Is she right Sup Forums?
Is she right Sup Forums?
can i marry her?
based megan
she's great
Charge you're phone, scum.
Also that girl is right as hell tbqhf
two words;
i came in expecting the worst and...
i got it. typical fucking racist white american bitch. i can't wait to return to canada next week
Someone's about to receive a "visit" from Obama and his BLM posse. Time to become culturally enriched.
Submitting her to Hello Racists as we speak.
based. saved
Okay you can have a you
fucking leaf
Yes. We give blacks pretty much everything.
-lower college standards
-national news for when sex offenders get shot after waving guns at people
-free votes for Obama
Yet collectively they somehow fuck up
these are the types of females you impregnate senpaitachi
Woah. She really changed the dialogue. Completely swept me off of my feet. I'm ready to have that silent majority revolution right now!
didn't know f.ams was filtered also
no fuck off
This is refreshing DESU
Right about what? Whats her point here? She's basically just going "NUH UH" followed by some vague and unsubstantiated claims. Reads like a post on this site actually
It doesn't matter. I've talked to blacks and this is what you get
>blacks looted electronics and shit but it doesn't matter because that's all there was in stores
>blacks burned shops down because the owners were racist, they were racist because shoplifters were treated with sometimes violently, and shoplifting is okay because they was poor
>Zimmermann was guilty because he confronted Skittles, he shouldn't have left his house, then changed to they don't know if Zimmerman was guilty when questioned whether they read info about the case, then changed back to he was guilty in under a minute
>teach their children to not trust cops even though acting sketchy is what gets them killed
>blm are peaceful protesters
>Dallas cop killer showed the cops they is prepared to fight on their level
>mlk was wrong and a pussy for taking shit
>for every one of me I'll take out two
>disrespect of law taught to children is the education systems fault even though they are taught the ghetto lifestyle by their own family
On and on and on.
I do believe the silent majority will be something finally. BLM is a bunch of terrorist, we wuz kangz etc.
too bad thats a fake account
She was 100% right until the end. None of our lives matter
No it really isn't brother. I know the girl. It almost feels like she lurks here then posts on fb.
She is right.
Trying to talk about police and blacks relationship without mentioning crime is a little like me telling you my dentist is the worst but not mentioning that I don't brush my teeth. There are causes and effects here that have to be addressed.
The good news is this will be over with the next presidential election. Either way. Neither Clinton nor Trump will tolerate this the way Obama is.
I know her too actually. She went to school with my wife's boyfriend's boyfriend.
>logical woman on facebook
>sick of nu males
>sick of gender fluidity
>sick of We wuz kangz
>haha time to deflect and ridicule
Liberals when will they learn
Well its not as if she made any points that could be addressed with rational dialogue. Its just unsubstantiated world salad.
It reads like a teenager's booze-fueled rant about racial justice, but yeah she's making valid points.
Her parents raised a smart cookie!
She should probably also add that we were slaves before they were.
The one question I have for you guys, do you ever show your power level? Do you post centrist views do you agree with, bit don't sound too harsh? Curious
>prayer back in school
Nope, school belongs to the government.
Qt3.14 plus based thoughts
New queen Sup Forums?
>How to spray 5000 fps molten metal: The picture
Wow a white girl in Facebook who isn't up her own ass in bs liberal morals
I always post a bunch of Trump/ right winger stuff, but then again I don't know many liberals that would argue with me. I'm open about my beliefs in person too if the topic gets brought up, and I did have a nigger co worker chimp out on me once.
Spoken like a true Ingsoc
>drinking monster
She seems like some typical trailer trash whore.
I'd fuck her in the ass till my dick turned brown though. If you know what I mean... I lost me sense of smell due to a sinus infection. Shit is the best lube ever. Just make sure you clean your pee hole out. RAH!!
>doesn't like monster
Do you even Marine
certified degenerate
Good thing facts can't be argued when they go against your narrative.
yeh faggit.
Mattis for prez. No homo.
>mfw I made sarnt in under three years
>mfw I have less ribbons than chevrons
>mfw I am guaranteed 75k a year when I get out doing the same shit
>mfw I see grunts frustration from this
Tattoos may be awful, but she is pretty redpilled. :)
I am surprised a faggot fuck like you knows what "sinister" means. Good job though. Living the 0204 life.
>tfw when I don't have a based conservative religious semen demon
Why live?
nvm i take back my i actually kinda saw them and wasnt sure at first, but yeah gross
A otherwise perfect woman ruined by tattoos.
Every fucking time
We can't either
Are you lost?