Share a positive experience you've had with a black person

Share a positive experience you've had with a black person.

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I was pumping gas last week and a black man came up and asked me for a dollar. I told him I didn't have any cash. He didn't try to kill me.

Holy shit! Are you me?

Saw a dead nigger that had been run over by a car.

Best laugh I'd had in weeks.

> Be 19
>Accidntly bump into this Black Girl about 21, in a Burger King
>Really ghetto but nice tits
>Awkard small talk
> 40 minutes later we go back to her place to fuck
>rides my dick like a pro.

Only positive.

I formed an LLP with one for a design and marketing concern I have an interest in. There's one who's a partner at my Dad's law firm. My grandmother's neurosurgeon was black.

The rest are straight up niggers though. Except for based Clarence Thomas. Other than that, NIGGERS every last one of em.

Played Mount and Blade on Discord with a black person for several hours.

They kept on driving

enjoying the herpes?


The gym I go to is in the local hood rec center and all the staff and most of the regulars are black and nice in there, however there is a palpable division between us because I'm not black.

We get along fine. Generally speaking Canadian blacks aren't nearly as ignorant as USA blacks.

Some really black dark skinned black kid was my friend in middle school and protected me from other blacks who constantly tried to fuck with me because I was white (went to majority black school). He was from Georgia and would always go on about how his grandma taught him to respect white people and that if it weren't for whites they'd be stuck in Africa.

I wonder what happened to him. I hope he didn't end up chimping out and going to prison.

One came to my door, once. After he left I felt a wave of relief, one like I've never experienced. That nigger was gone. Feels good, senpai. Been nigger free ever since.

I walked passed a youth wearing a black hole and he only looked in my direction and called me a 'cracka' before heading on his way. As a resident of Oakland this immediately brightened my day considerably as I am still among the living.

I was wearing my Trump shirt and hat on a bike ride with my 25% black friend and a black guy in a nice car honked at me and then threw me a peace sign as he was driving by.

I shared a sleeping bag with a black guy in Iraq. It was cold as fuck. We're still good friends and he hates most black people.

My best friend is a nigger

He is also racist though lol

Direct quote from him on advice when i was buying a house

>stay away from my people areas, were still learning how to be civilized

I'll have you the only STD I ever had was chlamydia

First moved to Los Angeles and hung out at comedy club. In the parking lot two black dudes yelling at each other but I'm lonely smoking weed alone so I invite them. Both are funny and nice and only one jt turns out was yelling at the other for being dumb but they were brothers and he was just bring a loud mouth comedian. They're from Phoenix but folks live in Compton and they're visiting, he asked me my favorite comedian and I say Patrice O'Neal, the older brother gave me props. They bought me beer to repay for the weed. I asked what their favoeote movies were. I honestly expected a bunch black shit, they gave me gran Torino,million dollar baby, wizard of Oz and Forrest gump , nice dudes, added me on Facebook.
I got strep the next couple days tho. So that was nasty, they did in fact nigga lip the pipe

He needs to educated IMMEDIATELY

I once saw a black beat the ever-loving christ out of a Mexican

Bruh, is that you???

For some reason, the blacks I know that can use a computer love the shit out of that game. And I mean they All have.

i saw a ghetto looking one loitering in my middle class neighborhood. called the police about a disturbance. He was arrested. It really brightened my day.

literally none.

Never met a black or arab so couldnt say.

Guess im missing out.

I bet he steals your shit when you aren't looking. Never trust a nigger. They can't break there thieving genetics. It's ingrained in them. I'll guarantee a bunch of shit ends up at a pawnshop after that nigger family leaves. I bet there are holes in the walls, too.

I live in a small town with only a few blacks and most are pretty cool only two have had any problems with

HIV Positive, you mean?

also in things that actually happened...

back in high school there was an actual african kid in my robotics club. He was good at designing and creating models. thats about it though

>big black dude held door open for me
>real nice and greeted me with a smile

That's all

>tfw I'm a pseudo-racist negro who lurks on pol

Everyday. I'm sure I'm an anomaly though.

meant to link to this

The one I know is nice enough to text my wife back

I work with a black guy who has 2 jobs, refuses to take welfare and takes care of his two sons. He's an alright guy just trying to get by and do the best for his kids. He moved to my area, where there arent many blacks, to escape the hood so his kids had a chance at doing something more than him. We talk about politics all the time and I have him convinced to vote Trump.

Probably the only black guy I would be willing to stand up for if the day of the rope ever came.

Have a half black half honduran friend. He's pretty libtarded but he's not a dindu. Unreliable as fuck though.

One friend from my old gym is nigerian. We get along well, but he does reek of not showering.

Friend introduced a black guy visiting from NY. He was very well spoken and seemed to understand concepts far beyond that of a normal basketball american.

Thats kinda hot but how are you atill alive

>tfw had mostly black friends at school

And one of the blacks I went to school with she was fucking adorable and sweet as can be is actually on TV now

sold me some good weed ahah lmao

A big dark skinned nigger sow working at McDonalds drive thru asked me if I wanted a beverage while i wait. I am a vegan. Ordered fries for me and 2 for $3 double cheeseburgers for the dog in backseat. I tolder her that I hadn't paid for the beverage at the prior window. She said it's OK-- so, I said alright then. It was very hot outside. I got a free coke and enjoyed it. Very nice of her. She didn't have to do so. I thanked her.


>grandpa in hospital
>in a induced coma
>when he wakes up he says he was dreaming that a 'colored man' checked him out of the hospital
>they then proceeded to save three cows from a hill(what)
>and looked for the keys for a tractor in his corn field

My coworker who is a single mom has been with us for over a year, never assumed the duties that came with her title, and spends half of the workday taking personal calls on her work phone.

She also stole my coworkers sandwich when he went to the bathroom.

My wife's son is half black and he let's me say nigga when we listen to rap

I know, I should be dead. Guess I'm lucky.

saw a homeless black man that actually wasn't standing in a fucking busy intersection. he was holding a sign that said "please give me food. not money, because i'm a recovering drug addict." i thought that was really awesome of him to be up front and honest like that. i bought him a family meal from popeyes chicken. i kept the red beans & rice and a couple biscuits for myself though. that shit is too good to give away.

Personally, the only good ones are ones who grew up in Asian-dominant cities. My town is over 60% Asian and the few blacks here are well-mannered, quiet, and act almost Asian. Few of them, I would say, avt more Asian than actual Asians I know. They also take Filipino girls from us so that a huge plus. Filps are shit

Black girls are still shit in my town

nah man, i trust him, he loyal. he smort.


I exchange a short chat with an African taxi driver at 7-eleven. That's only experience I've ever had with a black person in this country.

Crossbreeding is wrong.

I have a mix black cousin and i can call him the N word as much as i want so that is pretty nice.

I work with some of the nicest black people you will ever meet. Engineers and technicians. They are proficient at their jobs and I seriously can't detect a hint of racism. They are just genuinely good people. STEM will save us all.

Beastiality is degenerate.

>Jr High
>New city, new school
>Just hitting puberty, lanky, pasty, skinny and have acne
>Get paired off into teams in PE
>Walking right next to two black girls
>Ugly mud baby one says "Why we get put on the team with the ugly ass dudes? All the cute ones are on that team"
>Her hot(lighter)friend says "You're such a bitch I swear. What the hell is wrong with you?"
>Out of pity she tells me she thinks I'm cute
>Ugly mud friend shuts her mouth and looks embarrassed.

It was a nice gesture. Might be why I like black girls now. I don't know. I dated a couple of blacks, years ago but I don't know if I would class those experiences as generally "good"

I've had a lot of good experiences with black people. They're a lot of fun and care about their friends and family. Niggers are a completely different story. I hate niggers

>STEM will save us all

No, it will only save them. And by them, I mean keeping a small remnant after the purge. For historical reasons.

>Was out late one night walking
>Black girl comes up to me
>Want a date user
>Na thanks
>Calls girlfriend over says 2 for one special
>I declined

It was nice she offered me such a deal although I still wonder about that budge protruding from the front of her mini skirt. Wonder what it was

I'm a superior man of the superior race , I can fuck whoever I want if I wanna get my load off.

It's wrong when a woman does it, but as a man as long as I don't impregnate or marry I'm fine..

>pseudo-racist negro
i don't even know what this means.

do you make meth out of pseudophed and you're very selective where it comes from?

Share a positive experience you've had with a black person.

We don't really have blacks here, but some of my best friends are brown. They're a little different culturally but we're all from poor small town backgrounds so we've got a lot in common. Maoris and Poly's are a bit standoffish or aggressive when you meet them but they're good once you get to know them.

Other than Maoris and Poly's generally being welfare queens, my only problem with them is the black American cultural influence they're susceptible to.

>be watching football at the bar
>An african seller comes in
>Asks for a cofee
>some hollingans start shouting negro to some player
>he's on the lighter shades of nignog
>The african seems upset
>Ask him what's th deal
>The african replies
>"He's not black, I AM black"
>laugh all the way home

Underrated post

had a black friend in high school. fucking scary looking tall muscular guy but one of the nicest guys i ever met, super funny guy despite being mostly quiet

got killed last year.

A French nog power leveled me on an MMO I used to play.

I used to talk to a black tripfag from Sup Forums and Sup Forums. He was kinda funny sometimes and didn't bitch about inequality all the time. I would imitate nigger speak on discord voice chat and he'd just laugh talking about his mom's collard greens and corn bread.

Fun times.

I've never spoke with a black person

>Burn myself real fucking bad last night
>Spend thirty-fourty five minutes holding my hand under cold water
>After awhile it quits stinging as much
>Have to drive to walgreens
>Looking for burn cream, gauze, bandage wraps and other first aid shit because someone emptied out my set
>big black lady sees me holding my hand
In pain trying to find this shit
>Skin was a bit torn, burn blotches on my arm
>"What happened?"
>Show her
>"Oh child come with me come with me"
>Grabs me by my other hand
>Starts walking towards door
>"Ain't no time for you to buy all this, nu uh no time, look at this line, no time"
>makes me sit in her passenger seat
>Gets a big ass first aid kid from her trunk
>"Mhhhmmm I'm gonna get you taken care of then you can go buy stuff"
>Puts burn ointment and Neosporin on the area where skin was torn off
>"Does this hurt, no time to show it, you just let momma dawn take care of this"
>Puts gauze on, wraps up my hand, puts a little tape on

Another time I tipped a black delivery driver ten dollars. He said it was the best thing that happened to him all day.

I told him to get a better job then.
>See him four months later he works at a call center making decent pay and going to school to become a paramedic

Kinda positive I guess.

question. . . can niggers be made into wallets and shoes and lampshades? We could sell them to the chinese. One can imagine the organ harvest market there too.

also see those kind of black women in movies, warms my heart that they actually exist IRL

I found watching this video to be a positive experience.

My besst friend from kindergarten to when I graduated high school was black

they've mostly been neutral or negative
i talked to a Nation of Islam dindu in high school and made fun of the whole white devil thing... that was fun i guess

Honestly, I almost cried from her kindness.

I was sitting in the bathroom struggling to make due with what I had and working with one hand. Kinda sucks living alone sometimes. She also made me take her number. Said if it started looking funny or didn't look any better to call her and she would get a doctor to look at me.
(She's a nurse.)


Nice try but he is like 70

He couldn't use a computer to steal a bike

My best friend is black. So I've had a lot of positive experiences.

Honestly here's the thing.

Black people will treat you well as long as you don't act stuck up. It's when you act better than them that they retreat to being assholes.

Of course there are the blacks who are just plain racist. But there are whites like that too.

My black best friend once kicked another black guys ass because he was trying to give me shit for being in "the wrong part of town". And I've pulled my pistol on a group of white guys who were harassing my friend just cause he's black.

either this is real or chris rock was right about blacks not winning any oscars

Still had my wallet when i got home

Floating a river the other day and stopped at some rocks to shotgun beers, a group of black people stopped with us to regroup and we chilled and drank for a bit then decided to float on with parting words of "Vote Trump! Make America Great Again!"

Did you have a homosexual experience with him? Be honest now.

>Things that never happened

Nobody cares about you and your gay lover Milo. Fuck off back to Africa with your fag lover.

>ITT we find out that 80% of /pol have black friends

Man that teared me up a little. Poor guy.

what an amazing person, used to believe women like her only existed in movies, you ever wound up calling her or meeting her again?

I was the only white person in my neighborhood. Didn't grow up with any friends, I stayed inside and read books all day.

Was it worth the STDs?


Black guy backed me up in English class when I told the teacher that I didn't think the muscled ideal of a man was fascist.

No Jewish friends though :^)

I once bought weed off a black guy. It wasnt a very good deal on quantity, nor was it very good quality; but on the upside he didnt attempt to murder me.

>be quiet white kid
>walking down the hallway
>giganigga stops me and says he's gonna call me snowflake and i can call him midnight
>holy shit cool
>from 5th grade to 7th grade get to shout 'whats up midnight' and get a 'yooo snowflake' then a clap up

One of my coworkers is black. She's competent and accomplishes all of her responsibilities.

The time a black guy gave me HIV was a positive experience.


There was a genius black kid who went to MIT from my high school but I realized he was actually just a really dark Indian guy a few years later

I went to Buenos Aires, people were really nice.