As an American Jew I have an obligation to support Israel. As a Christian you also share the obligation to support Israel as the creation of a Jewish state confirms the prophecies within Abrahamic literature. You can't prove me wrong.
fuck off jidf
Get back to the chamber jew. No one cares
Perhaps the globalists have something to do with this
Agreed, prophecy is prophecy, do your part
When people are wrong they tend to post something as ignorant as this, foolish after all
Jews worship the devil.
The second coming of Israel is filled with Satan's people. Black or not, Jesus is going to come back and destroy you.
fuck off kike.
we're moving you to west africa.
Torah: first post best post
Gas yourself.
All humanity started in Africa anyways guy
I support Israel because it's the best country in the middle east and Tel Aviv is the best city in the middle east.
And I like Israeli girls.
Daily reminder that we also have the best politicians you liberal cucks
666 Jewry level.
Is it true in the Babylonian Talmud of Hasidic Jews says that Jesus was a wizard and burns in hell in his own shit?
>As a Christian you also share the obligation to support Israel as the creation of a Jewish state confirms the prophecies within Abrahamic literature
It confirms that the Jews will rebuild their temple and a kike anti-Christ will declare himself god and order all the goyim to worship him or be killed.
That is a misconception, the translation was partially miatrantled and was a very common name and did not refer to Jesus
I'm ashamed of you all, we need to first send them to the camps and then gas them ;)
I'm pagan, I have no obligation to do anything but crucify jews
Source or gtfo
Stormfront and Alex Jones are not credible sources
go away satan. you are trying hard.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Revelation 3:9
Religion is toxic.
Church and state got separated 200 years ago because the founding fathers knew it was toxic.
You're missing the "why"
So that's why pagans don't seem to keep a commitment to hygiene and exercise, too busy talking about killing Jews on Sup Forums
Why are Israelis not Jews? Can't confirm nice try m8
>Pagans don't exercise or bath
Mate, we're the ones outside in the lake all day
It's only toxic when it goes against another. Don't give me that crap about how humans are morally superior. That argument is crap.
I'm ok with this, but I claim for myself the title of Lion of Judea, King of Kings.
I have some jewish heritage so the whole blood of zion, decendent of David thing will still work.
To whom do I file my claim such that the elders will take note?
I understand they seek a despot and I will have to take my claim by force, for force is the only right recognized by nature.
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring and get started on the whole jewish messiah/antichrist thing asap
"New atheism" is equally toxic
Go home R. Dawkmemes
they are fucking fake jews. real jews are hebrew and rare to found.
most of these kikes are Germanic called ashkenazi. GAS THEM ALL!
>Religion is toxic
>Atheists spend their manchild lives shitposting about gods and religions they don't believe in
are israelis poor or something? why does that girl look like she's been wearing the same clothes since she was 6?
I stand with the Almighty, not governments of men. Take your golden calf elsewhere.
Some Israelis are poor on western standards but overall well off on terms of middle eastern/non-gulf state standards
Not until the second coming of Jesus will there be a second coming. Israel will be the seat of the anti-Christ.
proof that christianity is a jewish idea
>As a Christian you also share the obligation to support Israel as the creation of a Jewish state confirms the prophecies within Abrahamic literature. You can't prove me wrong.
Jokes on you. I follow the father of all, Odin.
Who /pagan/ here?
DONT FUCKING MIX Christians with these kikes
>I don't talk to my parents anymore when they bring down my pizza to the basement, they tried to take me to church once
Delete this. Mixing is strength and anyone saying otherwise is trying to intentionally deceive you
You stand with White genocide.
Fuck you I am 100% Pagan Aryan Viking.
>JIDF trying to shill for Israel
>Satanic Trips
Bait thread that is still going to get 200+ replies
As an agnostic, I will only stand with you until we can cleanse the earth of mudlimes
>Delete this. Mixing is strength and anyone saying otherwise is trying to intentionally deceive you
>Calling anything that you don't agree with as b8
Hail Wotan! Go back to your mud huts you disgusting Nordic god following faggot. Get out of the way of glorious Germania and her superior gods. What did you niggers do when Rome was on the gates of Germania? That's right - NOTHING. My folk repelled the Roman legions 3 times when they crossed into our land while you guys were bashing sticks together up in that wasteland you call the north. I'm glad your Nordic faggots are being overrun with niggers, because you all deserve it. Hail Odin? Don't make me laugh. Odin is an insult to the glory of Wotan, the true all father. Your god is just the cucked version of mine. Go to bed, faggot.
Go cry to mommy
>Didn't deny you're JIDF shill
The jig is up, kike.
Jesus' followers don't think in terms of color. Jesus could be black as night and it would make no difference to me.
jews worshiping moloch confirmed
isreal can stand or fall on it's own
it's influence here is disgusting and will be sorted out soon enough.
fuck christianity
>Didn't deny that you're secretly a Palestinian covert Hamas baby killer
Wait, isn't Wotan the German version of Odin?
Shit, now I shill for Jupiter.
I swear on mighty Jupiter to bring back the empire.
Look at my picture. This is what pagan prosperity brought to Europe. ROMA INVICTA!
THIS. /pol is filled with too many shitposts that dumb fuckers respond to. I try to sage reply & report but we need to organize otherwise /pol will die and end up filled with anti Trump pro Jeb! mud posts.
i see someobody forgot to preheat the oven.
Shit, I love your picture man. SAVED.
Or maybe he was just calling out the issue that Sup Forums has with anti Semitism and its hypocrisy when a large number of its members are Christian
>Tis better to be a wolf
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a giant wolf kill and eat odin at the end of the world in norse mythology
Jupiter was a so-called unstoppable force that hit an immovable object when his empire came into contact with the Germanic folk. Still, Rome was pretty dope. I went to a Roman bathhouse in a previous life and threw up on some bitch. I saw it in one of my vision quests. Shit was dope.
>Christians will never know this feel
Yes, it's the story of Ragnarok and even those who go to the Norse edition of heaven end up dying apparently
>not an argument
Great, why don't you just move there?
Will you not move until a replica of New York City is made?
You guys have a country and nationalists and a means of keeping your people preserved, so please stop keeping people around to preach anti-culturalist bullshit and drain our wealth.
So please, please go to the country you've been bitching about losing for thousands of years and stop being hypocritical.
As an atheist Jew you're wrong. Read on the Jews and their lies, Christianity rejects Judaism. Read on the Jews and their lies
This is some next level weeb shit, how much LSD did you have to do to get to this level goy?
Jesus himself was most violent and assertive on his condemnation of the greed and deceit of jewish culture.
"You can't prove me wrong." is not a statement from a serious person, it's a shill shit post trying to distract from #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason
Now this is larping.
For a burger-gulper who hates the Romans that much, you make unrivaled pasta.
Yeah but wolves are cool and I have three of them on the shirt I bought at the MCR concert. :DDDD
> not knowing the true power of the gods
C u c k
As long as this makes you Sup Forums friends I guess do your thing man
>creation of a Jewish state confirms the prophecies within Abrahamic literature
Yea nah, AFTER a messiah appears is when you get your holy land you damn kikes. And Bibi doesn't count.
Take a look at this image Sup Forums That is what PAGAN prosperity looks like. The Renaissance was a re-discovery of that ancient culture.
We need the Renaissance 2.0 in order to save our great Europa.
A Jew can't be a cuck, regardless of which side were on we always come up ontop:) Judaism rejects Zionism btw, it's just that there's a group of Jews behind it (as with most problems in the world)
Even Trump is a big fan of Israel, his own daughter who is worshipped by a lot of trump supporters is a Jew, please explain how one could be so anti semtitic but also so pro Trump in general?
>worshipping poo-in-the-loo (((Indo)))-European deities
>not worshipping Mari and Suugar
You're a cuck and will be first against the wall when the worldwide Basque Revolution comes.
Wait a minute, this image was used in the Uldaman instance of WoW.
How does it feel to know your ancestors abandoned their heritage and beliefs at the first sight of the Romans and the Christians which is why you've been treated like filth ever since? The Irish are the lowest form of life form on the planet. They're cowards. They're weak. Your people should be enslaved again.
why don't you finish them off then?
you faggots are all talk and no action.
if we didn't fight your big wars for you. you would be crushed. All we have to do is pull support and you will get smashed.
you are our pet country that lives and dies by our good graces. your unchecked leftist pro immigration filth, and poisonous owners of our media will be your downfall.
daily reminder that our sampson option isn't as friendly as yours and if yours ever goes off we know who did it, even when you frame someone else.
all that said i have no problem with isreali nationalists (who aren't also globalists).
Come to the right side brother, Abrahamic religion is the way friend
Can't prove it either way I suppose. It's good enough for me
Why waste more Israeli lives when there's already enough money in the pockets of the greedy politicians of America?
If you know what I mean ;)
you werent a faggot today canada
Abrahamic religions are literally foreign ideas that originated from the Middle East. In my opinion, it held Europe back for 1000 years.
"My opinion of Christian Zionists? They're scum, but don't tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now." ~ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
What a bunch of idiots... the christians are being played by the Jews and they can't even see it. The U.S. is the Whore of Babylon, talked about in the book of Revelation.
Tbh I feel for Canadians tho, with a PM like there's it must be like mega Obama to us, feel bad for their right wing.
i am with you. Yisrael, Chai,bitches !
The messiah already came, the promises were fulfilled.
The most that can be said is that material culture and aesthetics of the pre-Christian Roman period were rediscovered and improved by the Christian civilisation.
Spiritual changes during the Renaissance period were either towards more anti-pagan Protestant Christianity or anti-religion secularism, not a revival of superstitions.
"Neo-paganism" never puts forward an accurate historical narrative.
Romans never conquered us. You'd know that if you read a history book.
When we chose our future, we chose rightly, and we were the light of a Europe ruined by germanic pagans, which we brought to Christianity and higher civilisation.
You're welcome. :)
>he worships in an earthling religion
ayy lmao
Your opinion is worthless, burgerfat.
Ah, but is this particular Israel the one that we must see created?
Is a future Israel prophesized?
fuck you mooslim Leaf! Yisrael, Chai!
How does it feel to literally be fulfilling biblical prophecy about the end times with your new hate Sup Forums?
I thought we forced you to abandon your retarded evangelist bullshit?
>literally either pulled this off of STORMFRONT or BEFOREITSNEWS
Meanwhile, in credible news, Bibi tells Christian zionists that Jews have no better friends
fuck, yeah!
yo mama!