So what did "RB" stand for?
So what did "RB" stand for?
Robot Bomb
He figured there would be a coverup.
didn't have time to do the G
it's the flag
race bait
Reddit BTFO
send RoBot pls
interesting theory
Randy Bobandy
He tried to throw a grenade but forgot this was real life
Resoundingly Black?
Resolute Bollocks?
Radicalized Bolivians?
Fuck man, I dunno.
fuck off randy
He meant Rosebud, because prolapsed anus takes too long to write.
Wow. This makes sense. First plausible thing ive read or heard in two days.
>Write RBG on the wall
>Every nerd ever thinks you're stupid
>During a two hour stand-off after he had murdered five officers and injured seven more Johnson also used his own blood to scrawl messages on a wall.
>Most were illegible but the letters "RB" stood out.
Who knows, he had bad blood handwriting, RB was part of a larger message that can not be deciphered.
Right Button (of a 360 controller)
>Revolutionary But Gangsta
>He couldn't finish the G for some reason...
It's acronym associated with abusing the system (welfare, etc), criminal life (drugs, robbery, etc), but with a mindset of being a socialist/communist black liberation rebel.
made popular by a rap group "Dead Prez"...possible evolution of the latter days of 2Pac.
Rindu Buffin
Holy shit
here lies Micah, he died a virgin
red bull (it gives you wings)
Rogue Black
Rabbi Bearnstien
"Race Baiting" "Rape Balloon" "Red Bill" "Rolling Ball" "Really Big" "
It was supposed to be BR for Baton Rouge
Right Back
There is no end. Shoot yourself in the face of you don't believe me. You'll instantly be someone else, in another body, growing up.
Typically our souls enter our bodies between 24-48 months old. That is why abortion is acceptable, btw
It's probably related to this picture which was posted on twitter. Not many people seem to be making this connection, for whatever reason.
Rbg. Its part of the uhuru movement. Google rbg uhuru. Its their flag colors.
He actually wrote R8.
He wants us to rate his shootout.
I give it 5/5.
It dates back way before that. I remember X Clan doing this shit on Yo MTV Raps.
>Professor Griff is from Public Enemy
>Also exposed in a twitter pic with the souljah boy but Griff denies it. Wtf, he was in a goddamn pic with the guy
rose bud
Pic also related
Run Blacks
In all seriousness, maybe "Racist Bigots"?
Ricki bicki
I knew ginsburg was behind this attack
I rate it 5/11.
really black
I can't wait till school starts again
Press RB to pay respects?
Red Bull
He wanted mad max to win