
>blacks want segregation
>we want segregation

Racial conflict would end without a single shot fired and both sides would be happy. There is literally no downside to this.

Yet, moderates from both sides oppose this. How can we convince the general population to give segregation a second chance?

Other urls found in this thread:

Where will they segregate themselves to? Will they live without White aid?

I'm black, i've got white friends. I'm not for this.

I've also got black, hispanic, viet, mixed, and canadian friends.

What you propose is retarded and impossible. To prove this, i will ask you, how will you deal with me? Or any of the persons you intend on forcing this idea onto, what if they have a single friend of the opposite race they will not part with?

Another one of Sup Forums finest

>Where will they segregate themselves to?

Hopefully Africa. But some niggers want to carve up part of the U.S. I'm fine with that as long as the land mass is reasonably small and the population is already filled with niggers (i.e. southern states). We want to disrupt as few white lives as possible with the transition.

>Will they live without White aid?

No, they'll probably do what niggers do when there's no white people around-- fuck, kill, enslave, spread disease. They'll probably be begging to come back in a few years.

But just imagine... 3 years at minimum without niggers. Imagine what we could accomplish.

>racial conflict

kys senpai, niggers are the only ones who want confilct. We just want our farm equipment back and reparations for property stolen by Lincoln.

I sympathize with you, I really do. But the statistics are clear: American niggers are incapable of living with civilized people in peace. Even if you individually aren't a threat to us, your children or your children's children will certainly be. See:

Oh and to answer your question. If you have different race friends, you can choose to stay with them if you wish, but not in white cities or black cities.

Russian style Autonomous Republics/regions/states. Preferential treatment of blacks, guaranteed black governor/parliament/police force, with representation in the national parliament.

We carve these autonomous areas out of the south/big cities where blacks are the majority/biggest demographic group.

Blacks thusly are nominally free from white rule and are now responsible for their own communities.

Just like Russia/China, if an autonomous area successeds, great, if it doesn't, just let Dagestan/Inner Mongolia lie in its own filth. And if it tries to gain independence, firebomb Grozny/Tibet/Memphis/New Orleansand start over again a decade later. If they want they can deport white people out of the territory, and we can deport blacks to these republics/states, just like every single other large country handles ethnic groups.

Keep in mind, your end-all solution won't solve any real problems your society has been surrendering through.

Crime is a problem for all races and all societies, it's best tackled by all races. together.

It's truly sad to hear you guys really speak about black people sometimes. Blacks have been dealt a shitty hand in this life, creating complex problems that you guys don't seem to try to decode, but to just 'send away'.

Intelligent people solve problems. Lesser intelligent people out-source their problems.

I've said it once and I'll say it again.

We should set up a colony in Europe similar to what was done in Liberia and encourage white who want to live in a white only country to emigrate there.

It would be a good pressure valve for the fringe members of society.

Aren't we still technically segregated?

I mean whites know better than to live in street trash neighborhoods.

Wait, how on earth did you arrive at blacks want segregation? I'm having trouble rationalizing this out of the black lives matter movement.

>We just want our farm equipment back and reparations for property stolen by Lincoln.

translation: we want slaves and everything everyone else owns because we all traitors and sheeit

>crime is a problem for all races

>blacks want segregation?
They don't. And neither do whites for all intents and purposes. But there does exist black nationalists. Their arguments are hypocritical as there is already extant places for them to be repatriated to.

BLM wants one sided segregation, not actual segregation.

BLM has said they don't want white police in black communities or white laws to apply to them.

What's the crime demographic? What type of crimes? Drug crimes?

Do you expect me to get a complete mental picture of an entire event with a single freeze frame?

Don't get me wrong, I get all of that. This is 1960's all over again except nogs don't have any liberty to fight for. They just say, "If you can't understand why we need justice then you are part of the problem!". I just want to hear how OP extracted that blacks want separation from other races.

Top kek. So dry, user.

Yes they definitely don't want law to apply to them, but does that mean they want segregation? Not having white police in a black community is definitely not segregation for the record.

Aren't the niggers mad there's a white guy in the front? Kek niggers always in the back

>Blacks want segregation
>Whites want segregation
>Whites in the BLM protest group unchallenged and unharmed
Uh huh.

There is no solution for Blacks, since their problems are genetic. They are incapable of creating and sustaining civilization, even when surrounded by it. We pick up the slack for their shortcomings, and that's all we can do, but we're berated for not making them more intelligent and wealthy.

Prove you're black or get the fuck out.

Blacks are dealt the same hand in central America as Indians, for example. Same education, and most of the time even more opportunities.

Yet, despite living in places where there's absolutely no institutionalized racism, they chose to live in filth, crime and the same disrespect towards authority and organized living.

If you want to feel like a special snowflake, because it's so hot right now, go for it. Go and travel for a while and experience life from others point of view and you will realize how pathetic the whole BLM bullshit really is

The infograph proves that poverty =/= crime.

Please don't take the people on Sup Forums as a representation of even the right. These guys are basically cartoon characters, the flip side of the coin from leftist SJWs. They're mostly butthurt early 20 somethings with inadequacy problems.

They look at a handful of stats and think it endows them with the "red pill" truth. Once they accept their narrative, they're as guilty of confirmation bias as the next retard.

Yes, the black community has major problems. Yes, too much is blamed on "the white man". But the solution is to fix the problems in the black community, and that requires bridges of communication with as many sensible black people as possible, and you seem to be one of them.

inb4 a bunch of low-energy "cuck" responses

>Hopefully Africa

Never in a million year. You'll have to give up parts of America and to be quite honest I believe this is the only defensible position. We're talking about a people who was forcibly extracted from their ancestral land and then had their original culture, language and identity completely erased either through race mixing or "slave education", making a new nation all on their own, the African Americans.

Not only this, but their "homeland" natural development was completely disrupted by the intervention of the various European power, who molded Africa as they wished and for their convenience and left it with artificial countries barely deserving the name of nation. These pseudo nations would seldom welcome the arrival of the African American, with their distinct culture, habit, language and expectations.

So you'd have to give up some states ombre.

>blacks have been dealt a bad hand
>whites are obligated to fix it

No, fuck off. Your kind was offered the gift of civilization and you rejected it. Whites owe you jack shit.

When you say Indians, I assume you mean Native Americans. Communities with high Native American concentrations are complete garbage. They're filled with drugs and crime.

Native Americans make up less than 1% of the population.

And even with all that being said, Native Americans were never enslaved and they never had their culture made essentially illegal. Not saying that blacks had it worse, but blacks had it MUCH DIFFERENT. So it's not surprising to see blacks having a different cultural reality.

This isnt a Sup Forums thing. The new black panther party says they want segregation.

>the gift of civilization

Nigger IQ on full display.

What are these major problems? You have to understand that I have privilege so I'm completely oblivious to them.

Fuck off nigger. The time for logical arguments is nearing an end. I wanted things to work, truly I did. But just watch the nightly chimpouts live on Sup Forums.

Jesus Christ,mothers comes a point where a man has to say "there's just no reasoning with these god damn niggers. Look how they loot our businesses, shut down our roads, rape and commit violent crime at 8x the rate of whites, and use an equal amount of government aid as whites, even though whites are over 6 times more represented in this country."

There's only one solution here. And don't try to rationalize your "special case" among the black community either. Arguments like yours have held off tensions and conflict for decades, but there comes a point where savages will be savages.

In the end you'll see your efforts would have been better spent telling niggers to stop behaving like savages, than trying to explain your situation to whites over and over and over.

Blacks don't want segregation, they want reparations.

>Neo Black Panthers
Literally who?

African niggers didn't even know what a nation was prior to European colonialism, you stupid fucking leaf. Africans hadn't even invented the fucking wheel when Europeans arrived. A. FUCKING. WHEEL.

How is it that the most heavily colonized parts of Africa happen to be the most civilized? South Africa, the Ivory Coast, etc.

Colonialism was the best thing to happen to Africa.

Over 70% rate of single motherhood, a disproportionate reliance on the welfare state, which is cultural cancer (these two problems go hand in hand), and leftist identity politics that do their best to tell you that nothing is your fault and you're fucked from birth in the white system.

These kinds of problems compound. Segregation occurs naturally because nobody wants to live around blacks, and blacks have an inferiority complex, combined with a lack of education, so by and large they not only fail to succeed but refuse to succeed. The War on Drugs creates incentives for gangs to make a cheap buck, so they do that. Gangs destroy the neighborhoods, and nobody wants to invest money in places like that.

Then there's this cultural homogeneity crabs in a barrel mentality in the black community, exacerbated by identity politics, where the mere idea of speaking properly, getting a standard education, dressing in a respectable manner-- they're all viewed as being white impositions on black people, a mark of white supremacy and "respectability politics" which the left legitimately REJECTS.

There's so much bullshit working against black kids before they turn into the "niggers" they so often become. They're fucked by their families, their neighborhoods, their political parties. But the main thing is here that they're fucked by having their mentality of victimhood reinforced. The secret is that black people COULD succeed if they just fucking did what white people do.

So you have lived for 20 years in central America too?

You need to get to the part when native Americans were basically erased from the map by Spaniards.

Nice try but still, my point remains.

>without a single shot fired
Unless this segregation involves shipping them out of then country then that is laughable. You know what will happen if they got a "BLM/Black Panther country" on American soil?

They will try to start a war.

How do I know this? Because Liberia, Haiti, and even Baltimore in its current state already demonstrate what an all nigger country will ultimate turn into. National failures with broken governments and general anarchy.

What takes this to war is the one stereotype of niggers that is no often talked but is arguable their most destructive stereotype: Their refusal to admit to their mistakes. They will obviously not blame their "country"'s destruction on their failures as a people and instead blame whites and even other races for it. They have pulled the race for decades as a way to make excuses and now not even LITERAL, PHYSICAL SEPARATION will make them want to let that go.

So they will attempt to wage war on the Whities and Honorary Whities. They will make up a bunch of bullshit and leaps in logic to claim that the state of their country is our fault and that stealing our property and murdering us is a fair result. This will then lead them to getting completely decimated and slaughtered by the American majority and its military, militias, gun enthusiasts, hunters, and anybody willing to engage. Their land will end up going back to the United States.

...That may sound like a damn good conclusion ultimately from Sup Forums's perspective, but it definitely won't be pretty and it definitely does not mean peace and agreement among both sides OP. Someone is going to end up unhappy in the end (and dead).

He's talking about slavery, not colonization.

Sup Forums represents the right, just a dark enlightenment version.

The issue with black communities is cultural. One that is dictated by black people. Whites cannot help, we just sustain the blacks till they figure it out themselves. Blacks won't listen to what they need to fix until they fix it for themselves.

Its the same with a small child and telling them "That's hot" They won't understand what is wrong with touching it until they actually touch it, but once they touch it, they get it.

The only thing that stands in the way of this is black culture. It destroys the family, and that's the basis of American culture. It is what passes down the ethics of the last generation, which unbroken gives morality and the ability to succeed.

Here's how well fucking deal with you.

It doesn't fucking matter. The African American population of America is distinct both culturally, ethnically and historically from the rest of Africa. It makes no sense to send them back there on the basis of the fact that their ancestor were extracted from a society long gong that happened to live on that continent.

Their connection to it is symbolical. They form, quite literally, the African American nation.

The people that murdered 5 cops the other night. They seem to be the most relevant black nationalist group right now. Would you agree?

I agree entirely. Whites have done everything they can do, and, at this point, accusations of racism and bigotry are just recruitment devices for right wing nationalists and racial extremists.

I seriously hope that the black chappies will figure it out soon.

>The only thing that stands in the way of this is black culture.

Strong hypothesis.

God fuck stop making us look bad you cunt

I'll raise you one. Use some tax payer monies and send them back to africa.

I want deportations. Black are great people you know. Africa deserves them.

Oh, I misread your post. I don't know shit about Central America so it'd be wrong for me to make any comment on it. If I had correctly read your original post, I wouldn't have.

This doesn't mean you're right, it just means I'm not equipped to counter you.

It's just the culture were all the same man here have this blunt

>But the solution is to fix the problems in the black community, and that requires bridges of communication with as many sensible black people as possible, and you seem to be one of them.
No, the solution is to stop the white (liberal) meddling in black communities, a.k.a. segregation.

Too bad, all the nigs regress to the mean. Let them go back to Africa. We're done with niggers. I'm done with niggers. I don't want them anywhere near me. Don't want to see one or hear one.

Centuries in America - Still can't speak proper fucking English. Yeah, they should GTFO.

Aquí si estamos 100% de acuerdo. Por eso me molesta que los defiendan... Ellos mismos deben solucionarse, no esperar que les hagan la vida más fácil solo porque, según ellos, la tienen peor que otros

>Some guys who killed cops called themselves black panthers
>This means the black panther party is active and not just a bunch of angsty faggots doing akin to whites with the neo-nazi crap
Sorry, I'm not worried about a defunct group. Personally I'm more worried about the followers of the one named kek, they seem to be growing in power.

If we, Sup Forumsacks, just talked to niggers we could absolutely create harmony.

Black militancy will be here for as long as the welfare checks keep coming in.

They can look out their windows and blame white people for their lack of education and jobs, the way they treat their own housing and communities, and glorify violence.

If they didn't have Whites, they'd have to look in mirror to find the real causes. This is totally unacceptable.

Unfortunately, we don't speak ebonics.

>It makes no sense to send them back there on the basis of the fact that their ancestor were extracted from a society long gong that happened to live on that continent.

Tell that to the fucking kikes

>we get 100% segregation
>13% of american soil becomes black territory
let's say for simplicity that the other 87% of people in america a white
>87% of America becomes White soil
>fast forward 2 years
>the black area is africa 2.0
>they slowley but surley start chimping out again
>will try and sneak into white America whenever and whereever they can
>all while screaming racism

>round up all niggers and if need be use violence to send them across the Atlantic back to their home
>build wall and throw the mestizos over it
>kindly ask the Asians to leave
>gas the jews
>mars colony by 2025
Screencap this

Sure. Send em to Alaska. Hell, take the sjws with them

The op was about segregation, not repatriation, which is stupid concept when it comes to the African American and considered from the point of view of nationalism.

What you suggest is more or less deportation / war / ethnic cleansing and it shows absolutely no respect for the African American as a people, who everyday have to live in a country which they feel isn't their own as a consequence of slavery.

Because just as lefties calling anyone who disagrees with them serves as recruitment propaganda for the right, going around calling black people niggers serves as recruitment propaganda for the left.

The cure for blacks is conservatism, individualism, self accountability and basically an embrace of right-wing politics. It doesn't help to feed into their deep-seated, leftist reinforced paranoia that the Republicans and right wingers hate them and will never accept them.

Send them to Detroit. Let them build their pyramids.

How are any of these problems the fault of anyone except the self. Literally every single thing you described is the result of a person with naturally low intelligence making bad decisions.

Nobody forced black fathers to leave. Nobody forced black men to become fathers. Nobody forced black mothers to choose the path of least resistance. Nobody forced someone to believe an ideology that is absolutely asinine. If this is an issue of cultural incompatibility in a "white system" then why stay? Nobody is forcing them to stay downtrodden and shackled. White men gave them their independence long ago.


We are all blank slates with genetic predispositions that with proper training from a young age can be overcome.

I truly believe we could with a section of them.

You do realise you could give both those blacks and whites who want segregation their own nations and everyone could do as they please? I doubt many people on Sup Forums would want to forcibly bring sjws into their communities.

everyone else*

>Blacks are like domesticated animals

Okay, B.F. Skinner.

>We are all blank slates with genetic predispositions that with proper training from a young age can be overcome

Still falling for the nuture meme, huh?

Go ahead and name me a single successful black person with a sub-90 IQ.

You have such an apparently simplified view that I'm almost wary of discussing it with you. I dunno if you're just riffing for fun or if you're seriously interested in a discussion on a nuanced subject. Let me know cos I'm not really into a Sup Forumstier exchange atm.

As a gesture of good faith, I'll just say that if you follow the timeline of the black "culture" with actual interest and attention to detail, you can see the picture forming to the point where it is now.

One thing I can say is that the Democratic party is one of the major reasons that blacks could never get past the high watermark of the 60s.

And even if they were of "lower intelligence" I think it's silly to assume that equates to a total inability to function in a society that's already laid out for you. They're still human beings, whether you'd like to admit that or not. Just because they're not going to be filling the ranks of theoretical physicists doesn't mean the only alternative is being crime-addicted savages. A 10 point IQ deviation wouldn't account for that by itself.

I can't tell if you're being ignorant about Alaska its citizens or are TOTALLY aware what Alaska and what its citizens will do.

If the former, then fuck you. Stay out of Alaska.
If the latter, you're pretty brilliant. Give the hunters a new type of game that they can hang on their wall and make extinct.

I guess you're right. But that's an issue reserved for North Americans and Europeans. I don't feel that the rest of the world has problems calling people what they are

The most of the NBA and NFL.

Would colonialism be racist if the colonizers were black as well?

Between the climate and the citizens, it's a win-win

They tried that with Baltimore.

Everything about this question suggests that you're just a meme machine yourself. IQ scores are themselves a meme. If I tell you that someone you don't like has a high IQ, you won't believe me. If I tell you that someone you like has a low IQ, you won't believe me. If they make those claims respectively, you won't believe them.

Have you ever taken an IQ test? Have you taken more than one? Have you noticed that they often test different things? They're not standardized. Have you ever noticed that you can get good at taking IQ tests? Do you accept all the studies you see or just the ones that fit your narrative? I'm guessing if I showed you even one study that accounted for your simplistic views, you'd probably write it off as kike propaganda or something.

Will never be 100%, Mexicans are already encroaching and have taken over south west Detroit. Downtown, Greek town and Mexican town are the only places you can feel safe in Detroit. Im sure you can see the trend.

>Crime is a problem for all races and all societies
Yeah, we all have to deal with negros at this point.

Don't be an ass. Michael Jordon bounced balls around. He didn't cure polio or invent the telephone.

It's not just IQ.
Blacks process information differently.
Blacks have a completely different function of impulse control
Blacks prioritize things differently than whites
Black social norms are different

Whites and blacks may indeed be "equal" in some ways, but their innate differences are what will keep them hostile in white society, and unable to function without it's assistance.

Not necessarily but it could still mean the destruction of whatever social organization used to exist in the land which was colonized. When the Arab colonized east Africa they pretty much just destroyed everything related to their previous way of life to replace it with Islam, hence the fact that today they are Islamic. This is the way of the arabs.

The point is that colonialism disrupt the well established customs of the native population whether it's racist or not.

I'm being completely serious. Like I said, I'm just wearing privilege blinders. I'm a simple man, and I find beauty in simplicity.

Modern society in the USA doesn't have any other cultural incompatibilities in the way that we do with black people. We enslaved Asians for the rail road and put the Japs in internment camps during the war. We currently legally enslave Hispanics; every race has done injustice upon another race. Yet the black community is the only one that feels so very robbed of something they refuse to define.

Like I said earlier in the thread, every time you ask a black person what justice they are missing in society their inference is that you are apart of the problem with no explanation as to how or what the problem is.

>IQ scores are themselves a meme. you know how well IQ score correlate with job performance as reported by the employer versus other kind of selection test for employment? Or how well it correlate with educational achievement? Or the way IQ correlates more with the biological parents than it does with the adoptive parents in certain studies?

>blacks process information differently

Non-sarcastically interested in what you mean by this and what evidence you have to support it. Also, what can these differences be demonstrated (by causation, not correlation) to affect in black behavior.

>blacks have a completely different function of impulse control

Again, not sure what you mean by this and would be interested in even a reference to some kind of study. I don't expect you to go find it for me but even a reference would do. Also, I don't have a hard time believing that they do. But impulsive people don't just automatically become human garbage criminals. Can you support that these innate psychological differences would make as much of a difference as the cultural and social influences we have plenty of evidence to cite in regards to criminal behavior among blacks (namely being poor as fuck, fatherless, uneducated, ingrained with low self esteem, etc.)

>blacks prioritize things differently than whites

No reason to believe this is anything but cultural.

>black social norms are different

This is cultural.

Look, believe it or not, I'm not some SJW who's giving you shit for being a racist. I get it. I see them chimping out and it makes me want to start the race war. But that's just an autist's fantasy. Serious people ought to be thinking about solutions.

He provided entertainment, one that people across America were willing to spends billions on. Millions of American's loved and cherished the memories of his talent, as they do with art, music, etc. It has just as much value as those "noble" humanist pursuits.

Iq regresses towards the mean. If you breed your kids will be closer to an iq of 80. Sorry bout it. We're better off with out yah.

Those black only states would contain unbelievable suffering just like Africa has. Better if we lived in a welfare free society so the smart ones could live with the smart whites and have lots of kids while the poor would have less

niggers are like zebras. they can't be domesticated.

t. (((Jared Diamon)))

>I'm black, i've got white friends. I'm not for this.

Say we were to create a seven states country for the African American people. You elect a black president, interact with black cops, have black senators, produce black movies etc.

This is bad?


>b-but we also want gibs me dat...

Eliminate welfare entirely. Anyone who cannot make it on their own deserves to starve and die off. Vagrants turned looters will be culled by police.

Then let's see how much they want to be free of the "white man".

>Those black only states would contain unbelievable suffering just like Africa has.

Whether that would turn out to be true or not once the separation is done it's done. The degree of suffering in other country is not our concern. What does concern us that we not be the cause of it.

Furthermore, there is already evidence that, at a social level, irrespective of what you may believe about innate differences between the races, the effect of diversity are a net negative, so that there is no use forcing the concept on society as if we gained something from it. Diversity has a certain set of intrinsic qualities which fragilizes society.

>more gibsmedat

Place all niggers in cordoned off areas on this map alongside suburbs and everything will be fine