Is he right, Sup Forums?
Is he right, Sup Forums?
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Actually, yeah. I don't know who that is but that's pretty good
I'm from Cuckada and even I can't see what he's trying to say. No
Depends whether he thinks racism is justified or not. are a smelly fat mook.
I've got nothing OP
literally who gives a shit
and on top of that its a nigger. like, who gives a shit about some pseudointellectual nigger?
He's saying that what we consider racism is actually bigotry, even everything that goes all the way back to tribal stuff. There's no such thing as racism without the power structure of the state because there's nothing to deny to anyone else you're bigoted against without it.
I think that's what he's saying.
> America
> people pointing fingers at each other and trying to "define" racism
> Russia
> Emperor Putin puts BLM on terrorist watchlist
Racism - a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others
Bigotry - stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
No. Bigotry is intolerance to those holding other opinions, or an intolerance of those of other groups. t.Websters
Racism is the belief in race being a factor in the capabilities of traits of an individual. t.Websters
Definitions are fucking objective and agreed upon, otherwise you can't exchange information.
>words mean different things than their definitions because I say so
He's doing the Marxist post structuralism thing and trying to win arguments by redefining words, thus shifting the common ground. This is intellectual dishonesty.
>otherwise you can't exchange information
Post structuralism makes conversation impossible, it's therefore an not a constructive position.
He's like a young Noah Webster.
Calling someone "systemically racist" just doesn't have the same punch, user
I was gonna give you an angry reply... but then I thought about it for a few seconds... hmm...
I was going to ask what a mook was until I looked it up
How ironic
racism CANNOT EXIST because
You're right of course, but "general" is not an accurate way to describe the Surgeon General.
More from le nigger
Then it's supporters are socialists.
And all the people who oppose it aren't.
Well I am convinced
Everyone is racist.
Well he's right that racism and bigotry are separate.
But again, being racist on its own means nothing. Its whether the other parties deserve that racism.
I think he's redefining words to gain in politics, just like the commies in the USSR.
I guess there's nothing wrong with racism then and it's just another perfectly acceptable political ideology like socialism that deserves equal representation on college campuses....
Everyone these days has their own interpretation and newly redefined version of what they believe racism to be.
They should at least inform you of said redefinition.