Well? What do you have to say for yourself, Sup Forums? Make sure to really think before you answer!
Well? What do you have to say for yourself, Sup Forums? Make sure to really think before you answer!
When a question is obviously not a fucking argument, nor was it ever meant to be, you illiterate Sup Forums scum autist virgin DYEL loser.
Why should anyone care about muh privatized prisons? I don't care about murderers, drug-dealers, rapists an other criminals.
What is greedy politicians
There is your answer
I've become weary. Another libertarian thread filled with strawmen, another YouTube video about another censorship controversy, another fallacious argument that's so non sequitur even trying to form an argument hurts my head.
I once believed people naturally tend to virtue due to the belief they're good people (or should be) and naturally tend to rationality due to the belief they're smart people (or should be). I used to believe that the entirety of the left wing was just the media creating a delusion of what is popular and considered rational, that it was almost designed so rational people can take it down and demonstrate the correct path.
I was wrong.
The world is stupid and my mistake was humility. I told myself special snowflakism is bad, that thinking I'm intelligent was bad, that I'm actually average. I told myself recognising my intelligence was arrogance and narcissism.
I'm wrong.
You're stupid OP. That guy is stupid and the fact you thought he's smart enough to bring to my attention demonstrates you're too stupid to recognise rationality.
If black lives matter, why do they commit 50% of all murders, 75% of all rapes, and 97% of the time, the victim is another black person?
Acknowledging that all lives have similar intrinsic value does not make it rational or desirable to ensure equality of outcome for those lives.
Sending this back to the front page so people can read your question and realize that fools from OD really exist.
> Why don't we have universal Healthcare?
We do. But for any commodity to be "free", you need the provider to be volunteer or enslaved (which works for low quality work), or you need to pay for it with stolen money.
> And why are prisons privatized?
I don't mind having privatized prisons. I mind having a government feeding this private sectors by abusing its law-making powers. Let people limit their potential with recreational drugs. On a large enough time scale, their genes will die out.
Unless you pay them a living for votes.
> And why are there still homeless people?
People unable to contribute enough to society to make a decent living is the cost to play for evolution to hone our collective intellect. Evolution is "time + death". Furthermore, homelessness could be reduced by making labor a more scarce resource. Stop funding women so they delude themselves strong and independant. Let males do their role and females do their role and society will be much saner.
*cost to pay(...)
Sorry, it's late.
western capitalism actually is all of those things.
you just hate it because it isn't free.
>hari kondapoonloo
are you a little angry there champ?
Does this dumb fucking shitskin piece of shit think he's clever or something? That has absolutely nothing to do with race and those things effect everyone equally.
Because the world isn't perfect and lives only matter to people who they matter to
If their own black lives really matter to them, then why do such large numbers of their men leave their children fatherless, and not support them in any way? Yes, black lives should matter as much as any other, but they themselves must restore the value of those lives; not the rest of the world.
These high IQ media savvy hindus really know how the game works.
Everything whites say or do is put under a microscope and criticized in adversarial fashion. Everything whites do is judged to be a problem.
This pattern of comprehensive adversarial critique is how anti-white bigotry works, hence something as uncontroversial as "all lives matter" becomes an opportunity to demand accountability from whites.
His argument is stupid but it's true that no universal healthcare and privatized prisons are an issue.
Why aren't we a socialist/communist country yet? It would solve all problems.
Your life mattering doesn't mean I have to provide the funds for your food, shelter, and medical bills. You're supposed to be gainfully employed so you can help yourself. My life matters, and after I reached a legally employable age I started providing for myself like a responsible adult. Privatized prisons effectively isolate sociopaths from society for fewer taxdollars per lawless degenerate than can be accomplished in the public sector. Their lives mattering is why they aren't summarily shot after a conviction.
>If the sky is blue, then why do ducks quack?
Hm that's a good question.
A. Because universal healthcare is shittier than privatized healthcare
B. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a home unless we become Soviet Russia
C. No lives matter