Sup Forums omegle thread
>go to omegle
>select the "spy (question)" mode
>produce a Sup Forums related inquiry
>post results
>select "discussing questions"
>engage random stranger
>post results
Sup Forums omegle thread
>go to omegle
>select the "spy (question)" mode
>produce a Sup Forums related inquiry
>post results
>select "discussing questions"
>engage random stranger
>post results
Other urls found in this thread:
really made me think
>the mental gymnastics
>a black guy is genetically the same as a white guy
Have a (you)
Last one, I guess me thread doesn't have enough cuckposting for modern days' Sup Forums
So much for redpilling normies
oh shit
Straight to the front page of r/Sup Forums for us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jesus fucking christ i hate people
Oh boy one of these. Hopefully I don't have to debate an "Anarchist Communist" again and have to try to convince them they're retarded.
Which one of you chucklefucks fell for my shitty ass b8?
stranger 2 has to be an user reverse trolling
yeah, witout a doubt but he was so good i saved his work.. I cannot take credit, it was all him.
Post that one if you have it please.
Lol nice
wew lad, I love these threads
That black guy seemed pretty bro-tier desu
God damn, thats fucking hilarious. Stranger 2 was definitely a troll.
You just like spoons man
I'm entering question mode to find Sup Forums questions. Keep em up
What kind of person would respond like this
This thread is the reason I live!
well, its true
Albinos are the only true beauty
Blacks wouldn't be discriminated against as they are if they were model citizens like Asians. Racist stereotypes will persist as long as black culture wantonly glorifies murder, drugs, theft, materialism, and debauchery, while simultaneously bleating that anyone who criticizes the negative aspects of their culture is either a racist or a race traitor. When black culture is truly unfairly discriminated against (instead of earning discrimination via higher crime rates and pimping a poisonous and debased culture), my sympathy is unavailable.
ayy lmao
My friend.. I'm engaged in gorilla warfare. I'm using their own munitions against them.
jesus fuck
They invented fucking algebra the shittiest low tier easy 7th grade math.
>nobody's that gay LOL
Which one of you fags got triggered
oooo I like this angle. Keep it up!
all according to plan *rubs hands*
lmao i'm gonna call it a lamp shade now
fucking degenerates
>the best way to red pill normies is to try to blue pill them
Ya'll faggots.
>not asking about the ol' lickaroo
might be better for an r9k omegle thread, idk
lmao we're in the questions
>if i type 'Essentially', it will make me seem more authoritative.
who was this?
Well, that's fast.
Does anybody know where I can find nigger emojis to put in my questions? It'll make my shit look more convincing but it's so hard to find. The smiley face one or the hands one would be preferred.
I think its more of a weasel word to obfuscate the fact that he just said something patently ridiculous lmao
heh heh
WTF untermensch
Don't pretend that you didn't believe that.
Found a based omegler in this one
Almost wingman'd a chanfag
Wow, actually compels me to consider.
>yes im actually transparent
>she quits when he says 19
Does this mean she's like an edgy 14 year old or she's a 50 year old used cumbox?
that was me, and you stole my (you)'s, you slut
my sides
fucking owned
The Horny autist and the whore
Someone message her
Or she hates Sup Forums
Look at the despair you caused!!
I want to believe that's a troll but that could be legit
maybe >she is over 23 or something, girls just don't like younger guys