Any lolbertarians that still lurk on this board, tell me why you support this closet leftist??

Any lolbertarians that still lurk on this board, tell me why you support this closet leftist??

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I don't, I'm voting for him only as a protest vote against Trump and Clinton

Closet leftist?

He is a blatant leftist to anyone with half a brain.

Breaking the bipartisan duopoly
Fuck the haters

>I'm voting for stoner hillary as a protest against trump and hillary


>closet leftist
oh hufflepuff

fucking libertarians dropped the ball, The vocal libertarians said Rand Paul wasn't Libertarian enough to vote for but they nominate this Ass instead of Mcafee

I don't think they liked the idea of nominating a guy that may or may not have a foreign murder charge on his name

The lolbertarian movement died when ron paul retired

The Ideals Of liberty and the constitution is what is most important.

Ron Paul wasnt a libertarian, he was a confederate.

Hi, libertarian here - I don't. I'm voting for Trump
Marc Allan Feldman should be the nominee, instead he has died, rest in peace Marc

I'm an ancap and I sort Caesar (Trump).
Johnson is a cuck, and weld even worse .

Gary Johnson apparently thinks Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong with her email

Hello, libertarian here. I'm voting trump, only way to create a true libertarian voter bloc is to reform the Republican party, third parties are incapable of winning.

I wish Austin Petersen won :^(

> Hoping a statist will revive the small-govt GOP

this is probably the first time in ages where the libertarian candidate is actually far worse than the republican candidate.

johnson is literally an open borders pot head hippy faggot. absolutely disgusting.

Why does ancap, lolbertarian, ayn randian Stefan molyneux support Donald trump?

Peterson is a fucking edgy Cringey cuck , lol. Look at his stance on the NAP, and I'm not even a deutonological ancap.

Because I'm socially liberals.

Tell me more about your poor feelings about homos getting married.

God I hate this twat. The local radio host on the drive home says he's the alternative to Trump every day (I live in Texas). He's such a fucking joke, but it shows who the real conservatives are and who is only conservative when it's convenient.

A lot of us support him because we think he will bring about the collapse of insider politics. If he gets in, anybody can get in and if anybody can get in, the government will collapse because it relies on being an inside game

Cuckservatives like Paul Ryan will never bring back small government GOP. You have to fuck up the system.

>all these supposed libertarians supporting Trump, the authoritarian candidate

You guys are massive tools.

Agreed on the NAP, but other than that he was pretty solid to me.

This is literally all of his supporters.

Have fun throwing your vote away idiot.

I'm not hoping to revive anything. I hope Trump causes the Federal Government to collapse completely. We don't need a Federal Government, it's completely fucking worthless.

Not saying Trump himself is the answer. I'm just saying that voting third party is a waste.

I don't think he buys what he's saying for one bit. He did a 145 since 2012. He's probably being paid as a spoiler candidate.

I'm getting all of my Democrat friends to vote for him, since his policies are so close to Hillary's now. Just making sure I'm doing my part in getting Hillary less votes so Trump can win. Johnson might have been respectable if he didn't get puppetted by Soros.

The Libertarian Party Primary was rigged, Johnson cheated

libertarian. voting trump.

Johnson had name recognition, and he wasn't as open about being a piece of shit as Petersen. There was no way it was going to go any other way.

Again, it's really fishy. Johnson is only has like 10% of the same platform as he did in 2012. If it were 2012 Johnson, I might have given a second thought to Trump, but whatever. I'm okay with Trump, since he opposes bullshit like the TPP, NAFTA, and illegal immigration.

Lol. US has all the pieces it needs for world domination 1984 New World style.

Have some strategic level foresight.

Can you explain how? Curious about this.

>thinks populism/nationalism is authoritarianism

Literal retard.

Isn't voting for Johnson basically like voting for Hillary?

Also this. I'm a Nationalist/Libertarian-lite (centrist, basically). Trump speaks Populism, which most heavily favors Nationalism, which has been attacked by everyone for the past 26 years almost.

> lolbertarians

Nothing says I don't understand an ideology, but I want to make fun of it like that.

Pretty much. He got bought out by Soros (most likely), which is why he switched from being Ron Paul lite to Hillary Clinton lite.

t. butthurt lolbertarian

> tell me why you support Johnson

Because smaller government, fiscal conservatism, and free enterprise are more important to me than race or culture issues.

You could kill 2 birds with one stone if Dems can be convinced that Johnson is Hillary with a clean plate(He practically is). Get that magic number for the Libertarians and steal Hillary votes at the same time. Trump wins but a 3rd party gets recognized by the system.

He also has no chance to win so he is just draining voice from Trump to make Hillary win

His rhetoric speaks nothing to Republicans/Libertarians. He's only appealing to Hillary's audience that doesn't like Hillary.

He's just a second Jill Stein.

I don't nor that faggot weld. Wayne Allen root kept Johnson grounded but now he's off the deep end.

The "Libertarian" party is a complete fucking joke, at this point it has nothing to do with actual libertarianism

me too. I heard Petersen interviewed on Part Of The Problem and he seemed pretty good

at least he knows enough about libertarianism to tell (((Dave Smith))) why he doesn't believe in the NAP

I don't give a fuck about open borders, and Trump is vehemently against intervention in the middle east. that is a huge win for liberty if he can stop the droning and overthrowing governments and arming rebels.

and meanwhile shaking up the GOP has a chance to finally let the simmering libertarianism of younger citizens overtake the neocons.

The Open Borders party needs to die.

>I support open borders because im sure the Mexican horde will follow the NAP :^)

I'm sorry we can't let you do that to yourselves.

I'm a libertarian, big time, and of course I have my disagreements with Trump (NSA, patriot act, etc) because I don't want useless, limpdick politicians telling me what to do. But the point is, trump, for all he does wrong, he does more right. He is a reset button on the corrupt establishment and can serve to level the playing field (like a fucking tank running over garbage) so aggressively that, through protectionist policy and modified/eliminated trade deals, he paves the way for a more stable libertarian future.

I see it this way. Right now, we (libertarians) want to establish ourselves in this great country, one that was intended to be libertarian in value. It is not. We are a dump. So I'm electing a strong, patriotic nuclear missile to eviscerate the degenerates and trash so we have a clear field to set up shop, so to speak. This "nuclear bomb" applies to aggressively resetting racial demographics, eliminating excess immigrants, making America more powerful, making us isolationist, etc.

Basically when Ron Paul said "it's happening" Trump was the big red button under the glass case he was supposed to press in case of emergency.

>you will never live in John Mcafee's cyberpunk libertarian hacker utopia

Why would you vote for Mcafee, an actual murderer?

Fellow libertarian here.

I'm hearing you, and slowly moving over to the Trump side.