How many votes is he gonna get?
Is he a bigger threat to Trump or Hillary or just irrelevant?
How many votes is he gonna get?
Is he a bigger threat to Trump or Hillary or just irrelevant?
not as many as he did 4 years ago
Libertarians are never going to gain real ground until they stop being complete faggots.
Dude weed lmao!
Irrelevant, his voters would likely consist entirely of die hard bernsters and randlets who were looking to spoil their vote anyway
Hopefully 5%. That gives them matching federal funds in 2020
libertarians BTFO
Damn guess iI'm not voting Johnson
Too many.
Limp wristed cuck faggot.
>muh tendies
He might make NM interesting, which only helps Trump. He is anti Trump, pro Hillary.
libtards on suicide watch
I know only 2 people personally who are voting for Gary Johnson and both of them were Bernie supporters.
It's a safe way for Bernfags to throw their votes away without enabling Trump.
Did anything ever come of Johnson throwing that black powder pistol in the trash? I heard his campaign offered $500 to try and cover the story up.
Jew nose.
Considering how far left and ban happy he has been recently, actual libertarians are likely to just not vote at all, Bernouts will just vote for him as he's not Hilary nor Trump, if they do vote, and the #NeverTrump will likely be the same as Bernouts.
hextuple for truth
Agreed man they are such faggots. I have libertarian views, as do a lot of us here. But I have no interest in being associated with that reddit-tier joke of a party.
Bernie running for the Green Partyvis a far bigger threat to Hillary.
I'm a libertarian and I agree.
LOLBERTARIANS BTFO! How will they ever recover?
Third parties always do better in polls than they do on election day.
Came off sounding like a complete wackjob on Joe Rogan's podcast.
Gary Johnson is a tavistock kike agent.
Look at the schnozze on this kike.
Those beady devil eyes.
That ashy sparse thick nappy khazar hair.
Total controlled opposition to keep people from voting GOD EMPEROR
>was polling at 5-10% last election
>ended up getting not even 1%
Any poll you see with Johnson and Stein picking up more than 2% is totally wrong.
Good get
>How many votes is he gonna get?
I'll vote for him, probably. Trump can't win Michigan, and I want a 3rd party to start getting votes.
Depends if he can actually get into the debates. If he was given a national audience and allowed to debate against Hillary and Trump I bet he could gain real ground and I bet even get into the 20 percent range.
But of course this all implies that your vote actually counts...electoral college fuckerey...blah blah blah....
he looks so fucking jewish from that angle
He'll probably get 5-6% if things hold. The 10-12% he's polling at isn't realistic because the evidence suggests that protest votes in polls rarely hold through to the actual election. But 5% isn't nothing by any stretch, especially since he's going to be on the ballot in all 50 states. That's enough to secure the LP federal funding for the next election.
Johnson's problem is that, while he is certainly the most palatable libertarian candidate to the average person (was a governor, seems like a normal guy, laid back persona), he isn't all that popular among diehard libertarians. His acceptance of some amount of anti-discrimination stuff and his sporadic hawkishness (wanted to go to war over Kony) make him offputting to elements within his party that he kind of needs to be energized.
Also, being a third-party candidate creates a rarely talked about disadvantage: while someone may vote for Trump or Clinton because they feel it is the "lesser of two evils", the people who are examining third-party candidates have usually left that mindset behind. If you're not willing to vote for either major candidate as the lesser of two evils, what's to make you vote for a third party candidate you may not agree that much with? There's going to be people who look at him and say "Yeah, I like him more, but not enough to vote, I'm out."
Be careful to not overestimate the effect of people voting for him as a protest against the other two. The evidence suggests that real protest voting basically never happens.
He looks like Tony Hawk
The answer is Trump, Johnson is retarded and so is anyone who would vote for him.
>Called Hillary a "wonderful public servant"
>Called Trump racist
>Pot Head
Don't forget that he wants to jail people for not baking cakes.
He's not a libertarian. He's just cashing in on the only party with voters dumb enough to vote for him.
Stop being a faggot and vote Trump, Trump can win all 50 states with the power of meme magic
Guess I'm a #CruzMissile now
As an addendum, this election epitomizes the LP's problem: The candidates (McAfee, Petersen to an extent) that most closely represent the party have too many things that the average person won't accept, and the candidate that is most viable isn't really that good of a fit for the beliefs of their supporters. It seems even third parties aren't free of the lukewarm candidate who excites no one problem.
Gary needs to pray he DOESN'T get into a debate.
he will embarrass himself and libertarianism.
gary isn't a good enough speaker to handle trump.
gary will be challenged on the more controversial aspects of libertarianism. gary won't have the mental tools to handle it, and will immediately fold and distance himself from his own beliefs.
viewers will conclude that the libertarians have no substance, and are just like all other politicians.
At least they don't try to censor you if you disagree with them (social liberals). They also at least don't tell you how to live your life and don't dictate how others need to live their lives (conservatives).
What I've come to accept is that most people want this. They want to have control over other people. They think certain things shouldn't be allowed and they want their party to enforce that on the public. For the right, it's degeneracy, for the left, anything that is even vaguely politically incorrect.
It's scary that it's such a majority of people, but that's also why democracy is supposed to be toothless, so the majority of people can't repress everyone else.
Anyone got the picture of the naked fat Guy at the party convention?
Yeah, I'm a classical liberal and I think free speech should be allowed and people should have the right to say whatever they want. As long as people aren't hurting others like going around endangering other people's lives then I'm all for individual freedom. Its also sad that people want to censor others and want everyone else to agree with them. As a classical liberal, these social "liberals" hijacked the word 'liberalism' and because of them, liberals are starting to look bad and stupid. The social liberals are louder than the classical liberals.
Really it depends on weather Bernie supporters decide if they wanna vote for Jill Stein or not.
For (You).
>How many votes is he gonna get?
The usual 0.99%
He's a meme candidate the left is pupping.
The Libertarian party has been compromised, bought, and paid for. Bill Weld was the seal on the mortgage when they sold their soul.
It’s sad, as the Libertarian party used to sorta be a place of last resort for people disgusted with both parties. Now, it’s just a compromised puppet shilling for:
>Open borders
>Gun control
>Bad trade deals, like TPP
I never thought I’d see that day, but it happened.
everyone except me gotta learn he's not going to win even the people who already know.
just look at that schnozzle
>They also at least don't tell you how to live your life and don't dictate how others need to live their lives
Except when they just slap the "racist" label on you for not supporting a welfare state and legal double standard, with almost complete immunity from the law, for Mexicans.
From what I see on Facebook, despite libertarians trying to seem so "not party lines," they seem to be voting for Johnson simply because he is a libertarian, at least the ones I run across.
...'re right. Don't know why, as they're engaging in the same thing they accuse everyone who votes for Trump. Gary is looking at being a Democrat-lite himself as of late, and it really does not help his VP is a gun grabber as well.
At least a lot of former Bernouts are courting Gary, instead of Hilary.