ITT we explain why the Western world went to shit.
I'll start
> 20th century eugenics is demonized by Christians.
>Hitler becomes face of eugenics and evil.
>Eugenics is completely unacceptable after WW2.
>Genetic stock of West goes to shit.
ITT we explain why the Western world went to shit.
I'll start
> 20th century eugenics is demonized by Christians.
>Hitler becomes face of eugenics and evil.
>Eugenics is completely unacceptable after WW2.
>Genetic stock of West goes to shit.
>Letting jews take control of our society and negroes influence our culture
>allowing women to vote
Yeah. Jews oppose eugenics despite having practiced it for millennia. Don't allow recognition of nig degeneracy.
Fucking mobile phones and social media as a whole man I swear to god. I constricted my internet use to an hour or two on Sup Forums and the like a day and deleted all my social accounts. Turned my phone off when I wasn't using it or expecting a call as well. My attention span and general willpower literally tripled, I stopped thinking "Oh no I don't want to read a book when I could fucking browse Facebook aimlessly for 5 hours" and started thinking "Sweet how can I improve myself with this free time?"
This is a big one. Pretty much allowing slaves to become citizens and allowing minorites to vote put the western world (the U.S. in particular) down an irreversible path of internal strife.
I deleted all social media about 4 years ago. It's a disease of the soul. Life improved a lot.
You clearly didn't read Spengler's book if that's what you think.
Not claiming Splenger has anything to do with my argument. Chose that pic because it's relevant to Western decline.
French revolution and the subsequent belief in equality is the root of all evil.
Beginning of the end, senpai
Not sure how anyone ever bought that horseshit.
OP, not a bad theory, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Spengler.
I know that. The thread isn't just about my theory. Chose pic because relevant to broad topic.
The human animal is opportunistic, short-termist, socially fixated, herd mentality.
Had big jumps to do to get further. In particular to reconcile individual egoic intellect with externalities. Didn't make it.
>2 world wars wipe out tens of millions of Europeans needlessly
Fertility rates, We could have any measure of degeneracy as long as fertility rates stayed above 2,1.
For whites?
>be HR department
>''hmm, he has a solid resume, I think we will offer him the job''
>lets check his facebook first
>he doesn't have one?
>I think we we will pass, don't want some anti social lunatic working here who will eventually murder us all
Sorry senpai
>implying I don't have a job.
>Let's hire these attention whore man-children instead
Social media is just 21st century gossip
That's probably a very comforting image if you're from a race that has contributed very little to the modern world.
LinkedIn maybe, but kikebook? Sorry syrup licker, employers don't really give a shit.
This thread sort of explains it ^
Immigration from places other than europe, allowing women to vote, colonies existing in the first place, the 'enlightenment' which was basically the birth of liberalism, democracy, dissolution of traditional structures
This right here.
Agreed. Merkel gives good indication of what women's hyper-empathetic nature does when politically empowered.
>>Genetic stock of West goes to shit.
What about the Muslim world then?
corporations + materialism = rancid failure
it's a shithole
the fact that its peoples are genetically shit explains why.