Most everything white people consider "being a good person" are not universal values for all of humanity, but rather specific to white civilization and ONLY white civilization.
For example, Asians have very little compunction against lying. Most Asians who come to American universities cheat on all their tests and homework, and even lie on scholarship applications. They also don't seem to have the same compassion for animals or strangers (the "soulless Asian meme") Asians have a different moral compass. Instead they pride respect, tradition, and honor. Things that whites don't really value at all.
Blacks pride dominance above all else, and celebrate everything that goes along with it: wealth, strength, sexual prowess...etc.
If a white person were to go to India or Malaysia and try to explain their values: honesty, charity, forgiveness....etc, they'll just be met with a blank stare. Just like if an Asian came to Europe and tried to explain why you should commit suicide for disappointing your father. Or an African tried to explain why fucking 200 bitches gives him the moral high ground.
People are different. All you need to do is take a trip outside of your safe 99% white community to see it. A lot of these tidy whitey liberals would be horrified to see what goes on in these other cultures.
Wyatt Robinson
They're universal for white people and no one else really matters, so fuck off
Parker Edwards
Our guilt culture is what's killing us.
Angel Watson
because their values have created the most prosperous civilizations in the history of the world
Isaac Turner
Our white values are modeled after the morals of the living word of God, Jesus Christ.
lying is a sin, coveting wealth, strength, and extramarital fornication is a sin. Being cruel to animals is a sin.
Nolan Richardson
You're ignorant of Asian values. Fuck off.
Jayden Jones
Only liberals think that. They think that just because Mohammed from Iraq is now living in this country, he will automatically have western values
Lucas Jones
enlighten us
Jason James
White values are the only true values.
Owen Thompson
don't steal, don't rape, don't murder... holy fuck if you go against those three tenants you're fucking retarded and should be expelled from the gene pool.
Adam Johnson
I have seen something similar to what OP is saying but with mexicans. I work with a boarder hopping mexican who hopped the boarder with his mom when he was two and the was granted citizenship when he was older by some liberal judge. He pays $200 dollars a month to keep his guns in a pawn shop because "he gets upset a lot" the last time he took them out was when he got into a heated argument with a co worker. He comes from a place where 99% of the civilians who own guns use them for crime and intimidation vs here where 99% of them are used for sport, defense and hunting. These people are unable to assimilate, then the circumstances in which it makes sense for Americans to own guns slowly falls apart. Where is comes from he doesn't have a work for " I am sorry" the closest thing they have is a work that means " I feel it" or something
Nolan Martinez
They aren't white values, they're Judeo-Christian values. White liberals have stolen them, denied the religion that gave us it and gutted any foundation for them, and think that they will last into the future when they import people en masse from cultures that don't respect those values.
Isaiah Clark
Post-modernist clap trap
Andrew Fisher
>whites shouldn't try to impose their way of life on lesser races
Cuck mentality desu
Matthew Brown
>posts desert religion messiah
Christopher White
White values are superior, as you have just demonstrated
Ryder Morris
I'm an Indian, so I don't speak for all Asians.
>For example, Asians have very little compunction against lying
False. Look at any religious scripture. Truth is the most high.
>Most Asians who come to American universities cheat on all their tests and homework
These people are desperate to make it. Greedy people will cheat. They don't represent the moral population. Some Americans cheat on tests too.
>They also don't seem to have the same compassion for animals or strangers
False. Indians have a lot of respect for animals. So much that many of us choose vegetarianism over killing them.
>If a white person were to go to India or Malaysia and try to explain their values: honesty, charity, forgiveness
False. Many Asian religions are huge on those, especially charity.
John Martinez
When an american says "asian" we mean east asians, like chinese, japanese, korean, etc. India is an entirely different group of people with a distinct culture and race.
Christian Martinez
Indians aren't Asian; they're Caucasoid
I'd consider you white, even if Sup Forums is gonna give me shit for it
Isaiah Diaz
He is thinking about mongoloids when he says asians
Kevin Rogers
Do you poo in loo ?
Nicholas King
We've always assumed our values are universal; Roman Empire, the Crusades/Missionaries, Colonisation, Globalisation. Every time it has been the West going abroad to spread our values in an attempt to ultimately help others because we see ourselves as superior. Once the world learns that values and customs are relative and we have true nationalism and inter-nationalism we will have peace because will have understanding and respect.
Henry Rivera
>inb4 asians driving over babies
Colton Diaz
>white values: truth, love, forgiveness, charity, compassion, peace, understanding, etc.
is this nigga serious
Adam Bailey
Fuck off bongjeet we're talking about chinks
Nicholas Bailey
Poo in the loo samesh
Bentley Morris
Cool pic
Evan Mitchell
typical dumb goodie two shoes american kids can't even cheat on test we beat up those who tell
Blake Gray
I'm from Africa.
Rape, torture, robbery and murder are all considered good values where I'm from muhfuggin bix nood