Le falklnads aer english xD

le falklnads aer english xD

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They are
You literally cannot prove me wrong

Excellent post

Even we fucking have a more legitimate claim to the Malouines than fucking Argentina, its litteraly "Its close to us so it must be ours" autism.

Literally the best reason for annexing a territory
Not the best though if the locals can't be convinced

That isn't the official argument, but Sup Forums seems really fixated about it

St. Pierre et Miquelon should be ours

Was good enough for you to claim Corsica.


that's because any kind of serious discussion is banned on Sup Forums.

It all comes down to having different mentality. While Hispanics (including spain) has the Utis possidetis (may you continue to possess such as you do possess), the anglo-saxons have I DO WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.

We didnt wage war for Corsica out of some irredentist autism, we bought it from Genoa because they had debts.

How can you not give them self-determination?
I mean, it seems like every people on the island is in that picture

that's not the reason though

daily reminder

OK, what is it then? Serious question.

What are you going to do about it?

the british empire stole it in 1833, the islands were occupied by us, there were argentinian people living in there and the sovereignty of the islands were ours

Fake news. If I evict a squatter from my house I'm not "stealing" anything from them. Also they were Germans and Argentina was not a country.


>They were Germans and Argentina was not a country

holy fuck what kind of version of the story is that

We started to be a country in 1810

>it's ok when the UK does it

OK well ignoring semantics, I guess you kind of were a country. But your borders are different to then - by the same token you should consider parts of Brazil and Bolivia along with Uruguay rightful clay. You don't see Germans claiming Kalingrad, and that happened 70 years ago, not 184..

A shanty-town of 40 (mainly German) settlers that lasted for 4 years does not trump the rights of the British (mainly Scottish) settlers who have been there ever since. Frankly, if you'd not invaded in '84, they would likely be under your control already but it's not going to be politically feasible here until my generation is in the ground as our fathers generation fought in that war.

But you already know all this because the topic is done to death here and that's why it's just memes


Don't worry we will remain "neutral" as always

what the fuck

I understand that you want to defend your country but remember that history is written by the victors
What the british empire did was not okay, they tried to take the islands many years ago and they failed because spain would kick their asses out.
In 1833 they took advantage that Argentina was starting to be an independent country and it wasn't a good idea for us to start a war against the UK since we had commercial treats with your country

You can see there are a few legal voids and gray areas all over the place, like the UN declaration allowing self determination, while at the same time having a '58 convention that excludes it in some situations.
But then again, if it was so easy to determine, our governments would have given up a century ago

Adding to this guy: The UN already established that the area in blue are territorial waters of argentina.

>Under the terms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Article 59 disputed and overlapping claims have no legal force until the dispute is resolved between the opposing parties.
Sure, let's try to sail one of our warships around there, I'm sure the RN will let us through

This is the new generation of argentine posters that came from Taringa this week...

Say hi, and make a lot of rudepost against this shithole to give them a huge welcome.

What navy?
Pic related is the entire permanent presence there since 2015.


I love this kind of banter

i thought i would never see a kelper poster

>Taringueros memes
Is this 2015?

argentina WILL get the islands its just a matter of time and we will help them achieve it

That map claims waters that are ours. We do patrol them and take down anything that is not in accordance with our law or international law. Grow up, and get a navy before claiming shit that you can not hold

That's as realistic as Israel recognizing the palestine state

but they are, the falkland islands belong to our greatest ally, the british

Nice shit rare

When will the Falklands be returned to their rightful owner?

> mfw the mere mention of rocks causes argentinians to sperg out in rage

Malvinas son Argentinas and I say that unironically. USA helping the UK in that war was a disgrace.


I'd expect at least a strongly worded letter from the UK, and that ship escorting any Argentinian ship back into the waters that the UK recognizes as Argentina.
Allowing a ship, especially a warship with an Argie flag to sail waters that the UK recognizes as its own without a permit would trigger a mini sabre rattling and demands of "the fuck are you trying to do? start another war?" from both governments



I want to build a time machine and kill peron's mother

You have no ships what the fuck are you talking about, There's nothing to escort get a fucking grasp of reality you utter cunt

>It's another "Argentina's upset they lost an irrelevant set of islands to one of the most powerful countries in the world" episode

Let me hug you ;_;
I'm sorry for losing a chance in World cup, you still have the murican ones tho, so don't give up!

No warships and no chance of getting any decent one for at least 30 years man. Don't worry tho, just protect your adjacent waters, we'll protect you from foreign invasions as long as they come from the sea

There are over a dozen frigates and destroyers active right now along a couple submarines, but that's besides the point, because I'm proposing a fictitious scenario. The fuck is wrong with you?

The dark blue stuff is not "your" water and obviously the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are "defacto" British (this map makes it look like they are Argentine) and the Antarctic territory is disputed by Argentina, Chile and UK.

200 miles is the extent of the EEZ - The Falkland Islands are something like 350/400 miles from Argentina at their closest point anyway - so it doesn't really "steal" any of "your" waters anyway - I also think that map is slightly generous in that regard anyway.

Finally, 12 miles is the extent of territorial waters (EEZ 200) so no, the UN doesn't recognise all the ideas in blue as the territorial waters of Argentina, lol.

I don't think there will be another war. The reason there is no naval presence in the South Atlantic is exactly because there is no tangible threat from Argentina. From my understanding your navy regularly fuck with British/Islander oil exploration and fishing within the Falklands EEZ anyway.

See above btw. If you came within 12 miles it would be escorted away and probably spark a diplomatic incident of some kind (or at least make The Sun headlines) as this is the extent of territorial waters as per international law/norms.

I honestly find this subject pretty exhausting and avoid these threads or just meme. Argie posters aren't even bad, but whenever the Falklands (Malvinas if you like) come up all I see is autistic screeching.

In my opinion it's very sad that Peron originally stirred up this nationalist sentiment, nobody gave a shit before the 50s. And you haven't accepted the outcome of the war gracefully but doubled down adding it to your constitution and references everywhere. It's really sad.

If you look at the actual history from whatever lense they are clearly disputed and there was a British settlement on the islands at the same time as the Rio Plata one.