Wake me up
Wake me up
Can't wake up
Save me
We are getting worse than Sweden already.
Whats the point of even getting upset? Why don't you just take steps toward having a fulfilling and happy life for yourself instead of getting worked up over memes. People on this website seem very very unhappy with themselves.
How the hell do you make Sweden look based you goddamn faggots?
This stupid faggot is all PR and no substance
Good fucking going DUDE WEEDs
So glad I left this shithole of a country.
That entire second paragraph.
I'm crying.
Which state?
I'm thinking about it if Trump is elected
Trudeau looks like a boipucci addict.
Supreme faggot lol
hahahaha actual faggot president
>actual faggot president
but we had one first
I'm an ethnic Austrian that's an apprentice electrician. The wall probably needs lights on top.
>not wanting more whites.
I'm disappointed so many mock us for having a shit pm elected, I'd sympathize and mourn with my America bros if Hilary got elected, not make them feel worse.
What ever happened to anglo's sticking together?
>We are getting worse than Sweden already
I made a montage for you lads of the gayest Prime Minister in the history of the world
>What type of nation you want?
>What ever happened to anglo's sticking together?
Divide and conquer subversive techniques have been quite effective, if you have haven't notice
Words of advice: that isn't water in those pistols
Top fucking kek
Emperor Moonbeam
I get people's opinion on him here and there. Most people are just lapping it up. The fools!
literally the guy in the pic
>literally the guy in the pic
Got that fresh current date version of that image for ya m8
Semen? Piss? Fecal matter? Spit? Breast milk? Vomit? LSD? Sweat? Anal lube? BLM tears?
All of the above?
>image related, the small short guy on Weedmans right in pic is a gay HIV+ Syrian Refugee brought here this year as part of the plan to bring in a bit over 55,000 in 2016
lmao can't make this shit up anymore, reality is stranger than fiction
cant you just shoop weedman's head instead? look it's even angled the right way and the face expression matches
It is already too late