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Misuse of the word "race" for various human phenotypes.
Move along.
damn op you got me.
Then I assume you agree that #blacklivesmatter is nonsense.
This is true. Canada believes in diversity, and multiculturalism, and also believes that race doesn't exist.
What that poster said is true historically, as well as in a modern sense, that race doesn't exist, since there is only one race, the human race, and it cannot be arbitrarily broken down into inaccurate subsets for the sake of interpretation and division.
Overall, we should be glad that things are getting so much better, and that the idea of race will soon no longer exist, since it has no bearing any relevant, factual scientific paradigms.
I'm taking a dump in a Taco Bell dining room and this just can't stop making me think.
Identity politics and anti identity reactionism distract from the real systemic issues and marginalize the working class.
Nice proxy.
Quit trying to make all canadians look bad, damn.
What do you have to gain?
I bet you're a roach.
>Canada hides its stats
1/36th of our population is 1/5th of our prison population. Niggers.
The other 1/5th++ of our prison population is fucking natives.
Canada is retarded.
fucking jews have it all figured out. divine and conquer
>Race isn't real
>I can see other people are darker
Checkmate GAYtheists.
The God tier method is to have no references to race in law, and to keep statistics about everything. For science, at least - surely information is more valuable than the lack of it.
Sorry I have the spergs I mean divide. I don't know what the Jewish religious rituals are
Quality leaf shitpost.
How can racism be real is race is not real?
Racism is real because people can still subscribe to the racial paradigm, regardless of it being reflective of reality
Race is reflective of reality. We live in a post-DNA world, 1950 liberal notions of race (that you learn in public schools to keep you from realizing the truth of having your nation stolen from you) are wrong.
>post DNA world
Also human genome wasn't until the late 90s
Public science education is shit
These are shill shitposts by Bush and Clinton crime family functionaries attempting to distract our m3g4 p0w3r from Hillary's need for jail, and #ChampagneSocialsts like Soros using #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason to hijack the legitimate black rights movement. (