ITT we explain why the Western world went to shit.
I'll start
> 20th century eugenics is demonized by Christians.
>Hitler becomes face of eugenics and evil.
>Eugenics is completely unacceptable after WW2.
>Genetic stock of West goes to shit.
ITT we explain why the Western world went to shit.
I'll start
> 20th century eugenics is demonized by Christians.
>Hitler becomes face of eugenics and evil.
>Eugenics is completely unacceptable after WW2.
>Genetic stock of West goes to shit.
>Letting jews take control of our society and negroes influence our culture
>allowing women to vote
Yeah. Jews oppose eugenics despite having practiced it for millennia. Don't allow recognition of nig degeneracy.
Fucking mobile phones and social media as a whole man I swear to god. I constricted my internet use to an hour or two on Sup Forums and the like a day and deleted all my social accounts. Turned my phone off when I wasn't using it or expecting a call as well. My attention span and general willpower literally tripled, I stopped thinking "Oh no I don't want to read a book when I could fucking browse Facebook aimlessly for 5 hours" and started thinking "Sweet how can I improve myself with this free time?"
This is a big one. Pretty much allowing slaves to become citizens and allowing minorites to vote put the western world (the U.S. in particular) down an irreversible path of internal strife.
I deleted all social media about 4 years ago. It's a disease of the soul. Life improved a lot.
You clearly didn't read Spengler's book if that's what you think.
Not claiming Splenger has anything to do with my argument. Chose that pic because it's relevant to Western decline.