I'm Going to Convert

I'm Going to convert. I like Old Testament God. I like how Jews will not go away, and run the shit, make the rules, manipulate, and win. Later, fags.

And YOU KNOW, I'll be getting some five star Heeb trim, as I will be the bad boy convert... Also, Heeb chicks like getting ass fucked, and I like ass fucking Heebs.
I'm out, Sup Forums. Best!

Other urls found in this thread:


self bumping LOL.
I'm not kidding.

well you have great start since i didnt understand half of what you just said.

It's going to be a mid-life troll. The longest, most elaborate, beneficial, troll, this World has ever done saw.



Jews don't treat coverts like jews. Jewishness is something you get ethnically from your mother according to their own religion. They look at themselves as oppressed and don't get why someone would want to be the victim of anti-semitism all the time like they are.

Nice blog faggot

great thread faggot, now go play in traffic

It's more about attitude, and me controlling it... Hard to explain without music:

Jesus still loves you, OP.


Taking too much time away from your BBC in Jap cartoon twat?
Beat it. My thread, fucking computer stranger

Thanks, Yo.
May MY GOD rain some stones down on these New Testament cunts.

>Heeb trim

Cunt, make your own thread, about how little and beta you feel, with your soul... Little bitch.


Later, pent up 2nd stringers.
I'm a fucking Jew now... I just declared it to best God. Best watch your back Sup Forums, as you have been infiltrated... and I've seen you feeble ways.

Nah. Plenty of reformed Jews that will love me, tell me the secrets.

Do you ever fear that you are on a list, or many lists, for stupid shit you do online?
I don't. My online presence is more of a resume.

Notice how much make-up she cakes on to make herself look paler.


Am I done, Bob?
nothing happening here, as you can see. Have you looked at what they call "catalog?" Pretty sick shit. I'm out.

Thanks, Bob. Drinks.

Is this some sort of homosexual documentary?

More or less...
It's pretty fucking good flim though

The Old Testament is just based as fuck, there's no other way to put it

I mean just take the story in Genesis where Lot is raped by his daughters and at the end of the story it ends with a valuable moral lesson: The offspring created from that sex produced the ancestors of the Moabites and the Ammonites. (Israel's neighboring enemies)

They basically put a whole story in their holy book just to make a point about insulting their neighboring tribes and calling them a bunch of incestuous bastard spawn. God damn I love the Old Testament, it's pure entertainment.

why are you still here?
You said you were leaving you sack of shit.