Cars slow down and people wave flags from bridges to pay respect to fallen officer in Dallas shootings

Cars slow down and people wave flags from bridges to pay respect to fallen officer in Dallas shootings

kys my man

Whatever you say paranoid leaf

Really makes u think

Absolutely hilarious how different this gathering in honor of the dead from these goddamn protests done in "honor" of criminals.

>Traffic stops itself instead of getting blocked by chimps
>The people on foot block nobody
>They come together because they actually feel for dead instead of using them as scapegoats for crime
>The feeling of unity is generally peaceful yet strong from everybody involved in this picture

Will Blacks EVER stop collectively proving racists right?

Well blacks are lesser than us, they can't comprehend empathy like we do.

>Will Blacks EVER stop collectively proving racists right?

Yes, when they eventually cross the line and we kill/reenslave/deport them all and don't have to deal with them for a few centuries.

Then the cycle will repeat itself.

This kills the BLM.


I got this video from theNBC facebook page.

The comments have some very hilarious liberals in it


thank you for your service based officers

>we should treat the bodies of dead criminals with the same respect as cops slain trying to protect people exercising their freedom to protest the deaths of criminals


Nigger do you not see .mp4 at the end

Music source?

>guy with poland flag

they really are loyal like dogs

No, that's a Chilean flag

No violence, Not blocking traffic, not in support of criminals. This is ok with me.

So it's ok when cops have died?

No its a tragedy when cops are killed because they are heroes. The chimps that have been shot by cops in almost all cases are dangerous antisocial criminals who had long criminal records. The whole BLM movement is in support of people who were dangerous and violent and had no place in society because they chose to be criminals.

They did the same thing when Chris Kyle was killed.