Rich guy buys land for $$$

>Rich guy buys land for $$$
>Rent it out at exorbitant prices.
>Sell it to some other high net worth individual after 5 years/Hold it to form a portfolio
>Buy more land with the money

Why is this allowed when there's a housing shortage?

Like, seriously, wtf? How are poor people meant to get on the ladder?

By actually working smart, not working hard ;)

short answer, you aren't. but there are ways to make a better life for yourself, other than wealth acquisition.

what do you want out of life?

>People investing in housing during a housing shortage is a bad thing.

relly mde me think ...

Well we've got a couple of properties already we're renting out, including some in Vancouver and London, it's the poor people im concerned about. It's a shitty system where you can make a living off rent. I mean we do it haha, but you shouldn't be able to you know.

You are right, OP. We should ban people from renting. THAT WILL FIX EVERYTHING.

you're right the refugees should have the house

You can't get your foot on the ladder. Not until the Boomers die off.

The Boomer generation created Hongcouver. And Chinkney. And Londonistan. You fucks need to die off so we can finally enact non-Jewish legislation.

What you just described is investing. The same idea holds for debt. Invest in a bond, collect coupon payments (x% of the interest rate on the total amount owned) for the life of the bond, then you get your money back at the end when the bond is repaid. Of course, you make less money than you think when you factor in inflation or TVM.

But yeah, investing is how rich people store their money (and make more). If you're born rich you are lucky and will have a easy time making money. If you're born poorer then you will have a much more difficult time accumulating wealth (not even considering that perhaps the reason your parents are poor is because they are of below average intelligence, so you are far more likely to be below average, or any other inherited disadvantages).

So, I got lucky. My parents have a shitload of cash and have afforded me a lot of opportunities. However, I also got above average intelligence (I don't specifically know, but I got a 2280 on the SAT) and social skills that allow me to handle people (which will surely come in handy). As a result I was able to get a job in investment banking where I now make ~$200k.

That's why you don't try and invest in real estate if you're poor. Real estate is a wealthy man's game and always will be.

>Why is this allowed when there's a housing shortage?
Oh yeah, forgot to address this. There is no housing shortage. Not being able to afford a house =/= no houses available. Nobody is really entitled to a house if they can't afford it and the government should definitely not step in and tell people how many houses they are allowed to own.

Why are people allowed to use their money as they see fit?

there's no housing shortage in america

>I got a 2280 on the SAT
>rich parents
>sub 2300

if there's a shortage, build more to make money. Free market works. Problem is government regulations get in the way

> post ID: MG5WOR/K

Why are you concerned ?

>posts SAT scores as if it's an accurate measurement of intelligence
wew lad

> implying that the SAT isn't a glorified IQ test
wew lad

They aren't. Ideally they (the poor people) would stop reproducing and just die off.

>Why is this allowed when there's a housing shortage?
>Like, seriously, wtf? How are poor people meant to get on the ladder?
well get a mortgage you poorfag shit

Jesus Christ you seem like such a faggot

Kill yourself immediately

I've been doing this. Works well. I live in a lake house.

Obviously you aren't working hard enough. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

BTW don't you dare ask how your landlord schlomo shekelstein amassed his billions, he earned every single penny you anti semitic bastid

holyy shit that ID fits perfectly


No one cares about poorfags.

>exorbitant prices

Well, depends on the location and relevant legislation.

Once people get very rich its hard to lose the money as long as they dont waste it away. You can also invest in safe bank products. Interest rates might be low, but if the fortune is enough it will support them for a very long time (assuming ofc faggots dont dress in Armani every time or buy a new ferrari every month).

>Why is this allowed when there's a housing shortage?
Market economy has little to do with morale.

Good thing you're questioning it, but I don't see any easy solution. We have housing price regulation in Germany, and it does shit, since the market still dictates the prices.

>poor people

>meant to get on the ladder?

Come on Chin we both know thats a fucking meme. If people weren't lied to about this day in and day out then things would get pretty fucking ugly...and well Chin...thats just bad for business.

>How are poor people meant to get on the ladder?

They're not, that's a critical part of feudalism.

And if Bill Gates was born and lived in Pretoria, Microsoft wouldnt exist.


I'm a white dude.

>How are poor people meant to get on the ladder?

By offering some service that society demands and then investing some of that income in stocks or in creating their own company.

The poor aren't meant to be able to own property. It's not an objective of a capitalist state, in fact quite the opposite. They are meant to be somewhat comfortable so as to be efficient productive laborers. However as soon as they stop putting forth labor, the system dictates their comfort needs to diminsh rapidly so as to prompt them back to labor. The system is designed and run by the wealthy to perpetuate their position.

However if the poor become too desperate and too great in number, relative to the rich it becomes problematic. Good luck collecting rent from and apartment if its fallen into the hands of armed gangs, and even the police are too scared to go there, or the police are payed off. Chicago, Detroit, Brazil, parts of Asia no doubt... Parts of Europe...