>edgy metal shirt
>video games
When will young white men stop being a disgrace
>edgy metal shirt
>video games
When will young white men stop being a disgrace
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I don't understand why anyone takes him seriously. He has to be one of the dumbest people on youtube, which is honestly fucking astounding.
>Dragon Quest
This guy has good taste. I'm not even a video game nerd, but there's nothing wrong with playing the occasional RPG. Just don't build your personality around video games..
Is it really better than watching black men tackle each other as a hobby?
>don't like what I don't like!!!!!!!
Don't understand the hate, man. He is a good natured guy who is not pushing anything harmful.
Ignore shill threads, come join in discussion on societal change
>Doing what he loves
i see nothing wrong.
i am biased tho, i am subscribed.
Fuck off faggot. AlphaOmegaSin is fucking great and has great taste in gaming, i take it you're a nigger or a jew what a fucking pity.
I like how whenever you criticize these losers that happen to be youtube """"stars"""" you get their rabid bluepilled fanboys gnawing at you.
>hurr durr I'm tone deaf with the spatial ability of a female nigger so I can't deal with interactive entertainment
>Inb4 you link hip hop with guitars as an example of "metal"
>Inb4 you link a movie with controls as an example of "video game"
That is the most fetal alochol infused person I have ever seen, holy FUCK what an ugly fuck
Beanies and long hair is fucking disgusting as fuck. These guys that do this literally walk around thinking they look cool, but they actually look like a walking penis with long pubes
Not him but metal literally is the plebeian's music and I feel much better for growing out of it. And before you say anything I used to be very well versed in metal in nearly all forms, I've listened to your Gorguts, I've listened to your Decapitated, your Voivod, your Mercyful Fate, your Galneryus, your Reverend Bizarre, your Church of Misery, your Whiplash, your Sodom, even your Darkthrones, Fanisks, and Nokturnal Mortums lad. But then something clicked and I realized metal is for literal children. At that moment I started to explore art music and its various subgenres.
I exclusively listen to weeaboo grindcore and weeaboo slam now.
when young white women do
When Jews stop pulling our string.
Post your own picture and hobbies, faggot.
lets see if you can stand up to your own criticism.
Nice try kike
>not the official music of the white male
Alright cucks whatever you say lol
Possessed's first two albums are great.
>>edgy metal shirt
>>video games
>When will young white men stop being a disgrace
I realize I'm bringing hate on myself, but I can't fucking stand edgy jackass metalheads. There is a huge cluster of them where I live and they are the biggest group of fucking losers I've ever seen. What's worse, every single fucking one is convinced they are the coolest people on the planet.
This guy is corny as fuck. Also DemoniusX likes him.
You forgot
>makes a living off off it
>There is a huge cluster of them where I live and they are the biggest group of fucking losers I've ever seen
as much as I love metal, and going to shows, most metal fans aren't much better than juggalos. I actually saw a guy at a Tool show with one of those retarded hatchet man tattoos
This was my literal exact thought at the first and only show I went to.
>Wow, these are just a bunch of juggalos that don't want to be called juggalos but still want to suck dicks.
I actually thought this was an ugly ass chick wearing a fake beard because I don't follow online shit worth a damn anymore. Real job and responsibilities made me old.... dammit.
Remember when juggalos were the biggest degenerates we had to deal with? Now its furries, sjws, gender bending degenerates...
I was playing battlefront and killed some dude several times that had some ICP themed name, and I felt legitemately bad for the guy because I know he must have been raging.
>I actually saw a guy at a Tool show with one of those retarded hatchet man tattoos
Please be a troll.
Tool are highbrow music for whitetrash idiots. Their fans run in the same circles as korn and slipknot fans.
I will always love old school death/thrash/black metal, but outside of when I'm working out I don't listen to it much.
I've only seen one or two of his videos where he bashed feminism and tumblr. Good enough to avoid the rope for me, I don't give a shit about what games he likes.
It's just because American society has stopped requiring people to grow up. The whole "You can be whatever you want" thing has resulted in people being angry teenagers well into adulthood.
Reminder that metal is the modern equivalent of classic music
>kill me
I take my metal as myself. Fat, bald and old
>all white men are degenerate man children that play video games and wear slipknot shirts
Listening to shit like Tyr hardly makes you a degenerate. The problem is when you only listen to bullshit with names like"grotesque vaginal excrement" and want every to know/care as an adult.
Or bullshit like the new Chelsea Grin album that's nothing but muh feelins.
>Infant Annihilator
This is a real band
ayy lmao
There is nothing wrong with showing off your love of goregrind and brutal death metal, senpaichi. I wear this band shirt at least 3 times a week out in public on 7 layers of irony.
Also this sweater too. It's my eighth layer of irony.
When they're allowed to go to war again. We need a nice righteous war a whole generation can get behind.
Show it off all you want, personally I don't give a fuck. But I'm sure you'd never wear that shit to a job interview.
>not liking Infant Annihilator
>being this much of a faggot
Keep jacking off in the woods to two dudes in their underwear plox
This had got to be one the most punchable faces I have ever seen.
mmmhm good shit mmhm i said good shit right there mmhm sign me the fuck up mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh good shit
When did you grow out of metal Sup Forums?
>implying the brotherhood between Americans, Japs and Euros over the miracle that is vidya isn't the best thing to happen to white people in the past two decades
Yeah, they attract a cringey crowd of hoodrats, feminists and betamales who abuse the image. But video games are an economic miracle for developed nations. And no matter how hard special interest groups try, they can't shame white men out of the hobby they invented.
>inb4 japs aren't white
say that to my face motherfucker irl
>When will young white men stop being a disgrace
>He asks spending his free time posting on an anonymous message board
Dragon Quest is god tier.
Just the thumbnail made me cringe enough, I'm not listening to that shit lol
what are you, gay?
I wanna tear off this queeb's goat beard.
Some games are good fun, especially those with friends and family. Just as long as you aren't the kind of shitdick to let it encompass your entire life.
>as much as I love metal, and going to shows, most metal fans aren't much better than juggalos
>I will always love old school death/thrash/black metal, but outside of when I'm working out I don't listen to it much. me too
>video games
>swearing every 10 seconds
huh what are you talking about? with those traits this young white man is ready to fight at the front lines of the alt right
I remember watching a video or two of his when I was in my teens thinking he was kind of funny. Then I subbed last year. I've never kept up with youtube, I just happened across things until last year when I started to sub and use youtube as part of my daily routine.
AOS is really, really dumb. He's likable in a way, but if you watch his videos there is clearly very little preparation. They all sort of meld together. It's all very similar. He also has questionable taste in video games.
I wish there was a video game youtuber I could like, but they all try to come up with some sort of shtick. Classic Game Room for instance, he's probably the best of the strictly game channels I've come to enjoy, but even he has some really inane ideas that I can't understand.
Ye boiii, I waz gey n shieeeet wite bois turn mi azz on
He's not even young
He's in his early or mid 30s I think
he's the definition of a manchild but he has a cute kid so he's doing better than most of us
Seriously though if anyone wants a band with actual sustenance in the lyrics I'd suggest
Somewhat edgy/gimmicky but at least they can actually tell a story.
I thought he was an edgy faggot until I listened to the podcast he does with Happy Console Gamer. He's a lot chiller on the podcast, I think some of it he is just being over the top for YouTube.
Game Sack. They are the best bar none. Reminds me of comfy old Tech TV/G4 days.
Hello, I'm here for the job interview
>happy console gamer
Absolute shit tier.
Fuck you nigger his videos are comfy and his wife is a 10/10 qt
I really don't care about the wife of a youtuber. He's boring, he has metaljesusrocks-itis. He feigns enthusiasm and it makes his videos unwatchable in the same way AOS feigns outrage or excitement. Honestly, perhaps he's gotten better in recent years, but most youtube game channels are cancer.
Is that real?
>promotes to normalize whiteness and masculinity
As opposed to de-legitimizing it? What are they getting at?
>he doesn't like based Metal Jesus
He literally worked for Sierra Games back in the day, he knows his fucking shit and is passionate about gaming
They're better than Game Grumps and whatever other shit Sup Forums watches anyway
>shitting on Galneryus but liking weaboo grindcore
come on lad
Look at his face, that some genetic fuckup going on there.
Metal thread.
/crvst/ edition
"that's the joke"
actually he has a real job
>he literally worked for Sierra Games
Neat, that doesn't make him a good or interesting presenter. These off the cuff reviews just come off as lazy and usually bad. It's like watching a live show of MyLifeInGaming vs their actual videos. Their livestreams are cringy, they aren't interesting, and there is nothing great about their personalities, but their videos are well put together, presented with all the information you would want, and while they can be a bit long, it never feels like they gave you unnecessary filler.
For whatever reason, game channels lack many of the aspects that takes you from an average channel to a great channel. Some people can survive off of their personality and ability to present off the cuff information, but most game youtubers are autismal and need a script/editing.
thats a nice ass you got there japan, care to share the sauce?
I watch his videos for information, not to critique his public speaking skills or whatever other faggy metric you measure these people by
I've seen some of his stuff
He has decent opinions and a nice collection of games, but I dislike how he articulates himself.
Are you sure you aren't metal jesus? You sure are taking offense for something that involves some cut rate youtuber.
I don't see how you could believe he's very informative. He may know a lot about the games, but it never comes off that way. He gives a base level expectation of the game then moves on to the next.
What's sad is there is this overwhelming belief in both the death metal and juggalo communities that one day they will be the ones on the other side of the table in the interview helping their fellow losers make money. They fail to realize that if/when they grow out of their bullshit they will understand why not to hire people like that. It's about maturity. The best of them hide it and put on the 9-5 face for real life.
99% sure he has Waardenburg Sydrome. Here, have a tranny with the same condition.
Yeah I am Metal Jesus, that's why I have a Canadian flag
He mentions a ton of games I would have never heard of otherwise and he knows his fucking shit about any and every old computer game
Watch his flight sim video if you want one where he goes in depth
OP probably has nothing better to do than starts threads about what he deems degenerate to fit into the maymays
But I like video games and metal so maybe I'm biased towards OP
Fuck you OP
I kinda feel bad for the entire New Orleans metal scene for having to live in such nigger-infested shithole.
their best tho:
yeah, his new FF7 are great. These gamer types are fantastic people to work with, their gaming autism and enthusiasm knows no bounds.
why do kids watch people play computer games when they can just play the same game themselves
You must be a normally functioning adult. You will never understand because you dont speak autism with a hint of aspergers laced in. The whole social media generation has been emotionally stunted into not developing properly.
Commentary and reactions.
>muh generation
Fuck off kek
Why does everyone on Sup Forums think it's so important to signal to other posters that they don't play video games? Obviously you faggots played video games at one point and then suddenly decided video games were childish and only "manchildren" and "nu-males" played video games. Why? Because they're a waste of time and nothing productive comes from them? Behold, you post on Sup Forums, lord of all time wasters.
>Daily reminder that rock and metal has nigger musical roots as fuck
name one half-decent heavy metal (stringing everything together from black metal to industrial metal) that is a nigger band? pro-tip, you can't.
what is wrong with his skull?
Whites improved rock and made it interesting. Metal is entirely a white creation
i used to work with some guy who was in his late 40's, dressed / looked like that, was into video games, and smoked weed all day everyday. on the other hand he owned a home, had a white wife with 3 white kids so i mean whos the real degenerate
His mom liked booze a bit too much while she was pregnant
>3 white kids and a white wife
He's already done more to save the white race than 95% of Sup Forums
I'll never understand the appeal.