Here we discuss and debate the christian faith.
Atheists are more than welcome to join in the discussion, however I implore you that you keep your discourse and conversations constructive and well put together.
Thread theme:
/ChG/ Christian General - In our time of need edition
God doesnt exist lol
God exists in you, senpai.
is over there, friendo. Try not to make this mistake again.
No, he doesn't exist anywhere because he's not teal.
Why worship a Jew on a stick brother? Do you not see the chains by which it binds us? There is only one worthy of worship
Why would God be teal? I guess you can say he is teal.
Anyways, the concept of God exists with you. The scientific method is a completely different basis on judging whether or not something is real because it requires evidence. Religion is based upon faith. (Something that has indeed made me a very happy and contempt human being).
Le atheist convincing people he is smarter cuz no proof of god xdddd
Praise kek! Praise God!
It's just the way they think. It's the commies that have swayed the way of the west to favor that of atheism while completely ignoring the values it tries to preserve.
God obviously doesn't exist (at least not flying around in the sky) but religion can be awesome for instance people come together to celebrate, christmas easter and stuff like this, they even stop war at 24th and even though you might say meh i dont like christmas anyways, it's what keeps a community together.
Also religion once was superior to(/the origin of) politics and despite all the bad stuff, it is what made us advance A LOT, but nowadays it seems more like something in the way of advance (see sharia countries living in the 19th century) and we see it as negative because of all the wars and to be honest, I don't see anything positive in a religion only made for war (religion of peaces), I don't really believe in christianity either but for the people that do, it's nice and maybe a way to escape from the real life which can be kinda frustrating.
Thanks for making one of these user.
Blessing up this thread.
This. God doesn't exist as an omnipotent bearded man floating around doing cool stuff for people he exists as a concept of love and tradition and self control that we should all embrace in our hearts. Christianity is what has built a very very large part of Western Culture which is exactly why commies and globalists want to see it buried.
don't be naive, believe in Christ and save your soul, this life will pass but your soul lives forever
We don't believe God is a flying bearded man in the sky, that's how He (as the Father) is depicted in artwork, because it's either that, the burning bush, or the figure in the chariot that Ezekiel saw.
Christ exists though.
Also, religion had a huge influence on art and shows what humans are capable of doing if they really believe in something, because in the end no church had ever been built without the belief in god, it was often the only motivation which was not money back then and for some keeps being today, of course the church and pope were corrupt too and tried to get money for forgiving sins, but nothing is perfect.
“I recognized that my continuing resistance to theories of an afterlife or of heavenly residents was no justification for giving up on the music, buildings, prayers, rituals, feasts, shrines, pilgrimages, communal meals and illustrated manuscripts of the faiths.”
― Alain de Botton, Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion
(good book btw)
Christ was the Jews who said "Fuck Judaism"
The most notable instance of him being violently angry was when he was screaming at merchants to get the hell out of the temple because they were selling shit in a holy place
Tfw when atheistic/Nihlist but starting to really question the insanity thats occuring in this world. seems like a greater evil by which the likes of humanity has yet seen, and im with you matter what god we believe in or dont believe in....christians are good people....and i respect that fact.
That's not what I was talking about in any way.
The early followers of Christ considered themselves to be the correct version of Judaism. The point of it being considered a different religion happened later, and was partially due to a tax placed on the Jews.
I'm glad you feel that way, any religion has a home here unless it threatens western civilization like Islam does.
>tfw Jews were tax collectors and greedy merchants even in the Biblical tales.
God is going to show his power during this times, i pray so people can see it and accept Christ as saviour, save your life people! we are in a great moment in spiritual matters
There are people who would want to snuff out our cause, brother. I can foresee a time where all people accept Christ into their hearts and a time where I can happily call my neighbor my brother once again. That day is coming soon but only if we can sway people away from the path of Marx and PC culture.
>Le Jesus was jewish meme.
Anybody have the image?
American Orthodox Patriarchate when?
>Wanting to live in an aristocracy
It just means our Church would be autocephalous and independent from Constantinople.
How was church today?
Pretty nice fampai.
He's right though, not that that's a bad thing.
cuckstainity is nothing more than a tavistock psyop to bring the goys to heel
good tavi! keep worshipping the dead kike on a stick! he's coming any moment now for sure!
Sup Forums is a christian board, shill
Is pic related you? Be careful, you might cut yourself on that edge.
Did God create more humans right after Adam and Eve, or did Cain and Abel marry their sisters?
I know you would marry me
Are any of you part of the Knights of Columbus?
What are some good Christian Websites?
I'm a converting Atheist, to Catholicism anyway. Hope your days are good
really makes you think...
Not to mention that the northern european pagans converted to christianity by their volition...
I'm a member of The Knights of Columbus but I haven't been to many meetings recently.
As far as your second question, frankly, I don't think there are any really good Christian sites. Although I would love to be proven wrong.
I used to browse r Catholicism and a lot of Catholic blogs, but I don't think that any of them are especially helpful. They tend to be either superficial, unchallenging and thus uninteresting, or they are conservative leaning and are so bitter about the Church and the world that they are not edifying. Just go to mass and connect with some Catholic friends, real human contact and reading the classic spiritual works will help more that any Internet community.