My daughter is a slutty sorority girl who wants to marry a rich chad when she's older so she can live off of his money

>My daughter is a slutty sorority girl who wants to marry a rich chad when she's older so she can live off of his money

>I recently found out my son is bisexual and supports BLM by looking at his Twitter, also he's a shut in weeb, I was disappointed in him before but I at least assumed he posted on various boards here all day and not on Tumblr or whatever the fuck.

Where did I go wrong Sup Forums? I thought I was a good father growing up, I tried to instill right wing values but I also tried to give them enough freedom so that I wouldn't be a crazy overbearing liberal parent.

Other urls found in this thread:

You let them make poor choices.

I can't really give slut advice, though. I'd say that should have changed like 5-10 years ago.

Well you didnt beat them well ur daughter is smart she is fine senpai but ur faggot son must get hell of a beatings well its too late now you can only tell him what happened to freddie mercury kek

god damn how old are you bro?

perhaps take a dna test to make sure you have not been cucked.

How would I have stopped them from making choices? I restricted what clothes my daughter would wear, gave her a curfew, etc. She still became a slutty sorority girl when she went to college. I made sure my son put in a ton of effort in school, and made sure he was focused on academics, when he went to college he still almost failed out and now can't find a job. The bi/BLM thing I don't even know how I could have prevented.

I have no idea how to raise a girl. Like seriously, how the fuck do you do that? The best advice I would have is to send them to a religious school, but even then they'll just end up doing butt stuff.

>Your son
Yeah, I wouldn't do that. How old is he?

What about the mother? Where does she play in all of this?

Not sure what you mean, he's 22.

>letting your daughters go to college

They are literally slut camps. Instead have their mother teach them to cook, sow, clean and any other duties a good conservative Christian woman needs to find a suitable husband. Career women are worthless anyway.

should've given him a brother, brothers almost always compete to be the best, so at least they'll make something of themselves

Tell your son if he likes Japanese shit so much he should look at their immigration policies.

I work a bit as a life coach (I'm also legally allowed to marry people in my state because I used to be a pastor)

Most men tend to work better, in my experience, if you just tell them to do their own thing and pull out supports.

Well, someone made this a while back and this is probably the best advice I've got.

Seriously, hedonism results in numbness and people will try to do other things. Constantly interfering tends to make people self conscious and not feel responsible for their own success.

If you're not bonding with him, I'd honestly go to a gun range. Weebs like violent bullshit, and it's vaguely masculine.

The real problem is trying to figure out what a person responds to; like a gentlemen I'm meeting with right now is a huge annoying faggot that is obsessed with baseball and nothing else. If it was me, I'd be like "Go read these books. Go on a diet. Go to this class to meet people. Report back to me in a month"

But goddamn, it is hard if they don't read, understand that results take time, or understand that social skills are built from interaction.

There is not much you can do user without foregoing their love in the short term and delaying it for the long run.

I'm only 19 but my dad instilled right wing values to me growing up. He did so because we had an open, intellectual household and we would often debate and talk about genetics, race, etc. But besides that, he would hit me and force me to work, I was a busy kid who played sports and worked jobs. He wasn't Mr. nice guy, he was an old school drunk who worked hard and forced me to do the same. He prepped me when I was younger for the military, I would wake up and he would play reville and I would march to breakfast.

It's to late now but open discussion coupled with rigid principles sets the path, it worked for me and I will be doing the same for my child.

>Where did I go wrong Sup Forums?
You spent your time posting on a peruvian rabbit breeders' forum.

You let them watch too much TV, they're American etc.

Remind your daughter that she has a lot of competition and the window closes when she hits 30. If she can at least get into grad/professional school then she can meet someone decent.

I don't think anyone could support BLM if they know who George Soros is.

As a man of God, what would your best advice for young males in western society currently be? Everything is really hammering us fucking hard, and most women are just sluts and whores now, and I specifically mention the women because it bothers me how we have totally lost numerous generations of women to degeneracy.

It's your fault. But not really. Let me explain.

See what passes for "parenting" these days is so fucking astronomically far from what it should be, it isn't even funny. Let's use a made up distance, let's say today's average parent is about 100 meters off from where an actual good parent should be.

Then there are "good parents" today's good parents are where yesterday's dogshit terrible parents were. A "good parent" today is probably 50 meters off the mark.

Here is what an actual good parent would do in today's day and age. First of all, there is no way in fuck I would let any impressionable child attend public school in 2016. You're just begging for them to be corrupted and indoctrinated in all kinds of deeply degenerate shit if you send a child there today. Homeschooling your kid alone will probably bring you 70% of the way to having a good kid grow up to a good human being. The other 30% from doing gender appropriate shit with your child, for a boy that means regular shooting lessons together, maybe play some history themed board games and teach him the significance of the battles, maybe build a model airplane together. For a female, maybe modest shopping with mom, a trip with the family to Disney world, or teaching her how to cook every evening. Fuck maybe build her a playhouse in the backyard.

Again. Please don't feel defeated. The world is just too fucked up nowadays. I do believe you tried to be a good parent, but you also tried to "be normal" so they wouldn't feel different than their peers. You said:

> I tried to instill right wing values but I also tried to give them enough freedom so that I wouldn't be a crazy overbearing liberal parent

This is where you went wrong man. The world is too fucked up now. It's too degenerate. You have to shelter children from this until their minds are fully developed.

If this is a serious post, it isn't brutally enforcing the notion in your kids that if they want your love, your respect, and privileges, they have to make something of themselves, preferably academically.

She gun get got bro

>How would I have stopped them from making choices? I restricted what clothes my daughter would wear, gave her a curfew, etc. She still became a slutty sorority girl when she went to college

I can't really answer this question, but I'm sure it's been discussed fully somewhere.

> I made sure my son put in a ton of effort in school,
You should have made his entire life school, so when he went to college, he wouldn't know to do anything else but that.

You let them go on the internet and watch talmudvision

Brainwashing is a hell of a drug

>You let them go on the internet and watch talmudvision

it all boils down to this. What the hell were you thinking?

To be productive, and to defend yourself.

Invest in skills, education, and self improvement, and people will become attracted to you as you create value.

By defending yourself and your property, you safeguard against the transgressions of those who want what you produce, but are unwilling to create.

Are you trying to find women in the right places? For instance, if you're going to clubs, but you hate clubs, you're probably not going to like the women there.

Find traditionalists. They're truly the salt of the earth, and likewise the foundation of any society.

Don't worry Dad, remember that here in Utopia, we take an extra long time to fully mature. This sounds like they are proceeding along nicely. They are just "trying out' the paradigm of what they perceive as modern culture, heavily influenced by their peer-group. When life gets serious for them, they will have the good values and morals you instilled in them. that is when they will remember that you were right about most things after all. Then they will turn to you for wise counsel. Just give them space and love and respect in the meantime.

Having children noways is hopeless.

The only possibility for it to work is if you go live in a farm, off the grid and homeschool them.

Thanks for the image. Asians obviously don't follow this philosophy of child-rearing, yet their success speaks for itself. How can Western parents imitate them in raising children?

Post of the thread.

The condensed version.

If your kids don't interact with modern media (or go to modern left-wing schools), they stand an infinitely better chance of being sane.

based irishman

1) You let your daughter go to university.
2) You let them make their own choices. The point of a parent is to guide and show the right way.

The same reason Orthodox Jewish families have successful children; they raise them in a bubble. Upper class Asian families are successful because the culture itself reinforces the necessity of it.

If you're not willing to completely split your children from their peer groups and the culture around them, you have to adjust for the culture.

It's sew.

Were you too much of a coward to disparage sluts and niggers and video games? Was your marriage not worth emulating?

Alright, you've confirmed my more in my thought on the ideal way to raise children.

sucks, sorry OP if ur being serious

look at it this way. dont try to save for their inheritance. spend it all and have a great time, and kick them out asap

You know exactly what I mean. I don't like traditionalists, because they have told me numerous times that men should just "man up" and take all the abuse and hardships, meanwhile women won't lose one iota of their privilege, and they won't be punished for anything, and in the end, they'll be rewarded with a "real man" despite doing nothing to deserve it.

Real traditionalists are long dead, and they would side with me on this issue.

I don't look for women in clubs, but yeah, there is sluts and whores there too. They are everywhere.

Your daughter's plan is terrible, that rich chad will just marry a tight 18 year old if he ever gets married. She either needs to marry right now or she'll have to settle for a loser when she's older.

Op, just give them a hard slap and tell them to man up and stop being faggots. Slap them when they perform degenerate actions.

She has gone to University, she is already useless now. Universities turn normal girls into the worst women on Earth.

Should have homeschooled

Why is a problem beeing bisexual?

I can't really tell you if that's the most morally sound way to raise children, though.

For instance, really stringent Jewish families tend to be happy, but they're completely oblivious to anything outside of their niche'. Is morality that is simply imprinted upon you as valuable as morality you've found and hold sacred?

For instance, I always found die hard Catholics interesting because it had very much become heartless for them. E.g., giving communion had lost any real feeling of sanctity because they were brought forth in it.

So, yeah, if you want your children to think more similar to you and your values, you raise them in a bubble.


>You know exactly what I mean. I don't like traditionalists, because they have told me numerous times that men should just "man up" and take all the abuse and hardships, meanwhile women won't lose one iota of their privilege, and they won't be punished for anything, and in the end, they'll be rewarded with a "real man" despite doing nothing to deserve it.

Well, what is important to you and what do you want?

As much as I hate to agree with the home schooling bit (mainly because going to public school gave me some of the best memories of my life) I have to say it IS different now and I only graduated 4 years ago. As much as it sucks to admit, our children just won't have the same experiences we did going to a public school.

My dad works as a tard wrangler in an elementary school and you would not believe the shit they say at the conferences they have for educators. And the old school teachers are dying off quick...

>letting your daughter go to college
there's where you went wrong.

Sounds like too many restrictions with little reward.

So you're saying kids should be raised in a safe space? How has that been working out for millennials?

Millennials are being raised in a leftwing bubble. You have to counter it with a rightwing bubble.

Give em shit. read up on r/K. They are the way they are because they are swimming in resources and an easy life. If you submerge them in conflict they'll Kify

>Is morality that is simply imprinted upon you as valuable as morality you've found and hold sacred?

I'm sorry, but let the kids learn from the school of life after they get into HYPSM, though being told that if they become criminals, have casual sex, become delinquents, or become addicted to drugs, they're degenerate and will be cut off.

>So, yeah, if you want your children to think more similar to you and your values, you raise them in a bubble.

I'm willing to do this and recommend it, but it's socially frowned upon and very nearly impractical for most people. But I guess there's always homeschool.

It's your fault for being a prick of a father.
Wahhhh i wanna impose my values on someone by force.
Fuck yourself. Enjoy your black grandkids.

How do I stop masterbating?

Seriously I think it's making my physically ill. I catch the cold at least twice a month. I have no energy to do anything. One time I was able to stop masterbating for a week and it was one of the most productive weeks of my life.

I actually did take my son to a shooting range several times when he was 12. He really didn't like it, it took him a long time to even hit a target. Also one time the range didn't have enough earplugs so I opted not to wear them, it damaged my hearing which still affects me to this day.

Otherwise there's lots of good advice being thrown around it seems.

>So you're saying kids should be raised in a safe space?

Well, those are safe spaced, but of the exact opposite kinds. The difference is that they'll have to learn to respect differences of opinions and lifestyles, unlike modern kids who are taught that saying hello to a woman is rape.

>BLM supporter

Do you really have to ask what is the problem?

Imposing your own values on your children is the best way to convince them to think exactly the opposite

sometimes kids just turn out shitty no matter what you try, its just who they are

>I'm sorry, but let the kids learn from the school of life after they get into HYPSM, though being told that if they become criminals, have casual sex, become delinquents, or become addicted to drugs, they're degenerate and will be cut off.

Don't apologize for having values, but still, it is definitely something I've been weighing. I was raised extremely liberal and fell out of it and somehow I feel that makes me more well balanced, but I also post life advice on a Taiwanese tuna canning board.

Is a moral framework that is completely dependent on another as moral? I really don't fucking know. Results do matter.

>I'm willing to do this and recommend it, but it's socially frowned upon and very nearly impractical for most people. But I guess there's always homeschool.
There are definitely religious schools. You can always hire a tutor. Personally, I'd homeschool if I had could afford the time to do so.

Seriously consider this: buy a dog collar. Either wear it or have it at your side, or wear it. Every time you consciously indulge in thought that lead to masturbation, shock yourself.

Basically, a much cheaper version of this.

Ouch, sounds rough. Like usually gun ranges are something people, even those who are opposed, tend to like the experience of.

What were you even thinking OP?

Let me guess, they went to public school.

Honestly, I have no idea why people let their daughters go to college. It is basically just paying lots of money for hundreds of men to fuck your little girl and undo 18 years of correct raising.

There's nothing normal about being raised by mass media or by the government.

I want a decent woman for a wife that isn't a slut or a whore and can actually contribute some womanly attributes to the relationship. That shit is long dead in the west. I will only be a "real man" for a woman that fucking deserves it. Traditionalists are too dumb to understand this.

Family, friends, enjoying myself, and fulfilling a greater purpose are all important to me, but I have noticed for years now how western civilization has turned it's back on anything and everything decent.

You should have forced your son to do sports and join a team in high school and middle school.
I was in very real danger of becoming a worthless cunt like your son as well. My two best friends saved me by helping me escape my shitole town and party over in their predominantly jewish town which made me feel like a man. There's no going back now though, all hope is lost.

Disown him

>There are definitely religious schools.

I attended Catholic schools from Pre-K to 10th grade, and I didn't find it any more morally instructive than the public charter school I attended from 10-12th grade. And it's not possible that I'm some sort of psychopath or idiot who can't absorb well moral teaching because the students that I came across weren't much better.

>Personally, I'd homeschool if I had could afford the time to do so.

I haven't thought about it until now, but I would just drop off the kid at a daycare with the instruction that they had to learn certain materials while they were there, and then just leave them home alone when they were old enough.

At least he's Bi. Maybe one day he'll choose to stop sucking cocks.

>Wake up
>Reality is worse than the nightmare

I'm another guy with the same problem, and maybe I'll do this or something like it. Cheers!

take finasteride, it wrecked my sex drive

Well, fampai, I'm not going to feed you ego stroking bullshit about what you deserve.

Women are fundamentally attracted to value you; this is going to be much more relevant to a traditional woman. Acquire value. Have principles. Try to put yourself in situations that you will probably find a girl that shares your values. Simply the act of acquiring value will make your daily life more pleasant if nothing else.

I keep telling you guys that there are older guys are on Sup Forums get off the muh young meme. If it was nothing but young people here it would be 110% shitpost without any depth.

You sound like an idiot. Just shut up.

Kids are still getting at least half their mentoring from the outside world, this is why it's not enough to be a libertardian and blame good people for how their children turned out in an increasingly corrupted world

You can't just ignore the jew and let degenerates be degenerate out in public, it WILL corrupt good people no matter how you try to shelter them

As a parent, you force your children to do things, wtf? Take them to church or put them to work. By the time they are old, obeying the ways of your household, even when they are on their own should come as second nature.

My dad used to hit me whenever I broke the rules of the house, best decision he ever made as a parent. The only problem I have though is that I notice I'm afraid of my superiors (my supervisor and my boss).

>I attended Catholic schools from Pre-K to 10th grade, and I didn't find it any more morally instructive than the public charter school I attended from 10-12th grade. And it's not possible that I'm some sort of psychopath or idiot who can't absorb well moral teaching because the students that I came across weren't much better.

I was raised in public school, and I wouldn't send my kids to them.

>I haven't thought about it until now, but I would just drop off the kid at a daycare with the instruction that they had to learn certain materials while they were there, and then just leave them home alone when they were old enough.

Really, what is the community you're shooting for? If you have a traditional community, you could definitely find a tutor to educate your kid.



It's a great investment if your daughter is ugly.

A parent needs to teach their kids how to make good choices themselves, rather than impose choices on them. My parents, for better or worse, let me fall on my own ass to the point of neglect. But I learned overtime how to make my own decisions; I started degenerate, then slowly became normal.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still a fuck up. But I'm a responsible fuck up.

What are your kids going to school for?

Let? At 18 years old she's grown. She should be in college out in her own.

Hey, Pastornon? If you would help me, I have a question. How do I be better?

>I was raised in public school, and I wouldn't send my kids to them.

I live in a somewhat small town. The kids were actually nicer than what I was used to because it seems that single-sex environments have a tendency to make men animals. It could have been much worse, but the three Catholics schools that I attended weren't nearly good enough.

>Really, what is the community you're shooting for? If you have a traditional community, you could definitely find a tutor to educate your kid.

I'm interested in something that could be effected wherever I went and even if I could afford a tutor, my kid would still have to learn most things by self-study.

Have ugly children and give them developmental issues through awkward parenting, it's the only way to make them spend the early years of their adult life learning to become a person instead of becoming a worthless piece of shit.

Doesn't sound like you went wrong anywhere, assuming you're not omitting anything purposefully or just unaware of your own fuck ups. People are people, anything that can happen will happen. Sorry it's happening to you. Maybe consider taking up drinking.

I can't stop masturbating, but I try not to orgasm because I know that'd just make it worse. I almost gave myself a hernia several times. I still can't stop

>I'm interested in something that could be effected wherever I went and even if I could afford a tutor, my kid would still have to learn most things by self-study.

Well, hopefully you have the time to homeschool.

Did you lead by example? My father basically red pilled me from birth, had me read the Bible despite him having his own beliefs and taught me classical Christian values. Would never hit me, just sat me down and spoke to me whenever I fucked up and never raised his voice. He was a very gentle man but he made sure I understood the basics of ethics and the like. Really pushed me academically but was always there to help me with my homework, used to it down with me and we'd do it together.

I think a lot of parents fail to understand just how much time investment is needed to create a good human being. You can't just yell at your kid to go do their homework then sit in the lounge watching the football. You need to make yourself available and show your children that you value and believe in them. Dad was always available no matter what, never too tired or too busy to sit down with me and explain something or teach me something. A lot of parents these days wear out too easily, always disgusted when I see parents out for dinner with their little ones playing on fucking iPads. That's how you ruin a generation, mark my words.

>jewish town which made me feel like a man.

Please consider doing what the spongebob in your pic is doing, thanks.

It's the environment and culture, you can't completely control your kids and you can't control what they are exposed to. You do your best to show them what's right and hopefully they will make the right choice.

I don't have kids but, here is some advice form a 25 yr old guy: If your daughter wants to live off a guy she should stop being so slutty and date an engineer that's older than her, not in college. Explain SMV?

Dunno about your son. Hopefully he'll figure shit out for himself. That's how it is for me.

Learn to let go, you tried your best. Just be there to support them if they fuck up.

Well the idea is to spend just enough time with the kid to make sure they've self-studied well enough, (i.e., examinations), though this is hardly the ideal situation, which would be a boarding school with strictly enforced morals, or the even more ideal situation of a tutor frequently coming to test and grade homework.

This is why I'm gonna spank my kids.

Nice. There you go OP. You just sexually repressed your daughter and son stunting social growth at critical points and then letting go once they hadn't even learned what they needed from critical stages of development. Not really your fault. You did better than most.

Can I have your daughters number? Maybe I can give her a solid red pill

>My daughter is a slutty sorority girl who wants to marry a rich chad when she's older so she can live off of his money
That is a smart choice, but remember, she has to actually marry the rich Chad and can't just be a fuckbuddy.

>son is a fag
get him a job or job skills and kick him out of the house so he can acquire currency and disregard women.

it's okay OP, we too hate your kids.

I just got out of high school. I've grown up with people who've been allowed to wear and do whatever they wanted, and they're the worst of the bunch.