Alright Sup Forums, get your fucking asses in here and #MAGA. Praise KEK

Alright Sup Forums, get your fucking asses in here and #MAGA. Praise KEK.

I was just about to post this.

the thing is though, it could very well be a honey pot, there's no telling. Even if this shit did get enough signatures, which it very likely easily will by the fifth of august, do you fucking think the black president of the united states would accept this shit?

as much as I support it, honey pot or not, I'm betting the petition will be taken down very soon.

Possibly, that's a good point btw. He has shown to be a BLM sympathizer. Idk, what else do we got? Mass shootings of these fucks? Unlike most of the Sup Forums demographics I actually have shit to lose. I can't martyr for this cause. I work in the medical field so I'm not that worried about being doxxed. I can easily find a job. Suggestions?

So close

Alright bumping and singed

I work at a car detailer. I'm not that worried desu

Well, They'll have to respond to it since it's a serious Petition and not silly shit like"Replace the National anthem by Let It go"

send links to grandparents

I think calling it a hate group would get it more traction.

Really can't get my head around why the word "voice" is in bold rather than the word "your"...

Jeez, y'all've got a gd mess over there w Trudeau. Didn't they just vote to take man/woman out of the national anthem?

what does honey pot mean again

Indeed, fine sir.

That's possible as well.

Doesn't matter.

The only thing I suspect is that IPs from outside of America don't count towards the final number, I won't sign because I'm genuinely not American.

If more Americans signed, it would at least bring it attention and raise the question, what if this actually is a hate movement? And it is. It's promoting violence, that's textbook hate speech more so than getting your feelings hurt.

Keep signing America and if you have the balls, post it on your Facebook. There are more people sympathetic to our cause than you'd think, they just need someone to tell them: it's okay if you see this madness, you're not insane.

Signed the petition as well.

we have blm protesters over here now


something that attracts people to gain personal information about them, think datamining. A lot of people very understandably do not want to put their information out there in the form of a signature on a very controversial petition in case their names and information are made visible to an overly politically-correct government that would absolutely fuck them over in one way or another for not being a good goyim

BLM are planning a protest for Australia.

America is exporting their terrorism to the world.

Give me a source, please.

Scary shit m8. I wasn't aware of your police killing blacks?

It is gender neutral. But who really cares. The french version sounds way more badass than the English gender neutral one.

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée (Because your arm knows how to wield the sword)
>Il sait porter la croix (He knows how to carry the cross)
Et ta valeur de foi trempée (And your Honor of strong faith)
>Protégera nos foyers et nos droits (Shall protect our homes and rights)

I live in the south user, we're not completely cucked like the pac west. Most upstanding citizens here would not mind as much.

>implying it'll get 100K
>implying even if it does king nigger will respond to it

Theoretically if it hits 100K he is obligated to respond in 60 days

My gma was French Canadian, but according to my father she was the meanest, vile woman he ever knew. Literally hated his own mother. Good message though in the anthem. As a redneck I can certainly respect it.

Sign and Bump. Thier entire movement is based on a flimsy foundation, and uses terror tactics to get their way.

I swear Sup Forums attracts the dumbest fucking people on earth. BLM never killed anyone yet the KKK Aryan Brotherhood have and you want to name BLM a terrorist group? That's the dumbest shit I've seen all year.

What state user, Maine?

Recucklians will never allow this

>be over represented in everything
They're a cancer, they're even trying to get a foothold here.
Fortunately most normies seem to think they're fucking retarded, at least for now.

Yet no talk of the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood who's members have murdered countless people over the years. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself in your mom's basement. Never go outside.

I suppose opinions on stupidity are subjective. Clarify your definition, sir.

You're all wastes of good fucking air you know that? Just drown in your own fucking stupidity.

Free bump.

Fuck BLM.

Capital ryhmes w Mylanta, why? Are you trying to get me fired?

God damn, you are as delusional as liberal fags, thinking something is going to get done by signing a petition

>Dindu nuffin
Like pottery

Make us worthy shitlord.

>have murdered countless people over the years.
Actually we know exactly how many because its in the fucking double digits

Nah! Im chill, Burgerbro, Just That the most massive french canadians Migrations went in Vermont-East coast

Cliff Huxtable reporting

It's more productive than your nigger hate posts. What else would you suggest to push the narrative?

Lulz, I have senpai there too. My very beautiful aryan blonde cousin married a half nog. She parades her on fb like a tanned princess. He does act like a wht fellow though and is a vet so I can let it slide a bit.

Sensible, moderately eugenic supporting wht male reporting. Now I'm america's wishful black dad. Kill yourself user.