Post your useful idiots.
Post your useful idiots
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That image is retarted, not even blm acts like that is how policy brutality works.
Police brutality spawns when citizens try to exercise their rights and some cops don't want to deal with it. Some people think because they have a badge they don't need to answer to "civilians" then shit gets out of hand.
The guy with the cc gun didn't even need to inform the officer, he was doing it as a courtesy. But the officer like many thinks a badge trumps the law
>the vikings always got fucking slapped in any large battle
>had to kill farmers and peasants and monks
have some oc, though it's not a fashy goy meme
what's a "large battle"? the vikings conquered every single briton and celt kingdom. They captured cities, including the former roman british capital of london. did those places just not have armies?
>the vikings conquered every single briton and celt kingdom
This is you right now
ok but you're still wrong
nice agenda faggot
being a centris has nothing to do with flame shirts or retarded sun glasses
its really just about logic
Ironic coming from a guy from the Netherlands
you just became a new useful idiot meme, congrats
i'm just dumping whatever i have, idiots. no need to get defensive.
Do you realise that you sound just like the caricature right now.
what logic is that? who is to say where the center is, anyway? Your entire belief system is based on riding the fence between whatever two opposites exist at the present time since you don't care enough to form any actual views. As the opposites of the day change, so does the center between them, and magically your beliefs as well.
Colour the right side with yellow and replace spook with: "it breaks the NAP" and you got the other retarded side.
>That image is retarted, not even blm acts like that is how policy brutality works.
Except this is literally what BLM said about every single "unjustified killing of an unarmed black mayne who dindunuffin" for the past two years
>al Qaeda's manifesto after 9/11 literally says they attacked us over our foreign policy
>Didn't need to inform the officer of his pistol
In what fucking state is THAT the case? Kek, fucking retard
>Actually had multiple priors, including a felony, which makes him intelligible to carry a pistol or even hold a CC license
Facts are stubborn things, aren't they?
>Muslims are one person
>Implying the military wouldn't intervene in a civilian uprising
Only way an uprising succeeds is the soldiers refusing to fight their countrymen.
Otherwise, you just entered useful idiot country, friendo.
sauce on this please?
That is just one terror grup and they are supposed to not be perfectly accurate.
the long faces always do really well
>it's really just for those who are logic impaired
Considering that the Army nearly always sides with the people it's somewhat implied in 2nd amendment reasoning.
>Tfw the monologue isn't:
>So what if he identified as Muslim, that doesn't mean he actually was.
>I bet you also call Caitlyn Bruce because she's "not actually a woman".
This one is stupid because all the people in hookup culture fully support lgbt.
Not to mention homosexuality is statistically more dangerous.
stay mad faggot
This. Normal people aren't into degenerate hookup culture, whichever faggot made the picture was clearly just buttblasted over one guy.
Is this implying Muslims Americans will join ISIS just because Trump said some shit? It unintentionally paints them in a bad light.
If I am to assume the person that made this is either full retard MGTOW or someone who out of own will or do to circumstances remains a virgin. And was made in response to those that can get some.
It's 21st century upper class reasoning that thinks kebab and niggers have no accountability or independence but at the same time actually saying what they think it's only for lower class plebs.
leftists have been saying that constantly ever since Trump entered the race. This includes elected leftists, like our Baboon-in-Chief.
This is literally how Hank Green avoids political arguments.
NRS 202.3667 in my state you don't have to inform the officer unless he asks you. To my knowledge the guy had no felonys, but that's not the point as the officer couldn't know either way. He could of been charged afterwards with carrying an invalid cc permit, but it pertains nothing to the situation that happened
I like this because it shows just how much of a bitch the left is.
>Ban Muslims because they're dangerous and are currently attacking us
>>But then you're going to polarise the Muslims and they'll attack us more
>So we're not allowed to make laws on principle because of outlashings by the peaceful Muslims who'll kill us?
You realize this is the same arguments Tumblrinas use to silence people like us, right?
>You're not gay/trans/non-white/female/disabled therefore you don't get an opinion on any issue concerning those groups!
If I have accurate information to back up my opinion, there is absolutely no logical reason why my opinion cannot be valid.
Stay le mad, Louis.
Fuck my ass, I saw your flag wrong!
I know close to nothing about the Netherlands, so I got nothin'.
You do realise that it's highly unlikely for a 'Murican to know better than a local how a nation thousands of miles away actually is in reality.
hello vladimir. it seems google translate isn't working well today.
"i wish i could brain a 12 year old" makes no sense. please have ivan revise. t.