permission to be on our soil but who are here working and living anyway. They want to use this wave of barbarians to effect racial displacement of the founding stock of this country, and topple our government. There is no separating "libertarianism" from the aims and goals of the people controlling its official organs.
Coincidentally(?), the creators of this ideology are (surprise!) rootless cosmopolitan Jews. pic related
Any taxation, including to defend borders, violates nap
It's only morally consistent if it's funded voluntarily
Yeah people on pol often vehemently defend their positions or opinions on something despite not knowing anything about it.
this is true, has been true as long as the LP has existed.
free trade = free movement of goods, capital, and LABOR = open borders
my man. it makes such sense on paper tho.
>confuses anarchy w. libertarianism
not what the LP pushes. LP is anti-national, open borders party
I'm believe it should /not/ to be compulsory, I think you're arguing against nothing.
because my piece of shit neighbor will refuse to pay them and they won't start fighting the fire until it has spread to my house
What complete bullshit. How does restricting the movement of autonomous individuals fit with libertarianism? So if a company wants to bring in 1mil Mexicans for cheap labor, a libertarian government would stop them from doing so?
Libertarianism is only compatible with western culture, once you open the floodgates to the turd world or allow anti western ideologies to flourish you end up with the decay that plagues us today.
Anarcho-capitalism/libertarianism bases itself on the idea that government is corrupt but monopolized corporations somehow care for its consumers. It's just flat out retarded to think governments that are not for profit are somehow worse than for profit corporations.
>no legitimate or sensible libertarian figureheads
>expecting the bluepilled masses to respect each other and strive for reasonable livelihoods
>falling for the open borders meme
Right wing small govt libertarianism is the ideal system. Unfortunately goyim and primitive shitskins will inevitably ruin it, thus it can only function in a homogeneous society built on values that encourage independence, self sufficiency and liberty.
Perhaps we east asians and you whites can come to an understanding and cooperate on building this dream together, for our own benefits
Yeah, that's why Minarchy is better than anarchy. Under minarchy your neighbor could be charged for damages if it spreads to you, luckily you had protection to mitigate the damage though.
I don't mind taxes and a welfare state, as long as it's for white people only.
White/Asian Mars colony when?
This is essentially national socialism in a nutshell. I support it personally, though I'm not quite as violent or paranoid of Jews as Nazis are.
No one cares about theory in an election year. The candidate is the party is the ideology when we're voting tbhfamsmh libertarianism is effectively whatever johnson says for the rest of the year.
White people also abuse the system, it'll collapse regardless of what race uses it. Don't be an idiot.
because the average user is older now
Taxes for white people only?
>capitalism creates wealth
>wealth means less time being productive for most people
>they become decadent
>society experiences moral decay
>this also leads to normal people following social trends
>explaining why middle women from good families support BLM and go to tumblr
>then we become degenerate and hedonistic as a means to become entertained
Harry Browne explained it perfectly when he compared British hooligans to the IRA. He said the IRA were fighting for a cause, the hooligans did it for entertainment.
Another man, Siren Kierkegaard, had a somewhat similar view. He said that idle hands don't always cause mischief, intelligent will use idle time for intelligent purposes. Niggers And white trash will use it to break into liquor stores and have 25 kids.
Libertarianism promotes wealth and growth, Nat soc promotes quality societies with the belief that wealth will follow, but you will always strive to better society and yourself. Not sit around getting fat on fast food and vidya.
Pure capitalism can't deal with automation in the long run. We'll have to implement basic income soon, and I'm not fond of giving money to blacks.
A society of white people only. I should've been clearer.
>why has libertarianism become unfashinable on Sup Forums?
Because we grew up.
Stop trying to astroturf support for Gary 'Gun trashing open borders' Johnson, Applied Memetics.
This. Quality of character is not an attribute of race.
border control gives more freedom in times like these than the taxation of border control takes.
and why do people always think that libertarians want no state at all, no taxes at all, no nothing? ofcourse we need taxes and a state, we just want to minimize them as much as possible.
who said anything about the libertarian party? i'm libertarian except when it comes to immigration. i wouldn't vote for gary johnson and i'm not voting for the libertarian party in my own country either. i feel like the term libertarian is starting to change, just like the term liberal changed.
did you read my post at all? i already explained this. refer to the DUI analogy.
>Claiming free Trade essentially means free movement of people
>when nobody signs up such deals, except the EU
Basically Britremain's argument. Fascists are too stupid to realise the irony of it?
Pure libertarianism will never work, although you could say that about any form of government. Nothing is 100% pure, obviously welfare would still exist in some form and we will never have "open" borders. The basic concepts of fiscal responsibility and keeping the government out of citizens personal lives is something that I think could resonate with the working population.
Sup Forums still seems to be pretty libertarian economically, but immigration is a mess and we're only just starting to see how degenerate the pure nihilism of the left can really be.
libertarian nationalism is the true red pill philosophy
I feel like Trump is more libertarian - or at least classically liberal - than Johnson.
Trump wants to preserve the values that make America great, but Johnson just wants to send the country further into globalist hell.
>We'll have to implement basic income
Fascists are showing their true colour. They are not better than SJW when it comes to economy. Fucking illiterate socialist faggots.
No shit I'm a fascist, where do you think you are?
This is true, Trump is more libertarian than he is thought to be. Let's give him credits - his non-interventionalist foreign policy is a carbon copy of what Ron Paul has said for the last 30 years.
Literally the Judaism of ideologies
Because we need the state to help us live out out beta-incel rape fantasies. Retard.
Because people care more about "muh racial purity" than libertarian principals on Sup Forums these days. Blame the stormfags that took the place over.
to add on this the most influential person to Libertarians is the uber kike ayn rand
>A society of white people only. I should've been clearer.
Isolationism doesn't benefit countries, but instead stagnates economies.
There's nothing welfare state about national socialism though.
While NS has a lot of protections and benefits for families, they're things that have to be earned through national service rather than being free shit.
What website do you think you are on? Sup Forums was founded by a degenerate kid who wanted a anime imageboard and dreamed about becoming a little girl.
If you are really a fascist, then this isn't your place, now fuck off.
>refer to the DUI analogy
Yeah, very clever but it doesn't explain how you can liken a business bringing in millions of shitskins to drunk driving. Not "refugees" or Muslims, just cheap labor. How are you protecting the freedom of your own citizens when you intervene in their business operations? Where does it end? Who decides what freedoms are good for society or bad for it? The majority? Like I said, your post is complete bullshit.
t. Schlomo Shekelstein
National Socialism is an ultimate nanny state, you stupid. Nazi Germany was a better welfare state than the most of modern countries, you believe or not.
Trump takes the viable things from Paulite libertarianism, like a non-interventionist foreign policy and a fiscal policy designed to reduce national debt, but leaves out the utterly unaccaptabe and retarded shit that killed Ron Paul's chances like open borders and defunding basic federal programs.
This is why Trump is pulling more people than both Pauls combined, he took the sensible parts and left the rest behind.
Libertarianism was always a big meme. It dosn't mean anything anymore they would rather sell there county out to make a buck
>countries should be walled gardens like North Korea in order to preserve people who look like me because I'm very scared of people who don't look like me
>a fascist who wants basic income because 'automation someday'
An idiot is what you are.
Isolationism has nothing to do with immigration. You can trade without inviting in millions of barbarians.
Because lads here have shifted from a focus on economics policy to social policy. Libertarianism is generally more associated with the economics side of the political spectrum.
People don't take into account of the benefits an immigrant or a person with a work visa gets in our current system compared to a libertarian society.
There are things like public schools, hospitals, etc. and businesses that cannot discriminate against them, they also use these things on the tax payers dime.
In a libertarian society there is no government corralling millions of immigrants into certain areas with given benefits and with the people not allowed to refuse them any sort of service or tell them to fuck off.
>Fascist symbols
Minarchist Federalism is the ultimate form of government.
Too bad the only way for him to win the primary was act like an asshole and alienate over half of the country, essentially handing the presidency to a candidate who would not win against just about anyone else
>Ron Paul's chances like open borders
Ron Paul has never advocated open borders, you stupid dickhead. He basically said America should use resources to protect its border between America and Mexico rather than send its money to Israel.
Keep shilling, kike. Nobody here is buying it yet.
i don't see why it's so hard for you to understand. when you see the same kind of immigrants over and over again breaking the law, when you see that immigrants from certain countries cost taxpayers millions per year, then it's time to close the borders for those people.
it's like i'm arguing with a muslim.
Libertarianism also addresses social issues. For instance, Libertarianism argues that the government shouldn't interfere personal affairs, which can solve many stupid shits such as gay marriage.
NAP(non agression principle) is a bad idea. Libertarians, rather than being for liberty without any dogma have chosen to create a house of cards resting on that bad foundation.
The other political parties decide what their platforms will be from year to year without any rhyme or reason, which is more flexible and adaptable than deducing a platform from an axiom you selected without any rhyme or reason.
Democrats, Republicans, Greens, they are like clubs. Libertarians are closer to a religion.
Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.
First, immigrants are not by default barbarians. Second, Nazism will NEVER happen in America. It's a fringe ideology and we were a multicultural country from the beginning; our framework would never allow for it. Most conservatives would rather die fighting than for neo-Nazis to take a foothold in this country and erase the constitution, let alone liberals.
1945 was the year national socialism was reduced to dust for the imaginable future. It's not happening.
Muslim in your country and my country aren't usually qualified for any kind of visa under normal circumstances.
"Refugees" are basically undocumented and unqualified economic migrants who shouldn't be in your country and my country at the first place regardless of their religion or race.
Libertarianism argues that controlling your own borders is one of very few roles of the government.
Libertarian or not, realists understand that the only way to create a functional libertarian party in the US is to reform the republican party, not third part pipe dreams.
>libertarian except for immigration
because libertarians are for open borders
lol yeah, good one straya.
Free trade = free movement of goods, capital and labor.
Even the EU doesn't have free trade or drugs and weapons would be unregulated.
read reason.com. look at the LP site. it's official Libertarian position.
>anyone on Sup Forums who disagrees with me is a shill
I hope you recycle your tinfoil hats.