>he chose an AR for le habbedin.
He chose an AR for le habbedin
That's a silly image, OP.
7.62x39 has been obsolete for a long time.
Kill yourself.
For the newfags that want ARs before Shillary bans them, read this.
All i have a ww1 issued Winchester model 1917 thats chambered in 30-06
5.56fag detected.
more 5.56 butthurt. oh lawd
What caliber is that on top or is this a shoop? That's way too tiny to be even a .22
.22 short aka (5.56x45 .22 caliber)
Russia uses 5.45 now
Its .22 Short and the bottom one appears to be 7.62x54r, or .303 Brit.
All my 7.62x54r is nickel plated so idk.
"""""""""""""""operator"""""""""""""""" detected
I like the 7.62 too many but the 5.56 will always be the most accurate.
>>.22 is a 5.56
Op is a fag and clearly has no understanding of caliber
Take your shit thread over to /k/ where it belongs. this has nothing to do with Sup Forums.
If it's not even a .308 you're not even operating
Weapons are quite a bit more Sup Forums related than you'd think.
>.22 is a 5.56
....And we chose a fucking Astromech droid.
How are we going to get rid of nogs, mudshits ands kikes without weapons?
>muh bigger bullet
what are you a nigger?
If you fired that into a chimpout mob, how many nogs could it penetrate?
y u mad doe
>muh caliber size
if that is so important then just get a x54r or .308 gun
below 50 meters shotgun shells are more lethal anyway
All of them.
But likely just one two at most.
>AR15 is the weapon of choice for the US Military
Stopped reading there.
You know the Constitution came first, right?
>not using the .338 Lapua
get with the times, grandpa
You mean .270 you pleb
This lol.
7.62x39 hasn't been issued by the Russian army in 40 years.
Well it is isn't it? Obviously its the military spec m16, but thats based of the AR15 platform.
7.62x39 hasn't been issued by the Russian army in 40 years.
sexy ruger. the grip is so comfy on those
But, the AR15 is perfect for the habbing OP
But that's a shitty .22 rat killer.
sort of
>inb4 upside down
Army uses M-4A1 and whatever for the DMR (often a modernized M-14)
Marines still used the M16A4 because they have a hardon for extra barrel length that makes almost no difference.
The other services are unimportant when talking about rifles.
is that a ghost gun? SPOOKY
>Well it is isn't it?
No it isn't. The military does not use the AR15.
>Obviously its the military spec m16, but thats based of the AR15 platform.
That's like saying the military's vehicle choice is the 1940s Willy's jeep because it eventually became the Humvee.
better comparison
>how can white men even compete
Bottom is 7.62x54r
It's 5.7x15.6mmR in metric
Stinger cases are a little longer
.223/5.56 is a .22 caliber.
0.223 of an inch or 5.56 mm is equal to 0.218 of an inch.
>not glorious 7.62x51
>high quality, not cheap Russian shit that's been sitting in a pkm tuna tun
>goes in glorious battle rifles, G3, scar-h, m14
>used by real men everywhere
>99% lethality, among highest of any common caliber
>7.62 NATO, real fucking neato, kills niggers dead with a shot to the head
When the happenings happen, I'm going deep into the woods. Lots of small game, lakes, and streams in my area.
Lightweight ammo means you can carry more of it though. Life isn't a game, having smaller bullets doesn't mean you're going to have to plink down someone's HP bar instead of 1-shotting them, a bullet is a bullet unless you're in some situation where you need the higher penetration of the 7.62 round.
The AR is more intuitive to use for a civilian population as well. Sure you may be an expert with your gun, but in a true, full on HAPPENING you may not be the only one who has to use it. You wouldn't want your daughter or wife fumbling around to rock the magazine in just right on an AK or fumbling with it's safety, or getting their aim knocked around by it's heavier recoil.
>kills niggers dead with a shot to the head
I'd hope so faggot, we're not fighting T1000s here
really? wow the moar you know
>Not using 5.45x45 for the happening
Enjoy the four months of not freezing to death.
No, the AR15 is based on the m16. The M16 used be called the AR15, but the name was changed, and the name AR15 is now used for the civilian model.
Why not branch out? Don't limit yourself to one caliber.
5.45x39 is best.
lots of tumbling and a ridiculous exit wound.
even so, 7.62x39 > 5.56x45
5.56mm FMJ tumbles just the same if it doesn't fragment
All spitzers do
7.62x54mmR > 7.62x63
7.62 x 51 is the king of battle rifle rounds.
my cock is best lots of cumming and leaves a huge exit wound. ask you're mom
Git Shrekt 7.62 x 54r is better
Only if we were as funny...
well a FUCKING LEAF can't be amusing
Dead fucking wrong faggot.
>muh tumbling
ugh...seriously. that's 7.62x54r....5.56 has Wayyy better terminal performance on humans, flatter shooting, weighs less....do i need to go on.
>intermediate rounds
7.62x51 NATO best round
Battle rifle best rifle.
7.62 is better
Lol obsolete... Youre retatded. 5.56 is designed to not kill you. Great choice there dipshit
>The military does not use the AR15.
Somebody needs to do some learnin'
>using anything other than 7.62x51/.308
fucking plebs
Assault rifle is for battle within 100 yards. 7.62 and 5.56 are EQUALLY accurate at that distance
Thats not x39 you moron
I get that this is b8 but 45mm as the case length is LONGER than 39mm
You are a dipshit. 5.56 was chosen for a lot of reasons.
1. The high velocity causes fragmentation, which compared to a lot of other FMJ rounds is more deadly.
2. It is much lighter weight to carry a load of 210 rounds of 5.56. Weight means everything to an infantryman.
3. It is much more controllable in rapid fire due to less recoil.
>You need to read about ballistic coefficient.
7.62x51 has the flight characteristics of a brick. It's just widely known and used so it's shit bullet drop is well documented and predictable. There are much more efficient rounds with good stopping power out there. Not in favor or against .308 or 5.56.
learn the fucking difference between a manufacturer's design process and model number, and the military's testing and procurement process and its rifle pattern designations
A can of dip is the sign of someone that truly knows what they are doing with a gun.
Myself am a cope wintergreen fan. I only dip when I have my gun on me.
150 grain+ .308 is fine at the velocity its launched at
Supersonic at 1000 yards just fine.
Yeah, 6.5mm is better from a recoil and efficiency perspective, but you make a smaller wound.
>7.62x51 has the flight characteristics of a brick
I can already see you have no idea what you're talking about, but what rounds would you recommend out there that are better, cheap, and plausible for me to own en masse?
>Shoot Center mass
>You Shall not pass.
Communist rounds are only used by pinko and the like
Lol There's you're problem. Honestly, most engagements occur under 300 yards so it isn't a valid argument to make but it's stupid to pretend like 7.62x51 is a death ray and 5.56 is completely impotent. If I put one or the other in your thoracic cavity at 150 yards, you wont know the difference.
>he still shoots marbles
>he doesnt shoot cannons
I'll answer. Pretty much anything else based on the .308 case with a higher BC. 260 rem, , 7mm-08 or even 243. 6.5 creedmore would also work even though its not based on the 308.
>Deadliest shooting in world history
>Deadliest shooting in American history
5.56 fucks shit up.
>buying brass nugget food
You also need to realize I live innawoods and use .308 for hunting dear, bear, and sometimes coyotes if they're annoying enough.
If society collapses, I'm perfectly safe where I live, but I'd be venturing out through the woods and would have a perfect overlook into the valley of the nearest city where I can sit atop.
5.56 works well obviously, the military uses it for most rifles, but a large number of military snipers use 7.62x51, which is the replacement for the 30-06
Oh sorry I forgot to point out why this is true. Go Google compare the flight path of .308 to 30-06 and get back to me. Any will do the job with good placement but that's all it takes. Good shot placement.