How do we solve the Hispanic problem?
Ethnic Bioweapons?
What else?
Blame Mestizos, don't lump Spaniards into this. Hispanic is not a race
More Mexicans are leaving than coming in and Mexican and Hispanic American fertility are now below replacement rates
Sorry, met to exclude Hispanics of full European descent.
Mexican types of brown mestizos were considered "Mestizos" until the 80s when the government lumped them under "Hispanic" with the whiter hispanics like Spaniards. Of course the fucking beaners hijacked the word and ruined the word "Hispanic".
"Hispanic" is a very broad term that includes Europeans and Asians. I get autistic when someone reduces it just to fucking Mexicans.
But I'll agree with you that we do need a wall
There is nothing wrong with Hispanics in the United States. They contribute greatly to our economy and our culture.
Pls don't remind me
t. Arizonan
My question is, why are they in Chicago?
simple. get rid of them and make America white again
map in progress, any suggestions?
Chicago is a global city. They get immigrants from all walks of life, just like New York City and Los Angeles.
thats total bullshit
Here in Tennessee just since 2003 the place has been totally overrun with hispanics, they are literally taking over.
I think OP map is bullshit, or the government is really hiding the true numbers because its starting to look like California around here.
I love how the age range of Sup Forums is reaching an all time low nowadays.
Deport all of them. Some spics stole my family's boat and jetskis last week and it really makes me want them all genocided. Such is the shitty life in socal.
Montana is starting to look nicer with every graph.
Free birth control
Ending bilingualism everywhere.
No. You can't deport this.
Love is love, and America needs love.
My boyfriend is Hispanic. I really don't know about the stats but whites and Hispanics marry at a huge rate.
Mass deportations
Recognition that under the "jurisdictional clause" anchor babies aren't citizens.
Pic related is a family as American as Apple Pie and Thanksgiving.
To me, this is the problem I have when liberals say shit like "if an illegal takes your job, you did a shit job anyway/you deserved to get replaced since your job required no skills".
Illegal immigration isn't about just one generation coming over, and it never has been. It involves generations of people shitting things up for legal American workers.
The first wave comes over, mostly young men in their late teens to early 30s. They come to work and put down roots. These are the groups liberals want to give amnesty to because they're "hard working".
So once they're here, then the family comes. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. The come and set up shop with the young men. Now since the young men can be here and get amnesty, their family deserves it too right? It's only fair....
So now we've just doubled or tripled or quadrupled the number of people coming in. The old ones want free welfare and social security so they start soaking that up. The young ones start popping out kids. Those kids need schooling, so they get that for free even though their parents haven't paid a tenth of what other parents have paid since they've only been here a few years.
The kids of those illegals get all sorts of benefits for being "minorities" (which is laughable because they're in the majority in the Southwest US by a large margin at this point. They get free college, tons of scholarships, grants, etc etc.
This is what makes me angry. Now, the kids of people who came here illegally are in uni with little to no actual money being spent. They have a leg up over Xth generation Americans. When they leave college they also get preferential placement in the job market because they're "minorities".
Now, I know I'm not competing with Juan Wetback de Ricardo, I'm competing with his kids. Because Juan got to come here and stay and work, his kids stay here and work, and they're the ones taking up jobs that I will be interested in and qualified for.
Not sure how to solve it without being brutal towards them. It is a serious problem for the entire world right now, not just the U.S.. They will crash the economy under the weight of the welfare required to take are of them and crash the world economy.
Deportation, anchor babies included.
Listen to Satan.
The Spanish adventurers cane and impregnated the native women. Current Mexicans are barely 5'5". Holy shit. You fucking spainiards shit all over these people. You ugly dumpy bastards.
Cut welfare, add a work requirement for all able-bodied adults, invest in work placement and career development programs.
Read the thread, we're not talking about European ones. We're talking about mestizos.
What if I'm a legal spic who goes to an Ivy League for grad studies?
I live in a southwest state and everywhere you look there are numerous Mexicans. They don't only work the shitty jobs like the liberals will tell you. In my office alone which has about 40 people that work there about 25-30 are anchor babies that all went to college and are working a job that pays 50k a year.
The government is lying when they are telling us the population numbers of Hispanics in the country.
What difference does it make? What do you have against them?
I don't want America to end up like another mongrelized Central/South American country.
I can second this
Be careful now. You wouldn't want those hard workers coming in and strengthening your economy now, do you?
No way I was going to vote in a President CRUZ or that proto-mestizo Rubio. Fuck that shit, Trump 2016! German!
Maybe it's just one part of town? I do know for sure that the illegal alien population is way higher than 11 million. I assume most of that is contained in the Southwest.
shill please go
Tell me, how is this hardworking valedictorian computer engineering student going to "mongrelize" America?
What's wrong with hispanics?
Explain the map, please.
They're "different", so it triggers a hostile emotional reaction in people like OP. It's not so much a surprise that there's a correlation between intelligence and racism.
Hispanics outside of California are alright. They're pretty redpilled and have decent family values, arguably better than some whites. They edge out whites in some job categories by taking lower wages because they don't have to pay income tax, but its the corporations that benefit monetarily, not them. They also want to be white and lighter skin is associated with higher class in their culture. Also Hispanic women are the group most likely to marry outside of their race, and when they do it's white men they marry.
Hispanics also really hate niggers.
>pick the top 0.1% of them as poster children
>why don't you want them all?
Return the land you stole from México and problem solved.
Otherwise keep crying about the powerful Latinos.
A fifth grader can look up the rates of government assistance based on race and see its a major problem. You think this will last forever? The economy will crash, the debts will not be paid, the EBT will shut off, the nation will balkanize, everyone regardless of race will suffer.
U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe, China. All will come tumbling down.
They're basically nigger lite. Name one problem with the negro population, and its almost as prevalent with mestizos.
I don't have an issue with them existing, it just makes more sense to fix their own countries first.
If Hispanics hate negroes then why did they overwhelmingly vote for Obama? And the whole thing with the family values is a cuckservative myth. They vote for the most socially liberal candidates they can find.
Latinos are anything but powerful, there's just a lot of them. We fought a war against you and won. And it's a good thing for the land we took because we managed it lot better than you did.
The only thing that bothers me is the preferential treatment of Hispanic "minorities" and the idea that they take jobs Americans don't want to do, when the reality is that Americans would do the jobs, but can't at the price that illegal do because the American has to pay income tax. This is especially true in construction.
Aside from that, they assimilate well. Many second Gen immigrants don't even learn Spanish at home. Most do not have any loyalty to their home country unless they still have family living there. Catholicism is a decent religion too.
I don't know how to solve the issue of dealing with the ones that are here. I don't agree with full amnesty, and deporting all of them would be infeasible. We also need to secure our border before we take any such steps. I think a status that leads to amnesty would be acceptable, have requirements (no criminal record, employed, etc.) and should include them paying back taxes as part of becoming a citizen.
Annex Mexico and replace its government.
The best defense against illegal immigration is a buffer zone of other nice countries to live in.
Says 5' 6" malnourished pinto bean.
>If Hispanics hate negroes then why did they overwhelmingly vote for Obama? And the whole thing with the family values is a cuckservative myth. They vote for the most socially liberal candidates they can find.
Purely because of the issue of amnesty. I grew up in Florida where all of them are legal, and they vote conservative.
Ones in CA are the exception, but CA is overall completely fucked.
>thinks we are scared of the majority of latinos
>they ran away from their own country
>ran as fast as they could from cartels
>cant even treat their own water sources
how did it even get this bad
jesus fucking christ what were my parents thinking
i dont even
You keep bringing up anecdotal evidence. You mention Florida, but Southern Florida is much more liberal than the North, mainly because of Hispanics. I will note that Cubans are more conservative than other Hispanic groups, but not by much.
They consume welfare more than any other type of immigrant, and they are used as pawns by the Democrat party to gain more votes, pure and simple. And there is no sign of that changing. La Raza type groups are rising, and it seems the US is becoming more and more balkanized.
>ignoring the plethora of data on racial realities
>ignoring birthrates
>ignoring the fact that Hispanics already have way too large of a population in the US
Fuck off, Paco.
Decrease immigration and cut welfare
>Hispanics also really hate niggers
I'm so fucking sick of this meme. Muslims hate niggers, too. Do I want America flooded with them? No.
You learn spanish gringo jajajajjaja
Are Spaniards white or hispanic?
Are dumb beaner Mexican Mestizos more Indian or Hispanic?
Everybody thinks the main hispanic is an injun. It's weird.
America 2016.
you forgot a space between "gringos" and "should"
Just fuck them and whiteify them.
I'm a BLEACHED child.
but Sup Forums always says that spics are bro tier, why all this hate op?
It's just science lads.
People from the south are tanned, people from the north are albinos.
It happens with the animals too. Check the polar bears and regular bears.
Voter ID laws
Deporting the ~12 million Hispanic illegal immigrants in the US would reduce the Hispanic population from 18% to 13%
A good start.
pochos valen para pura verga.
Hispanics have allowed every country they occupy to turn into a 3rd world shithole run by drug cartels and dictators.
It has nothing to do with what individuals can achieve or how intelligent they are. It has everything to do with the collective mindset of their race on issues like guns, religion, social services, etc. that have caused their countries to end up like this.
But the whiter countries like Argentina and Uruguay are much better off. At the core, it's a racial problem.
Change the country's name the the United States of Montana.
There are no blacks or Mexicans in Montana, so I can only assume the name is some kind of mystic anti-white incantation.
If America is such an evil racist nightmare, why do they so stubbornly insist on staying?
Sao Paulo should be it`s own state in Brazil
Or atleast be with the rest of the south
Texas is going to reliably vote blue within our lifetime and will certainly be a swing state within the next ~20 years. Hold me, Sup Forums.
How? It's not the '40s anymore mate, the factories that can hire massive numbers with few skills are now on the other side of the world.
A relatively small number are good for taking up skilled trades that White millennials think they're too good for (e.g. plumber or electrician) but Blacks can take on construction and farming just fine, especially the latter if history teaches anything.
I'm in Washington, near Seattle, and I'm not sure where you're from but the ones here are extra retarded and degenerate and side with niggers on everything.
Make it economically unfeasible for them to come here, the Hispanic problem actually poses an existential threat, the black problem does not
When the majority of people in this country are Hispanics we will cease to be America and become North Mexico
Most importantly we need to get rid of birthright citizenship but we also need to:
-get rid of welfare for non-citizens (ideally we should get rid of it all together but the cat is out of the bag on that one and it ain't going back in)
-curb legal immigration, 1 million new immigrants every year is far too many
-start pursuing those who overstay their visas (this will require a lot of money to do but by cutting welfare off for non citizens we would save a lot and could use that towards visa enforcement)
-SEVERELY punish businesses that hire illegal immigrants, massive fines and tax penalties for first time offenders, revocation of business licenses for a repeat offense. This will require a greater level of scrutiny by the IRS but that's one bureaucracy that never shies away from a challenge
-make it illegal to rent homes, cars, open bank accounts, sign any kind of contract whatsoever for illegals and severely punish those who harbor them by signing "straw leases"
-stop issuing driver's licenses to illegals, many states do this
-make it mandatory for government and official documents to be produced solely in English
I'm sure there's a lot more that could be done but I believe that these ideas would severely curtail illegal immigration
>How do we solve the Hispanic problem?
Having children
>only cucks get married
Thank thanks for giving us spics a world super power, we appericirate inheriting an actual fucking worl super for better or for worst.
>lol stupid spic we'll ill you all in the race war
The race war will be mainly whites vs whites vs blacks / arabs.
All you can do is have children. That's fucking all you can do to stop it.
am i drunk or something wtf?
Blacks doing farm work? Lol!
Because they want to make it an evil racist nightmare for white people.
all this map proves is that Montana is once again the best state
>Blacks can take on construction and farming just fine, especially the latter if history teaches anything
But that's really it. I have never heard of black guys in the modern era doing agricultural work. I guess it would trigger them too much after slavery and sharecropping under Jim Crow so we have to subsidize them with Obummer bucks to squirt out more little shits who will expect the same treatment.
I will say this for undocumented field workers: that work is nasty and difficult. I still have problems with them demanding entitlements we can't afford, but at least it's morally better than multiple generations of black families who have practically made an art out of cashing government checks and giving nothing back.
They're in Chicago because it's a sanctuary city. If you look at the concentration maps you will notice where those predominantly are located. Florida is the only one I'm not so sure about considering how screwed Miami and the SE part truly are with Ricans Cubans and Illegals. I've seen them turn away wetbacks out in the Gulf and Atlantic at times yet there are some small enclaves of illegals etc that are allowed. It might be more local than state perhaps.
>ethnic bioweapons
like smallpox sprinkled tacos?
The day the US govt cuts off the gibsmedats, will be a day of a great chimpout the likes of which we've never seen. Think Venezuela, but more violent. You see the dindus blocking the interstates in various protests this week. Imagine these mobs organizing and disrupting interstate commerce, seizing and ransacking warehouses. The next step would be seizing armories and arsenals and open insurrection...
>The day the US govt cuts off the gibsmedats, will be a day of a great chimpout the likes of which we've never seen. Think Venezuela, but more violent. You see the dindus blocking the interstates in various protests this week. Imagine these mobs organizing and disrupting interstate commerce, seizing and ransacking warehouses. The next step would be seizing armories and arsenals and open insurrection...
They need to cutoff everything but WIC and Food Stamps IMO. Social Security included of course. It's the only way to get back to solvency.
simple and effective. that german ingenuity
People's Republic of Aztlan when?
It already exists
Oh and the protests are bullshit. A couple hundred people is nothing. It's a very tiny minority that is being made into something bigger when it's not. Ignore them and move along.
Polar bears are niggers with white hair.
Bank on them going to war with the negros.
>they assimilate well
Why don't you just build a massive wall between you guys and Mexico?
If you are a white millennial in your life time you will live to see the USA become dominated by Mexicans. These people already vote over 80 percent democrat, they soak up the welfare and will crash the economy while being insanely racist to you because you are white.
When they are the majority in America they will not be as sympathetic as whites were to them as they feel they are indigenous people to this land.
Wow, look at Maine.
Most Mexicans aren't racist towards whites, the Aztlan types that rioted in LA are a small minority
In fact most Mexicans are greatful to whites because they employ them and herein lies the problem with the limousine liberal crowd; they face no threat from the Mexicans, rather it is working class whites and blacks who have to compete with Mexicans for jobs
Just let the German Americans save the USA again.
This map is such bullshit it's all self-reporting "hmm my last name is Schmidt so I must be German!"