Sup Forums, I've figured it all out

It all starts with toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite transmitted by cats:
It's is dangerous in that it can cause schizophrenia and alter human behavior (and behavior in other animals):

Now what's a mental illness related to schizophrenia? Gender dysphoria, the cause of transgender individuals. What are the initials of Toxoplasma gondii? TG. Toxoplasma gondii=transgender.

Now what could be the cause of all of this? Personally, I believe it is the cats. By the memetic spread of images and ideas of "catgirls", it has created something for transgenders to seek after. In this way, the cats (and Jews) will have an army of willing slaves when they decide to take over things directly.

So basically, fuck cats.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you be tested for Txoxoplasma Gondii?

This guy has it figured out. Good job, OP.

>pic related


>the cats (and Jews) will have an army of willing slaves when they decide to take over things directly.

>grow up around cats
>literally since I was 2
>now 34
>straight white man
>work concrete but have worked office jobs in the past (internet related)
>caucused for Trump
>going to vote for him in Nov your theory is fucking nothing.

oh it's a lot deeper than you think

>yfw this "brain parasite" theory is just materialist cover for demon possession

now you realize why cats and witches always went together in folklore. Familiar spirits.

Also, witchcraft and computers are heavily related

programming is just a modern recreation of spells and incantations.

The word "cyber" comes from "cybele" and the cult of Cybele in ancient Rome cut their dicks off.

And you will notice how many trannies, feminists and other deviants are involved with technology.

You're not dealing with brain altering protozoans. You're dealing with demons. They travel through electronics and probably into you as you read the screen in the form of "memes"

Cats are awesome though

He protects us.

and MATRIX means WOMB in latin.

Internet = feminine witchcraft hivemind. Notice how all the world leaders are slowly being replaced by old women (Hillary, Merkel, May, etc)

They're building the new Tower of Babel. Dedicated to Nimrod (the black king who was symbolized by the bull) and the eternal coalburning whore wife Semiramis (otherwise known as ISIS, Ishtar, and many other names)

LOL you really think that isn't just another demon? the frog is even more obvious a witchcraft symbol than the cat shit.

Sup Forums's memes aren't natural, they were manufactured to control us

I'm not sure if you're full of shit or not, but there's an infamous /x/ thread that comes to mind about cyber demons

Bet you take cocks while working that cement mixer fgt

got more?

Isn't this what they dropped on Iraq or Afghanistan to "Gay Bomb" people? I forget

Oh and another tidbit for good measure:

Muslims hate dogs passionately, because they're secretly a goddess cult (worshiping a black vagina stone). They kill dogs for their cat/goddess mistress Ishtar


no I think that was a xenoestrogen of some sort

> be gay in the 80s
>have unprotected sex with men
>don't get aids
>aids is a hoax

Not saying his theory is accurate, but you not being Trans doesn't mean it isnt.

how the fuck does it specifically know to do that to get reproduced?