What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming mass urban riots?
What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming mass urban riots?
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This has got to be shopped... Jesus
Unfortunately, no. Not that particular baby.
I don't live in a third world nation.
Buying popcorn.
lil nigga smoked two packs a day
I got some popcorn
Stockpiling bombs, guns and ammunition and preparing for a race war. Haha jk FBI, fuck off. This (((thread))) is cancer
I'm planning on buying a small lathe and mill
Not living in a shitskin containment zone aka a city is a good first step
Operation okie doke is go.
Food storage
$ on hand
qt conservative gf
Fast car
> 0 fucks
A 3rd world country is cucking you though.
Not live around niggers. Where I live they are only 8% of the population. It is 54% white, 45% hispanic, 8% blacks, and 6% everything else.
I'm a spic and I don't like niggers, black culture, nor black propaganda. I'm okay with black people but not niggers. Us spics don't have the cultural problems they have. Most of us where I live are fully integrated and fully assimilated. The ones that are not are little wetbacks that only mind their own business and work. They are usually polite.
A while ago, some mom tried a black lives matter movement only Mexican style because her cholo son was shot dead by cops. It failed. Reason being is that us Hispanics almost all agree that a good cholo is a dead cholo.
>launching over us trying to hit california
>Moltov Cocktails
Wanna cook some coons
bought a new laptop and a few monitors...dug up an old snuggie, got permission to work from home for two days
should be comfy lads
If Clinton is elected she will throw money at the police. If Trump is elected these protesters will be rounded up. Either way BLM is going down.
The police are doing a good job of not getting riled up. It's basically a bunch of nignogs yelling at people that don't care they are being yelled at.
Everything will be fine. If you're white.
>thinks north korea can reach mainland usa
I made popcorn and loaded my guns just in case some of the idiots come near my house. If the chimps want to make their neighborhoods less safe and more shitty let them I don't have to live there they do. Shit I say wall off the area they live in shoot anyone who leaves cut all their government benefits, and let them starve.