I'm a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing
I'm sorry. Did they fire you because you smoked the confiscated crack?
> vox
> truth
You can only pick one, because the two don't go in the same sentence.
I'm a white ex-shitposter on a Paraguayan pan-fluting image board, and this is the real truth about you being a cum-guzzling nigger faggot.
>Black people can also be white supremacists
Even if white people are gone they will still find it.
"institutional racism" is a spook.
Listen jill this is a terrible article written by a terrible site.
I will be posting a collection of the writers for this fucking millennial dumpster of a company.
Lets begin...
This writer look like he is 15 years old. He is currently writing front page articles for the site.
This one is almost too fucking easy.
She reads up on the Quran and winds up converting to islam. The posts little fashion selfies of herself in her hijab online.
Front page writer for the site.
Her actual name....is Libby. Its as if her parents knew she was going to become an aging liberal twat whose apartment was going to smell like cat piss and who never gets called after she sleeps with a guy.
What the fuck is "instututional racism" supposed mean in this context?
This bitch never got her call back from Netflix about her temp to perm role on Orange is the new black so she writes childish lies all day in a shitty office somewhere where her colleagues probably worship her for being black.
Does this mean you got this link while using facebook?
I should quite while I'm ahead but fuck it...
Is it a man? a woman? a chink? a spic? a dyke? a faggot? a trans species greaser?
Like fuck man
He writes. We all lose.
110% he sits to piss.
The resident coal burner/fat white girl.
All her photos online are from the shoulders up. This one is photoshoped. She currently has a live in black boyfriend who she takes care of.
That is the crooked grin of a man who knows its just plain rude to not swallow.
After about 10 minutes his wife and her bull had to ask him to leave. It was just getting too awkward for both of them.
Black and had a job? Now I know you are full of it
>by Redditt Hudson
This is Todd. He is the Culture editor at VOX. Which makes sense because he looks like he gets out a lot.
...But seriously. Deep down inside he knows he's wrong, the site is wrong, the whole thing is wrong. But he's trapped. This is career he chose. He needs to money. Sadly he eats his feelings.
Shall I continue.... This is fun for me. I could go all night.
You are really getting a lot of use out of this picture aren't you?
You're drinking, aren't you?
go on
huehuehuehuehue thank you user
OP, are you shilling or are you just fucking retarded?
For a canadian...Anything.
These are actual people from vox.
>race profiling
Opinion discarded.
It's called proactive policing, you mong.
This is Allison...
She's the engagement editor at Vox...
If you stare into your bathroom mirror and say "social justice" 3 times she will appear and accuse you of rape.
Whoops forgot her picture...
This is sarah. She is a senior editor a Vox.
Years of getting triggered has given her a rare form of "why the long face"
Lol good work so far man
This is Eleanor. She is a features editor a Vox.
This is her quote...
"I wondered if my love for reading and writing would always be a hobby or if I would actually be able to do it for a living."
Lets really take a minute and think about how we want to define "able"
This is Emmit. He is deputy first person editor at Vox. (made up position)
He is an black guy who was a diversity hire and who received a made up job title and corner office.
He doesn't have his picture up because he didnt submit his in time. He was late for work that day.
But ask anyone around the office and they'll tell you...Emmits just GREAT.
This is Kay. She is the deputy politics editor at Vox.
She unironically believes in Hillary Clinton. She thinks women voting for Bernie sanders are childish and need to not be so NAIVE. She also believes that unironically.
This is Bridgett. She is a copy editor at Vox.
She usually works an 80 hour week on account that she has to basically rewrite every article submitted by black or hispanic contributors. Like most white people who spend there week getting fucked over by minorities....She is slowly becoming red pilled, and has subscribed to Stefan Molyneux's youtube channel with an anonymous youtube account.
This is Dylan. He works at Vox. This is DYLAN, and he WORKS at VOX.
This is Brad. He is a senior editor at Vox.
When he isn't writing about the environment he is making all the women in the office uncomfortable by hitting on them with facts about the environment.
Hes creepy alright...but you have to admire him for trying.
Its almost 3am here. Shall I continue?
>by Redditt Hudson
>on Vox
>linking to Vox.com
I bet his pick up line is "Does this rag smell like choroform?"
Thanks, user. World class thread