Turkey has no chance and the Portuguese are literal rats from the sea
Subrace Hate Thread
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The only rat here is you ameridumb.
French and Spaniards invented the western world
Fuck nordics
I keep repeating that Bosnian Muslims are whiter than half of European countries percentage wise,and you faggots still don't believe me.
In fact,I would even say that Bosnian Muslims are whiter than Serbs,with respect to blonde hair and blue eyes.
I'd spare Romania. They are based.
Says trannybro
they're some of the white people we have. We have to stand strong against subraces.
We can't let infighting destroy us
They're muslim so it's a deal breaker. They're been corrupted by Mohammad
Nuke London, it's not worth preserving.
Go back to Romania gypsy...
This is truth.
True. I'll have to change that in the next rendition.
>They're muslim so it's a deal breaker. They're been corrupted by Mohammad
They're as Muslim,as Britain is Christian.
Meaning,they the most liberal Muslim group in the world.
I was there few times(in Sarajevo),went out in a club,and I was amazed two things.
1.how "un-Islamic" the woman are-meaning,everything is the same as in Croatia,or any other western country
2.how many beautiful white woman are there
I was born here retard. I'm not Romanian, not my fault you don't know shit about it.
If what your saying is true maybe.
We'd have to send envoys to Muslim Bosnia to exam their culture. If they seem fit then they may be spared
>If they seem fit then they may be spared
I like how you talk as it's a reality LOL.
Sarajevo is almost completely Muslim.Yet it looks closer to Western city than fucking London.
This all theoretical bruh.
W'ere just saying what'd we'd like to see happen.
>Divide and conquer thread
let it slide
they are more muslim than we are. thats true they are whiter than serbs though. ottomans didnt bother to send many eastern settlers to there since they were loyal to empire unlike serbs.
There is no scientific basis for race.
He thinks he is superior, he is just a stupid burger.
FTW you're 100% German blood exchange student
>they are more muslim than we are.
Wrong m8.Sure,Turkey is not very Islamic,but Bosnia is even less.Check the video up for a quick proof,or read up about it on the internet.
I'm talking about Islamic culture here.
> Autistic enough to actually separate Bosnia and Herzegovina
> Wants to kill off the oldest Europeans (so old, their language has no link to the Romance languages)
> Spares Sweden
with a little bit of Czech
Still, you sound like a stupid American that thinks he is better than anyone.
Italy is white stop pushing this meme
I'm a German Exchange student
I said you just found like one. Read more carefully next time.
Calls people subrace.
Accomplished nothing significant in his life.
what cro bro is saying IS true
bosnian "muslims" are hardly muslim in any sense apart from the fact that their father was muslim so they are also "muslim" it means jack shit over there
They are culturally European and have always been albeit the ottoman influence on coffee and architecture but thats about where it ends
>My cheeky grandma baptized my sister and bro (before the war) my dad had no idea
>I never was baptized catholic by my cheeky baba even though I was the only one of my siblings born in Croatia
so am I a muslim cause my father is technically a muslim and so was his father? even though he was also smoking and drinking
>tfw the Bosnian side of my family is muslim with light hair and eyes
>Croatian side is almost all brown hair and eyes
Hurr durr we aren't white right?
Although one thing I have to point out is that there is a push to be more "muslim" in Bosna among the younger gen
>its like liberals pushing their agenda in the western countries
All of our parents gen are saying its fucking disgusting because that is not who they were
t. paco panchito
Europeans are genetically relatively close, compared to the rest of the world.
>Italy isn't white meme
Italy is literally the highest IQ nation in Europe.
Is myself a race?