What does Sup Forums think of stolen valor...

What does Sup Forums think of stolen valor? Expression of free speech or trying to steal what people have fought and died for?

A relevant story:

>go to flea market on a regular basis
>meet army dude who runs stall that sells army memorabilia
>cool dude, all his shit checks out and the stuff he sells is good
>dude calls him out for stolen valor and puts it online
>friend tried to tell dude about his army service but he ran away, thinking friend was reaching for a gun when he was reaching for alumni card
>really annoying me how dude is slandering friend's identity online and I can't do nothing about it

Other urls found in this thread:


Pathetic faggots who have to try and pretend to be something they're not. Watching based Don BTFO of phony seal imposters leads to many keks.

There are 2 types of people who do this.
1) Posers, who want the attention, and accolades
2) People who aren't right in the head, literally. Challenged is the word I would use.

stolen valor is retarded,but not half as retarded as the dudes who dedicate their lives to crying about it.

Pretty much

>complaining about my friend having too many CIBs
>implying you can't take the expert infantryman’s badge test while deployed in a war situation and earn the CIB each time you pass

Based Don. I wish he were my pops.

the CIB and EIB are completely different

People who do it are tools.
People are cry about it are tools.

On the other hand, seeing frauds getting BTFO is always entertaining.

Wannabes and/or people with schizophrenia. Both deserve an ass kicking.

Jesus how fucking gay and goofy those US berets look, do you also have so tiny dicks that you have to have all that bling on uniform?

Sauce that isn't possible though?