Do black lives really matter?
I have had nothing but shitty experiences with black people.
Do black lives really matter?
I have had nothing but shitty experiences with black people.
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Where do you live?
Fuck your luck mate.
m me 2
I've never had a nigger problem here in California
Weird. I though you were gonna say something like Detroit. I don't know why blacks are being shitty over there. I live outside of KC and the blacks are pretty based
No, they don't. They're subhuman scum that terrorize our kids and leech off of civilization whilst destroying it.
I'm black, I contribute to society and follow the rules
Keep up the good work
I had some good friends in the military who happened to be black. Got along fine, for the most part they were trying to escape their origins.
When I went back to college I wound up with a 19 year old black roommate who was the biggest fucking nignog I ever met. Broke into my room, stole some shit. Suddenly started acting like a little angel after I filed a police report.
One night he was involved in a brawl in the parking lot...the cops were there 45 seconds after I dialed 911, fastest response I've ever seen. That incident, plus various evidence of property damage and a couple of undisclosed pets, was enough to get the shithead evicted.
Makes it hard to remember those that I could trust my life with.
Congratulations on being a normal person.
This OP image cured my racism
They matter, but that doesn't mean whites should have the burden to look after them when blacks have the right to look after their own kind first.
I don't understand why people are afraid of the USA to balkanize.
That would be the best thing ever, so different people with different cultures, ethnicities and values could live by themselves without having to handle with eachothers bullshit.
The USA was a mistake, and from slavery to 1965 immigration act, its lack of cohesion and its identity and cultural disputies make it auto-sabotage itself ad infinitum.
lol I troll u
>I have had nothing but shitty experiences with black people.
>Women amiright? I have had nothing but shitty experiences with them
>Liberals, I have had nothing but shitty experiences with them
At some point user, you might have to look in the mirror and realize the problem might be that you are the shitty experience for everyone else.
Tgis makes no sense, people who are shitty experience for other most times don't realize it or don't care. It's a shitty experience for others, not themselves.
consider all the people you ever met who thought being around you was a shitty experience
does that mean your life doesn't matter?
i've had different encounters with different people
their lives are just as shitty as mine
why hate them for having a shitty life
no one can help being shitty at times
are you perfect OP?
OP is a faggot
And I expect there are many African Americans who have had nothing but similarly poor experiences with 'white' people. What was your point again?
Why don't we start sending our condolences to this unmoderated guestbook? lol pic related:
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