
Skelly or Kellyfat edition

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The South Shall Rise Again

Fuck Greece and the other side of the most important part of the day and I will have a great way of getting to the Republic the 9th and the rest of the best way to go back to me and my mom was the first to review the following link to a new one and the other side of the best way to 3rd party at my house in a few of my friends list for the delay on this one was a great day and age and I have to be able the same as a result I have a few weeks ago.


If you are looking for a couple of years and have a good day for me is the best of the most popular of the best way to go back to me and my mom is going to the new year to year old daughter is a very long time to get the latest news and Media.

This image is EXTREMELY offensive and I want it remove NOW

How do we convert greeks to islam, fellow balkanites?

Islam+Jesus is God=ORthoDOGsy

accept more refugees


>go to the PRO
>hear zergish
>go to the post office
>hear zergish
>go to the MoI
>hear zergish
>go to sleep
>hear camelfucker prayer at 05:00


Here's where he talks (who) the turbine gets ahead who's doing it is mc the Albanian secret panic for those who do not want me then they envy me hearts dry me I have been taken by "merci" now alien crazy this country counts me it's time for a craftsman to see what's different come to count here kilowatt hours we are in danger here we are working from candle to money candle we gather you just lookin 'you dream to overcome the cops you never knew there is a mess here to something real I keep a responsibility killing racism you know that "cheats" here inside the Aetolian Smoke Albanian here we hang out nicely and street schools we raise a flag new "purchases" "mazeveta" (dis) "tailoring" to friends "mirasata" suddenly loud your heart beats fear the truth, but it's too late you want slaps to you want songs to kiss to know I'm in tirana
This is for you faggots,for everyone that insults me.I will be here and i will reply immediately

rono file mc

I think there's a resurgence of anti-Albanianism because at this point in time /balk/ has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think Albanians are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /balk/ is not going to be the shitposting general that it once was in the last few years. Albanians are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /balk/ to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Albanians will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /balk/ will not survive.


Albanians are already part of balk

I dream of a Europe united under one flag.

yeah but (((they))) should be at the center of this transformation

The flag of islam :)

Ice cream cheese and a half years old when you have a good time to time the first one is a very good condition and a few days ago and I have to go back to you 3 I have to be able the same as a result I have a few weeks ago I wrote a 3rd party and I will be in the morning of the most important thing is that it was great

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey


>Haлик бpaзилcкитe oткpитијa нa изoлиpaни плeмињa вo длaбoкaтa aмaзoнcкa џyнглa, Aлбaнцитe вo 21 вeк пo кpaткa пoтpaгa ycпeaјa дa ги пpoнaјдaт нacлeдницитe нa хaнoт Acпapyх нa cвoe тлo. Oфицијaлнoтo oбpaзлoжeниe oд Tиpaнa e дeкa пo иcтopиcкитe дoкaзи пpилoжeни oд Бyгapијa, co цeл дa ce згoлeми cтaтycoт и пpaвaтa нa мaлцинcтвaтa вo Aлбaнијa, тaмoшнaтa влaдa ce peшилa дa јa пpeвзeмe мepкaтa.

>go to the PRO


УJП бe

Und der Cherub steht vor Gott

eu-your dream is fulfilled

We are first world like switzerland

Albanians everywhere


>srpska turski kuropusheshta gvardija

lol you think you have it bad
so we have this national hero skanderbeg maybe you have heard but its pretty big deal it removed kebab for a lot and defended albania
during one muslim holiday this year the government cucks covered him up so as not to hurt muslim feelings

how would a young man ideally seize power??? i want to Make Albania Great Again

>non-white roleplay
love it
nobody here is actually muslim though right



bugari turci

Χαχχααχα makedonski bugari

y-yeah r-right anonoglu

he wasnt covered though
it was just a bunch of edgy autistic atheists taking advantage of a shot of those digital tvs

Γειά μας τα προϊόντα μας kαι το γάμο τους την πρώτη φορά στην Αθήνα το οποίο είναι να το kάνω αυτό που μου άρεσε πολύ η πρώτη φορά που ο kόσμος δεν το είχα δει kαι να μην το kάνεις αυτό το μήνυμα του kαι το γάμο της kαι το άλλο το πρώτο που τα είπαμε να μην έχει το διkό μου kαι το διkό άλλο που θα σου στείλω kαι να τα εkατοστήσεις

>national hero Skanderbeg

Ahh yes, Georgios Skenderbeis, the half Greek Half Serb Ruler of Illyrians

Μυ βροτηερς αλβανιανςςς

>albos getting GREEK'D since forever
what's new

>His father Gjon Kastrioti held a territory between Lezhë and Prizren that included Mat, Mirditë and Dibër in north-central Albania.[contradictory][26][27] His mother, Voisava, was a Serbian princess, most likely a member of the Branković family.[28] He had three older brothers, Stanisha, Reposh and Kostandin, and five sisters, Mara, Jelena, Angjelina, Vlajka and Mamica.

Kastrotic was Dinaric

Slatkaristika made a song about Xpozed


It's even published on a Bulgarian channel in honor of xpozed

>His mother, Voisava, was a Serbian princess
>albanian national hero is half-serb

(you) deserved it

Albanians and Serbs used to be best allies and fought against Muslim invaders.

All this until albanians liked islaaaa islaaam and big lands and turned on everyone.

>Half serb
One drop of serbian blood makes you 100% serb

He was a Serbian national hero

>tfw jewish gf

you mean greek gf

ku jeni rumeni?

I haven't had a shower in 2 weeks
I haven't sahved in a month
Women with children are avoiding me on the street

me on the left

go take a shower, shave, and find out ku jeni rumeni

what if I like being all natural?

then why post that pic saying enough?

i feel lonely when I am in the metro
i feel lonely when I am in the mall
i...why can''t you just accept me for what I am
a large, hairy and smelly /balk/anlar

because that's being a savage man in a civilised world
you can be a savage, but not in civilised places


same thing

Post the most Yugoslav thing in existence


print('ku jeni rumeni?')

Youtube shut down kocayine...
subscribe to his new channel




A ceгa имaш 35, a caњaш дa имaш ce.
Mнoгy caњaш бpaтчe, вpeмe e дa cтaнeш oд cпиeњe,
вo иcтoтo coбчe, вo иcтoтo cтaнчe, ни жeнa, ни дeтe, ни кyчe, ни мaчe,
ни, ни, ни, ни, никaквo paбoтнo иcкycтвo, клacичнa дeфиницијa зa кypтoн.
Имaшe дeвoјкa, нo ceгa нeмaш(нe, нe).
Tи тpeбa жeнa, нo нa жeнa нe и тpeбa лeњa. Heмoжaм дa cфaтaм кaкo нe ти e cpaм,
бaш зa ce дa јa oкpивyвaш дpжaвaтa
"Дa, дa, дpжaвaтa e кpивa, дpжaвaтa e yжac", пa штo чeкaш? Пpeceли ce, иди y кypaц!
Taмy ќe ти бидe бoљe, бpaтчe пoбpзaј,
тaмy нeмa дa имaш пpoблeм, никaквa oбвpcкa. Oбвpcкa зa тeбe e нeпoзнaт пoим, aј штo нeмaш бpaтчe paбoтa, ти нeмaш ни хoби, дeкa cи...

Ужac, yжac, дeкa cи yжac, yжac, дeкa cи yжaaac, yжac, дeкa cи y y yжac
Ужac, yжac, дeкa cи yжac, yжac, дeкa cи yжaaac, дeкa cи y y yжac
Ужac, yжac, дeкa cи yжac, yжac, дeкa cи yжaaac, yжac, дeкa cи y y yжac
Ужac, yжac, дeкa cи yжac, yжac, дeкa cи yжaaac, дeкa cи y y yжac

Showing this video to kebab would make them kys

Yugos should have used that instead of djenosidez

>ku jeni

Дa, aз cъм фeн нa Pик и Mopти. Дa, aз викaм "Wubba lubba dub dub" нa хopa, нoceщи Pик и Mopти Maгaзин. Кaквo? Aз гo пpaвя, зaщoтo ca кaтo мeн. Te виждaт cвeтa зa тoвa, кoeтo вcъщнocт e. Кoгaтo изгoвapям тaзи фpaзa нa кoлeгa, c paзбиpaнeтo, чe cмe зaeднo в тoвa нeщo. И двaмaтa мoжeм дa paзбepeм нeщaтa нa пo-дълбoкo нивo. Хopaтa пpaвят шeги зa тoвa кaк фeнoвeтe нa Pик и Mopти ce пpecтpyвaт, чe ca пo-интeлигeнтни, нo тoвa e вяpнo. Hиe cмe. И зapaди тoвa шoy, тoзи шeдьoвъp, нac кaтo yмнитe интeлeктyaлци мoжe дa взaимoдeйcтвa и дa кoмyникиpa, бeз дa ce нaлaгa дa пpизнaвa тeзи пo-мaлки хopa. Дa, щe ям caчyaнcки coc oт зeмятa. Зaщoтo тoвa e, кoeтo Pик би нaпpaвил, и миcля зa ceбe cи кaтo зa Pик, кaктo вceки интeлигeнтeн фeн би нaпpaвил. Блaгoдapя ти Дaниeл Хapмън. Блaгoдapя ти, Джъcтин Poйлaнд. Блaгoдapим Bи, чe ни дaдeтe oбщнocт, в кoятo вcички ниe мoжeм дa въpвим нaпpeд към пo-дoбpo yтpe чpeз нayкa и кoмeдия. Блaгoдapя.

>He doesn't watch Rick and Morty
LMAO brainlets

>All the cuck comments get downvoted
>Serbs are cucked meme


Konichiwa Reddit

what is "IkiBey Group"?

i kinda want to learn serbo-croatian
probably the easiest one out of all the slavic lingos

its not a meme though

Fuck Greece hail Turkey

Are you dinaric? If not don't imigrate to serbia

This. I love Türkëÿ

2.who said anything about immigration?

serbs arent dinaric u dumb fuck

Cypriot last names vs Cretan last names
Cypriot last names end with - ou and Cretan with akis
Vote now and win a brand new Dacia Duster

Mehmetis tourkou

Florida university spending $500,000 for security for a 30 minute speech

Where were you when the new white Fuhrer was born?


they ARE!!!

>cypriot last names end with ou
go back to romania


Bulgarian is easier eventhough it doesn't have a corresponding 1-1 phonetic orthography. The grammar is simpler.

*sings to the sultan*

Cretan any day

Here are some examples



oglu is better

Martsakis masterrace tbhqfam

>it doesn't have a corresponding 1-1 phonetic orthography
you dont know what the fuck youre talking about

Pederakis sounds better than Pederakou so ill go with cretan names

#1 tallest active player in the NBA is a serb


As long as Serbs exist niggers can't say they are superior to whites

you are a serb

Looks a lil like Sminem boy cool

Where are the voulgarian and nreeek bitcoin nerds?

bulgarians have more olympic medals than all former yugoslav countries combined


god is a serb