What are your actual reasons?
Why does Sup Forums hate niggers?
They look and act differently than me.
I don't actually, I know this guy from Haiti and he is pretty nice, hard working too.
Take a tour through Detroit.
Minority that does majority of crime, degenerate culture that has pervaded mainstream society, too fucking loud
aka infograph thread
Why don't you lurk more
I'm afraid they'll attack me in some way because many of them hate whites, are poor, and just have a shitty attitude that is largely genetic.
I've never met a real nigger, but just look at BLM, that's why.
I don't hate blacks/niggers--only dindus--but this BLM shit is testing my will not to hate them all.
Because they're all usually ghetto thugs who don't work and want everything handed to them. They become violent if they don't get their way and act like tribal apes.
They are not to be confused with upstanding black folk who work for a living, conduct themselves in a civil manner, and take responsibility for their children.
calling every shooting of a black man unjustified, shutting down roadways and businesses because of it. "Black Twitter" reacting to every video as if they are proof that officers are looking to gun down black people.
Not that i hate ALL of them, just like 85% are NIIIIGGERS
But the rest are Respectable African Americans.
Also treat them guilty until proven innocent. It may save your life
Niggers are intentionally lazy, stupid, and generally pieces of shit. I can say the same about white trash and others of the same behavior, but you don't see white trash burning down their neighborhoods and acting like fuckheads.
Lurk moar
This though I do feel bad for the handful of good black people who are actual productive members of society that have to get lumped into the same racial group as dindus.
I didn't until all the BLM bullshit started.
>What are your actual reasons?
How about you name a single redeeming quality of the American Negro
have you ever met one?
>1 post by this ID
>le sage xD
>ID meme
fuck off back to plebbit and kys with cyanide
I want you dead more than Muslims.
You better stop talking or else I'm going to McDonalds and buying myself Big Mac. After that, I'll torture it and translate it here, and you'll cry like a nigger baby with his cracked watermelon.
I live in Memphis.