Abe wins!

Abe's Conservative party wins control of upper house. May revise pacifist article 9 of constitution.



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k... keep me posted

>non-Japanese caring about Japanese politics

>English teacher

Hell yeah Abe
I expect great things from you

>being a fucking white male
>living in japan

Fuck off, English teacher. Kill yourself.

someones needs to maintain civilization after the darkies wipe us out

>be weeb and buy Japanese things from time to time
>Abenomics keeps the yen cheap
Works for me desu senpai

Literally everyone can't wait to butt in over US politics, might as well let your country be watch by a few interested parties. It's not like we're Aussies funding and running actual political campaigns on your soil.

If Japan gets a real military it's going to really shake things up in East Asia. Right now China is basically the only country in Asia with a real military and as such they've been able to bully their way through a lot of international agreements. Their navy is shit but they're the only country that has one right now.

Also, if Japan starts a real military that means that the US can sell them a bunch of equipment, weapons and vehicles, which means lots of economic activity for the US.

Revising Article 9 means the military relationship between the US and Japan may need to be changed. This is also US politics.

>The end of Anime
>The end of Hentai
>The end of Japanese pacificism
>The return of glorious Nippon


Abe has had 2/3 of seats in the Lower House since 2013.
And he got 2/3 of seats in the Upper House yesterday.
Good work.

It definitely will change. I'm certain Japan will build up their own military and request the removal of American military bases in their nation. It's been a sore subject for them for many years.

Another conservative victory. This is it. The change has begun.

First Brexit.
Then Austria.
Now Japan.

Next USA.

Get ready for that Trump presidency.

Prospects of another Japan - China conflict is scary shit, with a militarized Japan

This affects US policy as well. Especially if Trump gets in you will have the freedom to expand a military.

This should work to keep filthy Communist China in check. The Chinks Merchants are our common enemy.

This, stop colonizing the pussies of our east Aryan friends' women.

Third Sino-Japanese War, when ?


I wouldn't be surprised if America was helping Abe to achieve victory.


Oh no, here they go again.

Well the trend is to destroy countries so why not

Delicious liberal butt hurt from a leaf whose nation has already been destroyed by liberal idiocy.

>Abe can do what he wants meme

You literally can't repeal Article 9 unless you have a national referendum which isn't happening soon.

Trump won't win. He has a snowball's chance in hell of winning now.

Shameful display.

>this will happen again in your lifetime


Kek. Keep telling yourself that Hillary.

I suspect the first branch to be revived is the IJN. They don't have as shitty history with the americans, and they'll be the first branch built up to counter the chinese.

The IJA on the other hand won't be brought back properly, it would be more like the British Army vs the Royal Navy, and thus it would be brought back as the Japanese Army, with the Imperial part omitted due to a multitude of reasons.


Hello Narendra

>You literally can't repeal Article 9 unless you have a national referendum which isn't happening soon.

What if the US says so? We are the reason you have that article in place, no? We want you to be FREE NIPPON. It is time to re-awaken the Samurai.

You must DOMINATE that region to keep China in check. Filthy chinks are getting out of hand.


fucking nice

you fucking racist nazi mother fuckers

why do you want a world war III

you want people to die?

you want to die?

fuck you, go hang yourselves

you are on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY, and fuck your chair too, fuck your internet, fuck your carpet, fuck your bathtub, fuck you

fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,

Trump will win. He's King of the Boomers. Old people vote. They will vote for Trump. The dems had their chance with Bernie. He would have brought out the kids buried under school loans. Now all they have to vote for is Hillary and that's a Yes on TPP.

TL;DR: Trump has already won. It's not even a question now.

>Baiting this hard

Not even effective.

>not wanting to die

back to plebbit with this one

At this point, WWIII is going to happen regardless of what anyone does.

I'd rather Japan actually be able to defend themselves against China.

As a Jew the samauri must be feared and respected. The Asian is too based be shilled. This is also why I enjoy doing business with them.

make Japan great again! Restore the imperial authority!

How does this affect the animu industry?

>This is also why I enjoy doing business with them.

I've done work on a store in Osaka and that went pretty smoothly.

Absolutely everything we had produced in China was a huge PITA, though...

Prospects of another China - Japan conflict are even worse with a non-militarized Japan.

I'm tired of footing the bill for Japan's defense. Its been 70 years, Japan can afford an Army of their own. I'm looking at you too, Europe.

Gomenasai, my name is Adolf-Sama
I'm a 27 year old German Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

We need to kill the EU first

I don't even know why people want A9 gone. Japan already has a military force, Japan already scrambles jets to make China go away when they are nearby, what else do people want? Not that UN Peacekeeper meme I hope.

You're doing a fine job of it, Spain.

>literally free nationalist propaganda

nukes obviously

>what else do people want?
The samurai to return.

This. The Japanese government aren't idiots and they know that animu is very influential overseas. They wouldn't ever neuter it. Plus it makes $$$.

Shit worked on me, I would defend Japan to it's third nuclear strike.

How about you defend our nation first?

will you fuck kim jong un's fat ass up?

>one estimate pegs him at about 420lbs, he's grosly overweight, even more than his father was at the peak of his career

Defending Germany is strictly verboten. wouldn't want anyone thinking you're a Nazi.

I hope japan stays friends after the cyber-samurai revolution.

There's no hope for Germany, the best you could do is get all the decent non-cucked Germans and move them away

You mean Merkel, Turks and cucks?

Nah man, I don't defend a nation anymore, I defend an ideology. And Japan. God, these fuckers can make some good sauces.

We're all Nazi in denial here.

It was just banter m8


I think people wants the A9 gone due to increasing threat from China and the needs to be more "secure". The deaths of 2 japanese journalists by ISIS also adding the fuel for it to be gone.

>Also, if Japan starts a real military

Japan Already HAS a military dumbass

What you think the JSDF are a bunch of British cops running around with Batons Ninja chopping people?

Japan won't need to buy weapons from the US, they make their own, quite a few weapons in fact.


what a moronic video

the morality of the bombs is a good subject for conversation, but that video is fullblown Chomsky/Zinn tier

Yeah but Japan is already allowed to Defend itself from China. Do people expect them to start acting like russia or china and flying aggressively near their airspace or something?

>Japan won't need to buy weapons from the US, they make their own, quite a few weapons in fact.

They'll do both.

A helicopter carrier isn't exactly a great achievement but you're not wrong, Japan already has a decent military.

Well Article 9 needs to be changed, but I hope they don't kill the value of their cultural exports by becoming a repressive state.

China produces nothing I consume because the only entertainment that's legal and uncontroversial enough for them to produce is Kung Fu movies that focus on action rather than being contemplative at all.

Also general goodwill, I don't want Japan to suffer with a shitty constitution.

But as one of the few nationalist countries, I want Japan to succeed and serve as an example to follow rather than as a warning against nationalism.

Not only that, but they have put their own domestically produced rocket into orbit. They also have nuclear power, and they're still waiting on an apology for the whole Hiroshima/Nagasaki thing.


>not red zaku
There was an attempt.

A Helicopter Carrier that can handle a F-35B.
Really Japan has offensive firepower if you read the loopholes.

No they don't

>Right now China is basically the only country in Asia with a real military
I stopped reading right here, champ

Quality > Quantity

>A Helicopter Carrier that can handle a F-35B
It can't.

So... the Eastern Front..?

Excuse you

At least use different images.

We also won't have to pay President Trump to keep your troops stationed here.

My mother's haplogroup originates in Finland so I'm basically Japanese

Glad to see my people finally becoming great again.

(jk I'm irish and german, white power)

True it's lacking the Thermion coating that would prevent the decks from getting damaged from sustained use by the F-35's jets.

China having a monopoly on military power in the region is a lot scarier. At least Japan is a good ally of the USA and we can probably trust them to strategize with us and not to do anything stupid.

The JSDF is limited in what they are allowed to do outside of Japan's sovereign territory, and what kinds of weapons they are allowed to have. They would have a major head start in converting the JSDF into a full military force, and I have no doubt that they would very quickly surpass China's military.

China's military still goes by the Soviet Union-era communist model of having tons of bodies to throw at any conflict, but most of their equipment is shit. China isn't terribly well known for their quality control when it comes to the products they manufacture-- there's a reason why their best customer for military gear is North Korea. You know your military industry is shit when not even the poor countries want it.

Their military was built around warfare of the past, and while they have a leg up against NATO countries when it comes to cyber warfare, I would highly question any claim that they are prepared for a modern war. They haven't had to use their military for anything other than gunning down civilian protesters and diplomatically bullying their neighbors in the last few decades, and if it comes down to an actual fight I don't think they are ready-- certainly not more than Japan.


Not to mention that most of the polls are based on election turnouts from 2012. In a nutshell it's like "Obama got 300 electoral votes and Mitt Romney got 200, so we polled a sample of 300 Democrats and 200 Republicans to see who they are voting for." That's the Mickey Mouse version, but the groups they are polling are not random, and are deliberately sampling more democrats because that's how the last election went.

Basically, if Hillary is slightly ahead in the polls, it means nothing, but if Trump is ahead it means big trouble for Hillary, because if Hillary can't even win with a handicap from the poll then there's no way she will win in November.


this just means waito piggu go homu nippon banzai!!!

So..... even with modernization, they're still utter shit ?

Let's put it this way-- no-one will trust cars made in China enough to buy them, so why would they trust army tanks and jet fighters? China's military gear is basically inferior bootlegged versions of what the West is using.

They build them under license dummy.
Grand majority of their hardware is based on US stuff and they'll need a new plans to replace all their extremely aging planes.
Here's when the F35 massive contact comes into play, except for the fact it can't be sold like that so, they'll have to buy units, tons of them and that new helicarrier is gonna use em.

Trump might take it if Bernie runs Green Party. Only if.

Quick question for the engrish teachers ITT:

How touchy are Japs when it comes to talking about politics? Doing a homestay at the moment and I kinda wanna get their opinion on the current political climate in Japan.

The day Nippon is allowed to forge steel blades once again is the day the world must kneel is submission

Chinese Navy is a joke.

China just buys old ass refurbished ships from Russia.

Meanwhile, Japanese produces 2 New "Helicopter Carriers" in like just 3 years.

Japan has always been conservative.

Communism never was able to get a hold of Japan since the first Communist attempting to ensnare Japan ended up being killed by a Katana Wielding Man on Live Television.

i see.... but China is one of the largest manufacturer in the world (even thought that quality control are from their "client" states). Give enough time, they could reverse engineering stuffs and make a improve the quality

Facts are Republicans are up Democrats are down. Obama is the 4rd or 4th worst president of all time maybe less or more but he's pretty bad. Record numbers of Democrats tried or did switch to republican. The only thing holding this back were rigged rules for the primaries. It would of looked more apparent to you otherwise. Trump pulls in tens of thousands within 24 notice even on a rally. He'll run three or more per day all packed to the brim. Bernie wished he got that kind of turnout and he didn't have social media or mainstream media against him. The liberal censorship and totalitarianism on college campuses was another thing he exploited easily and still couldn't compare. The writing is on the wall when New York is up for grabs and even a snowballs chance in California.

>non-Japanese caring about Japanese politics
Tell that to all the non-americans shit posting about our election cycle.
Besides I'm hoping abe will devalue the yen to help the poor traders getting squeezed from their short yen carry trades.

>why do you want a world war III
Exactly. That's why people are voting Trump to avoid it.