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I watched it. 10/10

Men are really lame and not funny. Anyone against this is sexist. I'm a #womanmissile

No one will like it though, it's only payed reviewers r-right?


haha looks like [pol] was right again guys. everyone hated it obviously.


>Only good thing was "The cast"
>Still thinks it sucks

Like i said with the new Star Wars it will suck for a million reasons outside of the obvious SJW pandering and what do you know it sucks ass.

haha ikr [pol] really won this one

Give it time for reviewers to grow some balls after the plebs start talking about it. Right now they're afraid to have the unwashed masses send death threats.

user pls

Between Star Wars and GB, looks like lazy rehashes of classic films with a quick coat of gender politics is the new cash cow to milk. Bets on which will be next? Indiana Jones? Jurassic Park? Back to the Future? Other?

Home Alone. That one is begging for it.

all spineless faggots praising it because muh diversity and muh womyn. check the user reviews. there 80%+ say it's a steaming pile of shit.

Man it was good, totally proved me wrong. I've even started hormone injections. I am now a #cuntcrusader or a member of the #bitchbrigade

User reviews where?

Oh god. A black girl with an affro defending her home against evil white males

Can't wait for those Hitchcock remakes like North by Northwest, 39 steps, To Catch a Thief, etc.

Scratch the "To Catch a Thief" remake - don't want to confirm bias that niggers are thieves!"

Perhaps we can have an all Female "Smokey and the Bandit" remake. A sassy female in a wheelchair driving an eco friendly electric car tries to smuggle some vegan dishes into a white christian male dominated area. She has sassy adventures with her black boyfriend friend who beats up a bunch of "WHITE MALES" who try to interfere.

The Sheriff chasing them instead of a Jackie Gleason clone will be played by a strong female that "could" have stopped the vegan bandit but realizes that a vegan diet is what is best for the world and it drives off the white male like garlic does vampires.

Ah yes. Another hollywood blockbuster!

this shit again? it's photoshoped, go back to your cuckshed Dave

>top critics
so people who dont have to worry about getting called sexist rated it as shit

wonder if its shit

You're gonna be a millionaire, you fucker



I can't handle it aquafresh-san, please hold me