Honestly, I don't know how anyone could support a party full of people this dumb

Honestly, I don't know how anyone could support a party full of people this dumb.

>anti evolution
>anti education
>anti vaccine
>climate change deniers
>god causes hurricanes etc...

It's mind numbing just to listen to these people some times, it's so obvious that their elevator just doesn't go to the top floor

I've got problems with Democrats too, they are by no means perfect but at least they are not this flat out dumb

How do you conservatives feel that this is your representation?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, the left is smarter. That's how they rose to power, that and some extra (((help))). Credit where credit is due.

>pro vaccine
Get rekt faggit

Ur right! I don't want democrats to think I'm stupid.

I'm a #MindlesslyAmoralHillShill now

>"A semi-automatic rifle capable of firing 30 calibers per second"
>"Black people are genetically the same as white people"


where did you get that one idiot?


As opposed to
>anti American
>anti freedom
>pro BLM
>pro 3rd wave feminism
>pro Islam
>words i disagree with cause violence etc.

I'd take my chances with the godfags

>can't debate conservative values bc liberal ones always fail
>better just cherry pick the dumbest statements and bang the drum until my thread slides into the abyss

please show me a democrat who is "anti American" and "anti freedom"

I don't think any main stream democrats have taken up the SJW bandwagon

need some buthurt cream man?

Barry's behavior the past few years has made me question his nationality far more than anything Trump ever said.


we have always had gun regulation, we have some now, not enough but some

Fighting for gun control is not "anti American"

>I don't think any main stream democrats have taken up the SJW bandwagon
You've never listened to an Obama or Hillary speech? All they ever talk about is how whitey needs to suck the BBC and end the gender wage gap.

Boinie Sanduhs wants to "fundamentally transform" us into Cuba.

Most of them want to repeal the Bill of Rights... at least the first two amendments.

>wants to infringe

Look up the even worse things Democrats say and support and you'll understand. I'd recommend starting with Joe Biden and John Kerry, two of the stupidest men to ever serve in the Senate. Look up the insane things Nancy Pelosi says, things which absolutely defy reality.

>want to repeal the Bill of Rights... at least the first two amendments.
going to need a source for this, I have NEVER seen any democrat, advocate for repealing amendments

>well regulated
>wants to regulate

>Implying education is good, and not just indoctrinating kids into becoming libtard fags.
>implying climate change is human caused.
>implying God couldn't cause a hurricane.
>implying that the theory of evolution is 100% correct in its current state.
Nice try OP, but you have to go back to tumblr.

feinstein, lurk moar faggit

Perhaps you do. So butthurt you have to make a thread to just make fun of the meanie, stupid head republicans

banning all "Semi auto" guns might as well be abolising the second Amendment. Thats not regulation its obliteration

check this site out, it is very informative.


>dropped two atom bombs
>responsible for the Vietnam war
>oval office bj
>lol emails
Nice track record, Democrats.

>losing argument
>better resort to semantics

Well regulated at the time meant in good working condition. If you actually read the first drafts of the amendment, the documentation that outlined the founding fathers' intentions of the amendment, and look at the usage of language at the time, you'd come to the conclusion that you're a giant fucking faggot.

Fuck off retard.

they all support the wage gap myth. thats as sjw as it gets

>not enough

Kill yourself.

>Fighting for gun control is not "anti American"

It is quite possibly the most anti American thing you can do. Because you cannot hope to support the rest of the Bill of Rights if you seek to undermine the only way the people have to defend it.

not regulated by the government. regulated by the people. if that was the case, then you would be allowing the government to "regulate" the people down to muskets while the government has laser rifles. it would completely defeat the purpose of having the second amendment in the first place.

dont forget the cuban kid, amelio iirc? dems were not always pro immigration.

ooh! remember when democrats were slave owners? history is neat.

Part of the GOP's modern platform is to capture the uneducated vote, which they're more likely to do if the candidate is kind of dim and talks like a retard.

In a democratic country, you need the consent of the population to govern.

However, the ideal form of government is hierarchical. The workers toil away for the value of their labour, such as it is, and everyone is better off.

But they'll never accept this argument if presented with it. They will accept leftist nonsense about how they could all be rich if they took the wealth that goes to their betters. This is because, like children, they think of the economy in zero-sum terms. If they're getting less than someone else, that person must be taking from them!

In reality leftist policies make us all poorer.

So how do we get the dumbshits to accept the best possible situation for everyone? We bring the narrative down to their level. This is why the right wing inevitably embraces all sorts of unrelated shit that rich people don't actually care about, like religion.

But Dems are the ones that pander to minorities

Democrats are anti-white, anti-America, and anti-Constitution.

I will take all those things you've just listed over the delusional sociopaths of the modern Democratic party.

You can capture the minority vote by being capable and sounding like you know what you're talking about.

You can't capture the white retard vote the same way--they don't "trust" you if you don't talk like a dummy.

>oval office bj

That isn't remotely as bad as the other ones. Every president should be getting his dick sucked, shit's stressful.

They voted on an amendment in 2014 to abolish free speech: senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=113&session=2&vote=00261
A similar vote was held around 2000. I forget the exact date so I'm not going to bother looking it up.

On the second amendment, many elected Democrats try to nibble around the edges to diminish it through gun control measures, but much more telling are the people they elect to the various courts. The reason they do so is because they know attempting to completely ban guns through democratic means will never work. Instead, they appoint justices to do it for them. The four Democrat appointees to the Supreme Court, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, routinely vote against the Second Amendment in every gun control case which comes before them.

Ginsburg even went so far as to say the following: "When we no longer need people to keep muskets in their home, then the Second Amendment has no function, its function is to enable the young nation to have people who will fight for it to have weapons that those soldiers will own. So I view the Second Amendment as rooted in the time totally allied to the need to support a militia. So...the Second Amendment is outdated in the sense that its function has become obsolete."

These are people who despise free speech and despise the right to bear arms. I would note they also despise due process, the Fourth Amendment. In recent attempts to pass gun control measures effecting those on various government watch lists, Senators Chris Murphy and Dianne Feinstein explicitly rejected the belief that they are owed due process before having their right to bear arms violated. The proposal they and many other Democrats advocated would first take away your right and place the burden on you, the citizen on their lists, to prove that you should be allowed to own a gun. This turns due process and innocent until proven guilty on their head.

I'm not a conservative, I'm a moderate. I'm voting Trump. Started out with his position on immigration. And then I looked at his other positions and realized I agreed with them all-even the Wall thing (and yes, it is ENTIRELY plausible to have Mexico build that wall).

These people say stupid things, but their personal opinions concerning religion or education don't matter as long as actual government policies line up with my own thinking.

>how can you vote for a man who hurts my fee fees?

Simple, he didn't hurt MY feelings. Only yours.

Also I don't support the whole of the GOP-ONLY Trump.

Obama clearly sides with blm over the government.


>They voted on an amendment in 2014 to abolish free speech

Very intellectually dishonest of you.

You capture the minority vote by offering 'free' money and a disdain of whites
You capture the white 'retards' by offering to not tread on them.


pick one

They wanted to give Congress plenary power to regulate all speech relating to politics except that in whoever they recognize as being part of the press/media. Sounds like abolishing free speech to me.

>fights for gun control
>by stepping on the 5th
>not anti-american

user you are a fucking faggot

>bix nood baby tray tray was a gud boi who dindu nuffin
>fuck what the courts have to say
>not anti american

>prolonging the patriot act
>not anti american

How was this the Democrats fault??

Still better than being afflicted with the DNC hivemind.

everything you said was good or ilrievnt besides the Vietnam war.
>dropped two atom bombs
ended a 5 year war and saved a million US lives (the cost of a land invasion)
>responsible for the Vietnam war
>oval office bj
who cares, that shit used to happen all the time, the press were just quiet about it. If your wife was in the oval office right now and the president said lets fuck, you better believe she would be sucking him off before he finished the sentence, deal with it. thats what that kind of power does to women.
>lol emails
A mistake that was meant to help her do her job better, not a fucking huge premeditated crime. Old people don't understand tech.
Get your ass off your retard diet of foxnews and talk radio, that shit is what is ruining the grand old party.
You can't be the anti-science party and be expected to be taken seriously
You can't be the anti-fact party and be expected to be taken seriously
You can't be the women party and be expected to be taken seriously

I ain't gonna lie, I'd go balls deep into Bachman.