When did you realize that most of Sup Forums is just as retarded as everyone else? Just a bunch of ideologues who bandwagon on whatever meme right wing candidate says edgy shit that appeals to their worldview, and anybody who disagrees is a 'cuck'. No wonder most of you are virgins and/or social outcasts
When did you realize that most of Sup Forums is just as retarded as everyone else...
Haha its ironic because the op said 'cuck' and so you're saying it in spite of him saying that which is humorous and you also got 3 repeating numbers on the end of your posting number which makes it more funny because it means that a meme deity approves of your post lol kek upvoted
How's the dog sex?
The alt right is a fad not a movement. They're like cabbage patch dolls.
Its a category for those who moved out of the blue pill lifestyle, thats why many sound edgy and are young. In fact they are looking for who they are politically since they've learned to have doubt about things.
Acutung! JIDF shill detected. Sage
remember to sage leaf threads
Lol you got really mad about that, leaf.
Most of pol is more retarded than everyone else
Even me
This. Alt-Right basically just means no longer liberal.
The framework in the US doesn't allow for a new party so it has to be Right.
I don't think it's liberals that are going alt right, I think it's the children of traditional conservatives.
They are either going liberal or alt right.
>I don't think it's liberals that are going alt right, I think it's the children of traditional conservatives.
>They are either going liberal or alt right.
Sure, most liberals are red book people, but there are some who end up comprehending the contradictions of their ideology.
The alt-right is really the only place to run since neocons/tradcons are so rigid.
Why has Kek blessed this thread? What did he mean by this?
Holy shit, opies picture said that too.
That wasn't a real insight, I just read ops post and forgot because brain damage.
not at all
children of conservatives are going radical left
"alt right" is "ex"-liberals who just tasted babby's first redpill and hate progressivism
Most people who were on board with classical liberalism 10 years ago are probably now center right or at the very least, willing to entertain conservative opinions.
The Alt-Right seems like a lot of young guys who just want a place to fit in.
Name one contradiction inherent to modern American liberalism
I don't think that's very common.
All the people I know whose parents were hardcore Republicans rebelled by going to the left when they got to college. All the Sup Forums type people I know in real life or online in other places grew up with liberal yuppie parents.
the better alt-right catchline is
"Rebelling against my liberal boomer parents while still being socially liberal"
Idk man, there is no way to tell but anecdotally I see a ton of kids just regurgitating whatever there parents spoon feed to them, then they rebel but still stay on the retarded side because they are only products of their upbringing.
too easy
I've got 50 million of these
somebody's upset
Oh great, another fucking leaf.
Terrible shitpost
Not gr8 b8
Look at faggots like Milo.
"alt-right" is vastly more people who were leftists and largely still leftist except took on conservative views with regard to borders and minorities, and anti-feminist but only the 3rd wave (without realizing the bigger problems already happened with women's suffrage)
Alt-right is for edgy teenagers and mouth-breathers.
This is the true lord and savior, right here:
you know he's half Jewish too right?
Even on the most reactionary side the Nose still has you
>muh jewish conspiracy red herring
Misses the point entirely.
Has Moldbug ever commented on Sup Forums and anonymity? because really, this site is inherently liberal and egalitarian and thus degenerate and should be removed.
That has nothing to do with liberalism
That is gender identity politics and is just as cancerous as any identity or anti-identity politcs(You)
I think he once commented that he thought Sup Forums was pretty funny, but also a terrible cesspool of retardation. Which is essentially accurate, frankly.
The one thing that sometimes bothers me about NRx is that they assume they'd get to be the aristocracy in their ideal society. They don't see that maybe they're autists not fit for that job and they would be the peasants.
Not that I see anything wrong with this, in fact I think most people would be better off working the fields again, technology and information load is damaging to the masses. But good luck putting that genie back.
Sup Forums is so Maistreian it is scary
I disagree, although that is a common misconception. I frequent NRx circles, and I always get the strong impression that most of them are perfectly aware that they would be extremely unlikely to rule as the *aristocrat class or whatever. Most of them just want to live under a regime similar to Singapore or Luxembourg, more or less.
I'm not even completely sure what I believe now but I have read a lot of that type of literature.
Really I think it's the result of this technology over saturated generation wishing for a return to simplicity (the extreme to which they go varies but this is common among both radical left and right). I swear Ted was right about a lot though, and his manifesto appeals to every extreme, from hardcore traditionalists to anarchists
>When did you realize that most of Sup Forums is just as retarded as everyone else?
I don't think there is necessarily this definitive alt-right, ironically Hitler-loving Sup Forums poster like people imagine. Just look at the political compass threads, there are all kinds of different people here.
I don't understand why more people, and more Americans in particular, don't just want what the founding fathers envisioned. I think they were geniuses and they had the best idea of how society should be operated. I don't like the authoritative attitudes of many Sup Forums posters.
Also, #RollingForJulie
>they assume they'd get to be the aristocracy in their ideal society
and how do you know this?
(you don't)
Give me CHAD
What is objectively wrong with De Maistre?
> read this, start to agree with some of these, worried maybe I'm a stereotype
> see it's posted by a leaf
Carry on cuck, carry on.
You mean besides his exigence being the belief in supernatural nonsense?
If you are going to be regressive you should want to regress to a system that actually works.
I would say, the only system that has ever worked is nature.
I don't see humanity returning back to nature, progress is the only option.
this. I'm still economically socialist leaning, but my social views are pretty all over the place because I'm an authoritarian nationalist. The left-right dichotomy makes it seem like there is nobody on your side if you are socially conservative and economically liberal.
Canadians, ladies and gentlemen
> ...the only system that has ever worked is nature.
Nature is not a 'system', you tard.
you can TASTE his leafy rage through the fucking screen, I love this taste
pls chad no homo
based slav gf
When did Sargon become a leaf?