Should people with intellectual disability and physical deformities be allowed to reproduce?
Should people with intellectual disability and physical deformities be allowed to reproduce?
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No. They are a drain on the welfare system even more so than niggers.
Cripple burning Tuesday when?
Should Sup Forums users be allowed to reproduce?
What about gays? Degenerates?
Maybe we should sterilize furries, gender-queers, fascists, racists, manchildren, the mentally retarded, the gifted, and hell, why not everyone else?
Absolutely not.
They're a drain on society
You just realize there are potatoes getting laid tonight and you're not.
No. The rare examples where it makes some sense for it to happen (the downie's parents taking care of the kid, etc) does not justify allowing it on mass.
Life simply isn't fair to everyone.
My only thought is to think about how much they have struggled and wonder why they would force another child to go through that experience.
Life is hard enough for people without intellectual disabilities. Why play the game on impossible mode with a disability that impairs your thinking?