WW2 General

Why did Hitler invade Poland first?
Were the jews already trying to destroy the white race when the Nazis took power?

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dude, they shot first, we were just defending the German people!

Cause of the Danzig massacre.

Because German people were being slaughtered by the Polish, his hand was forced.

Polish communists were massacring German people

And keep in mind that much of Poland was part of the German empire before the Treaty of Versaillis

Poland refused to even sit down and talk about the majority German areas stolen from Germany. East Prussia was cut off from the rest of Germany and the Poles refused to allow a highway or rail line to connect it with the rest of Germany.

wtf i hate Poland now.

Ok next question
Why is Poland the only european country that is still 100% white?

This, over 6 gorillion Germans were instantly incinerated by the Polish president himself, so Hitler had no choice but to invade and turn every Polish city into ashes and massacre civilians during occupation.

>Why did Hitler invade Poland first?

You have this backwards.
Poland was the first to resist. He annexed Austria and Czechia.

You're confusing post-WW2 Polish borders with pre-WW1 Polish borders. Most of interwar Poland was former Russian empire.


Poland was making soap bars out of innocent germans

This is delusional, that was only a small reason, hitler wanted poland either way

Poles were eating German babies t.b.h.

>Why is Poland the only european country that is still 100% white?
Creating ethnically homogeneous countries was seen as something which would promote peace in the east.

He is referring to the areas of Poznan, Pomerelia etc. that Poland gained after the Greater Poland Uprising, which was by no means 'stealing' the land. Keep in mind that Germany lost this war anyway and was bound to lose territory, and these areas were Polish majority and occupied during the partition of Poland in 1792.


>shot first
that was a false flag op.

anyways, western poland had a bunch of german speaking aryans and poland in general had a bunch of natural resources the nazi's needed for their future war plans. the millions of ostjuden were to be moved out.


spoken like a true American

>Poles were eating German babies t.b.h.
This seems factual.
>hitler wanted poland either way
What the fuck was Hitler going to do with Poland, you delusional fuckwad? Throw a Pole party? Fucking idiotic. What makes Hitler responsible for everything?
Strangely this actually confirms the Poles eating German babies factoid.

and everyone forgets that stalins russia also invaded eastern poland at the same time. france and never declared war on russia for its aggression. and then russia started bombing finland. the fins actually thought the russians were doing it by mistake... look up molotov-ribbentrop agreement.

Because Poland was a creation of the treaty, and hitlet was mocking the treaty. Also jews


Nope, lol

Poles were almost as antisemitic as the nazis

And with a perfectly valid reason. Look at what Germany did to the Munich teaty. Hitler showed again and again that paper meant nothing to him

documents from the diplomatic service discovered years after the war revealed that he was actually negotiating secretly with the poles for like 3 years to arrange some kind of anti-ussr alliance or to at least allow German troops to transit their territory, but they repeatedly declined

Hitler gave up and negotiated the molotov-ribbentrop pact instead

>poles are not real

>france and never declared war on russia for its aggression.

>German troops to transit their territory, but they repeatedly declined
With good reason. Look up what happened to Czechoslovakia after the Munich aggrement

Perhaps Pilduski should have allied with Hitler like Mussolini, Horthy, Cuza, and Hrvatska had.

Now this man is intelligent.
Finally someone to counter shitty arguments with facts.

>alliance with Hitler

Only a mad dog would ally with another mad dog. Also have you ever heard of lebensraum?

Not inteligent, just a little well informed in WW2. I absolutely love WW2 threads, because i know more then pretty much everyone in here.

For a place filled with hitleraboos it's crazy the amount of ignorance around WW2.

Funny accusation coming from a once colonial power whose children all are dysfunctional.

You mean retaking national borders?

Because Germany had an inefficient agricultural sector and needed land.

Because the German "People" have always been subhuman.

Germany and Russia agreed to both invade Poland on the same day and split the territory between each other.

The day that they were both supposed to invade, Russia backed out stating they weren't yet prepared for the invasion, making Germany look like the aggressors and making Russia (who invaded three weeks later) look like Poland's rescuers.

>This seems factual.


>What makes Hitler responsible for everything?
Because he was the leader and he allowed. Hell, he even encouraged in a speech to the generals pre-invasion

Hitler thought the Allies wouldn't declare war on him, because they would also be expected to declare war on the USSR, which would have been an unwinnable war. Hitler was wrong.

Probably because they had the largest jewish population.

>Funny accusation coming from a once colonial power whose children all are dysfunctional.
ad hominem

>You mean retaking national borders?



>Russia backed out stating they weren't yet prepared for the invasion
They were handling the far eastern front with Japan.

>You mean retaking national borders?
>Warsaw and Krakow were ever on German territory

The only major former German city that was under Polish control after WW1 was Poznan. Gdansk was semi-autonomous. Comperatively little of interwar Poland was formerly German territory and definitely very little of it was ethnically German.

>Why did Hitler invade Poland first?

Polish killed german citizens

>Were the jews already trying to destroy the white race when the Nazis took power?


It isn't invading if it's already yours.

>Polish killed german citizens

In case anybody still needed proof that the Nazi invasion of Poland was completely justified:


172 pages filled with documentation of Polish atrocities against German and German speaking civilians. This is in '39 alone. Not even including violence against Germans in Prussia post WW1.
>pic also related


which it wasn't in any sense
If you support the idea of nation states, you should re-examine your support for an imperialist like Hitler.

You expect me to read german and understand what is written in there?

Hitler was an imperialist. War or annexation was inevitable. The only difference between Poland and Czechia was that Poland fought back.


Wow, you totally forgot to post ethnic percentages in these areas.
Thank you for the wikipedia link mr. ww2 historian pro

In terms of architecture, the old town is Flemish.

>Wow, you totally forgot to post ethnic percentages in these areas.
Wow, you posted absolutely nothing because you're just parroting other crackpots.

>killing civilians is inevitable because National Socialist Germany would have invaded

Move those goal posts m8, it's the go-to tactic for anyone who can't refute facts.


>muh i will dismiss wiki because i am a retard who doesn't know what wiki is
>but i will totally trust sourceless Sup Forums infographs


THis is a bullshit lie and you know it. Hitler had broken every promise he made with Britian and France, why would Poland believe him.


>no refutations
>no sources
>buttblasted brainwashed plebbitards

Try harder.

>designating shitting olympics


>australian poster

Your country will be like Brazil in less than a decade and you welcome it with open arms

>>no refutations
By 1939 every sane leader had already figure out hitler wanted nothing but war
>>no sources
Go read a history book that wasn't revise by some Nazi weeabo.

We'll have more mexicans and fewer niggers maybe.

>can't refute sourced arguments
>memes will save me

Typical leaf poster, struggling with that cognitive dissonance it seems m80.

>no sources
>appeal to authority

Top laff, Burger education

>i don't have that half-blood subhuman, i have THIS one

Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.

>fewer niggers
It doesn't work that way, maplenigger.

The poor people of all ethnic backgrounds (i.e. nigs and beaners) always grow larger and the middle/upper classes (whites) decrease in number. Always.

I can't wait until China stops buying your coal and real estate and you turn back into a shithole, with your worthless nigger tier economy.

And remember, don't sleep on the road.

fuck off jidf

>more memes
>this will show him

o i am laffen, how new are you that you think this works? Keep that Holohoax dream alive in your mind m8, it's funny watching libcucks double down on the propaganda they've been fed since birth.



He didn't annex them he invaded them.

That's interesting. Would like to read up on that further. Do you have any sources?

It must be strange coming over from plebbit and having your pathetic arguments destroyed, I don't blame you for lashing out like a child.

>The historically Prussian regions of Lower Silesia, East Brandenburg, Pomerania and East Prussia were almost completely German by the High Middle Ages. In other areas of modern-day Poland there were substantial German populations, most notably in the historical regions of Pomerelia, Upper Silesia, and Posen or Greater Poland. Lutheran Germans settled numerous "Olęder" villages along the Vistula River and its tributaries during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. In the 19th century, Germans were actively involved in developing the clothmaking industry in what is now central Poland. Over 3,000 villages and towns within Russian Poland are recorded as having German residents. Many of these Germans remained east of the Curzon line after World War I, including a significant number in Volhynia. In the late 19th century, some Germans moved westward during the Ostflucht, while others were settled in Central Poland by a Prussian Settlement Commission. After the creation of the Second Polish Republic, large numbers of ethnic Germans were forced to leave, especially in the Polish Corridor area.

Shit Portunigger what are you doing.

The part about eating babies? Here's the primary source:

I hate Australia and everything in it.

Hitler was always spittin the truth

>I hate

O you poor baby, I apologize for challenging your firmly entrenched views. Ill remember that leafs are incapable of intelligent discussion next time I run into one of you spineless cucks

Why do Australians hate Canadians?
Why do Canadians hate Australians?
When are you guys invading each other?
Let's get this WW3 thing started.

You didn't even read your quote.
>In other areas of modern-day Poland
As I mentioned in this thread, you dumb amerfats don't bother looking up maps. Poland was moved westward after WW2.

>Hitler was an imperialist
I'm guessing you didn't know that there was a 2 year civil war in Germany before ww2 lead by the sneaky jews and commie russians, and that less than 10% of Germans were in education/had jobs at the time... Do your research, don't spout jewish memery.


>Hitler wasn't an imperialist
>Hitler didn't annex Austria, Germany
>Hitler didn't invade Poland, France, Soviet Union, etc.


Austria was annexed. Sudentenland was annexed too. Only Moravia and Bohemia were made a protectorate. Wartheland, Danzing-West Prussia were annexed too.

>this emotionally indoctrinated leaf

Top kek

ohhh poor baby. Australians can't into intelligent discussion.


>leafs struggling to refute Polish atrocities
>leafs struggling to into discussion
>leafs being leafs

so? What is your point? There were german in interwar Poland

>I'm guessing you didn't know that there was a 2 year civil war in Germany before ww2 lead by the sneaky jews and commie russians, and that less than 10% of Germans were in education/had jobs at the time... Do your research, don't spout jewish memery.
So? What as this got to do with anything. And Hitler almost completely destroyed german higher education

You don't know what you are talking about obviously.
>Posen, Upper Silesia, Pomerania, etc.
>not controlled partly or completely by 1933 Poland
For fucks sake
Pilduski should have just fucking signed it.
>Muh Lebensraum
Well instead of German dick they ended up taking Soviet cock, which you probably have a taste for too.

>>leafs struggling to refute Polish atrocities
What polish atrocities?

>Polish atrocities
The orthography?

>leafs and britstars going at it
never seen anything like it, m7

Nazis were bad ok. If they are willing to gas 6 million Jews because they're Jews, enslave French people because they are French, and torture people because they aren't Germanic then what makes you think they wouldn't invade Poland?

>Hitler wanted nothing but war
"We must stop this peace plan from going public, or the public may side with Germany" - W.Churchill on the 16 point peace plan.
Germany was founded by the americans to fight communism, they were another puppet state. The only purpose Germany served was to destroy the commies, and give Jews more political power. The Capitalist kikes and the Commie yids hate each other. Once germany became too powerful, USA puled funding and invaded, knowing that Germany found out about the pending commie invasion from russia, Germans, staying true to their almost exclusively selfless cause, knowingly threw away a war that they were winning, to save all of Europe from the commies in case of the slim chance that they did not win. The German people had lived through communism, 12% of their income was through prostitution. They died for a selfless cause, and the devil-sent kikes convinced the world that those who were willing to give up world domination, to secure the freedom of the European people, go down in history as bad people. The nazis were fucking heroes. R.I.P. Hitler, Goering, Goebbels. (not really Himmler, he was actually kinda nasty.) and most of all Rommel. They legitimately died for our sins, and we spit on their tombs...



Source here portufag. >dem ebul nachees gazzed 60 billion innocent kikes
>no sources
>just believe

Try again plebbit.

>Polish atrocities
Got a source thats not a youtube video?
