I would screenshot and paste photos here, but I am on the train, using my phone. Someone post the article here instead of giving this dope free clicks.
I would screenshot and paste photos here, but I am on the train, using my phone. Someone post the article here instead of giving this dope free clicks.
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THOSE FUCKING COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the Pokemon Go situation in Japan, Mr. English teacher? Do you feel threatened when you go outside?
Do we just ignore that blacks are the reason blacks can't go outside with expensive phones, or just somehow turn this on whites?
how sad must your life be that you have to turn a Pokemon game into a pity party for blacks
Anyone playing this trash should be executed anyway.
Filthy Frank called it
What is Pokemon Go? Today my girlfriend asked me about that and I couldn't answer.
>Be American
>Want to be the very best, like no one ever was
>get shot
The place I work is apparently a "gym". All day these fuckers come on and play without buying jack shit, and a few stores around town have signs posted that you can't play it in the store without purchasing something. I'm not against GO per se, but don't be that guy.
Free mobile phone app/game that uses gps and your camera to let you catch pokemon in your surroundings.
My future son-in-law was bragging about playing Pokemon Go at the Mall of America. He's 30.
wtf is this pokemon go shit
I'm not 15 years old so clue me in.
How could it be more dangerous to an adult black man than to the little fucking children its actually targeted towards wandering around strange parts of the town on their own.
It's a fucking children's game.
Pokemon like a hidden doll or something like that?
It's a phone app that makes autists wander around their city looking for Pokemon that the Japanese place in a little map. They use their camera to see these virtual pokemons and try to catch them.
pokemon lives matter
they're already using it as a tool for robbing people.
No, like the games. They are these little monsters you can catch, train and battle against other people. Usually you buy the video game to do it. Well now you can use your phone instead of a DS or a gameboy, and while you're out running errands you can find them at your bank, grocery store, etc. It's just that basic. Google it or head to I guarantee they have a thread or two with screenshots
>Mistaken people going out to play Pokemon Go as protesters
Armed Robbers UsePokémon GoTo Find 9 Victims
>white guy in middle
Ha, I'm actually a teacher in the U.S. The wife is an international business woman from here. I'm just kicking it here. And I never feel in danger here. People are too nice and awesome and tiny.
I do see those English teachers here though. Talk about betas. They are all frail dyels with pale skin and probably named fucking James. Arms like white grasshoppers and little bellies these low test boys. Lol
If you have low test or are a complete beta, Japan is like a sanctuary for you.
What a fucking cry baby. This nigger acts like black people are the only ones who ever had it bad.
Blacks are like this.
>why you no give me rides?
>why you no give me food?
>why you no give me some money?
>why you no give me some gas?
>you don't care
It's funny because you're supposed to share everything you have with them but they wouldn't piss on you if you're on fire.
I understand the catching part of this app but what do you actually do with the pokemon? Do you fight people?
How sad, no self reflection in the black community.
Are the pokemon randomized or placed in specific locations? I live out in the woods and this actual sounds like it might be fun to get a couple beers and wonder out in the woods trying to find pokemon.
You can find Gyms and take over it.
If anything pokemon go is a death sentence for white people. Forcing whites into ghetto, hood areas just to catch a fucking diglet.
Nice my fellow Redditor! XD!
They are, but Rural areas are pretty shit right now for whatever reason. I just drove through South Dakota and Wyoming and little towns had a few though.
Pokemon go wont work on my phone... gps doesnt link up for some reason
I'd rather go to /vp/, they know more about the subject
>Forcing whites into ghetto
White who are stupid enough to go to the ghetto for a fictional diglet are nothing but a detriment to the white race. They won't be missed.
Turn off mock location in the developer settings.
black culture clearly has created a higher prevalence of narcissistic personality disorder
That guy is fucking terrible. What's the appeal?
What do you sell at your jewbox user
True. I forgot that even existed, since I'm not crazy about pokemon in the first place.
books, movies, cd's, vinyl, comics, etc
As someone, mid-20s, with an admittedly sick love for the franchise who has bought every game since inception: if you are my age and playing this while walking around you DESERVE to be shot. Leave the games at home, watch your fucking surroundings.
Aren't they the best :^)
He was funny when I was in High School desu
A thousand times THIS. Pokemon is my the boss, but anyone who bought this retarded ass game can go fuck themselves.
>watch your surroundings
Are you people incapable of multi tasking?
>and probably named fucking James
I don't know why but that is fucking spot on
Dumbass it was a diglet / niglet joke.
I went to McDonalds one time and ordered 2 burgers and a large fry during lunch break. I could not eat the other the burger so I gave it to my co worker who is black.
There's already a thread for this.
Reposition your pokemon shit at the front if you have any.
Not a bad idea desu, i'll try it tomorrow.
I got that. It's just the premise of walking into the ghetto to find shit, that irks me.
You wont catch anything just staying at home you faggot. I cant tell you how good it feels that i'm able to play this sick game without fear of getting shot lol. Fucking america, its laughing stock of the western world.
DESU, he's got a point. I'd be pretty weirded out if some black guy was just walking around my place with no obvious intentions.
But if he was dressed like a weeaboo rather than a gangbanger, I'd probably shrug it off.
dude theres some woke ass niggas in the top comments now. take the red pillz
>10% off discount if your faction owns the gym.
I sat next to a hipster named james i had class with in hs. The year after that we were in the same linear algebra class with some hot whore from the soccer team. He tried to cockblock me but I still ended up smashing. You reminded me that i hate james, what a fuckin cuck
Perfect tool for ISIS.
No, you should be against Go. It's fucking retarded. I can't wait to hear someone died because of the game.
...Do you have a youtube channel?
tfw named james
tfw training to teach in japan
at least I'm fit and don't watch anime, so I'll be fine? Right?
the church by my house is literally a fucking gym, but they're protestants so I don't care
Literally every single Pokestop in my town is a chuch or religious center of some sort. It's fucking propaganda.
it will happen. people have already been lured (literally, by using the lures in game) and been robbed.
it's just a fad that will die down when people realize they will have to spend money to keep playing it long-term. most of the people who do play it now don't even care about pokemon.
Kek noice.
Damn grandpa when did you figure out how to turn on the computer, let alone how to work the internet?
is 3:10 real?
so, all useless shit
gee i wonder why nobody buys from you
>Tfw live on a mountain far from the rapefugee crisis and other retarded swedish policies
>GPS doesnt work
>tfw literally can't be bothered to fap and haven't done so for a few weeks
>tfw 19
>tfw girl asked me out in high school but I was too scared of going on a date
>tfw I'm called James
>tfw lanky and feminine as fuck and pasty as fuck
>tfw halfway through English undergraduate
Time to become a citizen of great Nihon guise?
This motherfucker is paranoid.
>I risk being shot by the police for looking suspicious
Nigger, it's called "spotlight effect" believe it or not, most people don't care about you
>going outside can kill me
Nigger get off black power forum and /r9k/
>this has been a terrible week for blackness
Just joined yesterday, only been in front and backyard caught 7 pokemans
>books are worthless
How's sharia ubercuck?
lol crying about not being given enough free things. work for your shit bitch. your skin color isn't what hinders you - your attitude does. my feed is literally just blah blah blah whining i'm so over it
Cool man what comes around goes around.
Expect a cheeseburger - free.
How much do you all want to bet these things are going to be used for serious monitoring purposes?
Damn, I live in a city in the desert and it would be neat excuse to hit up a state park I haven't been to in awhile. That really should be one of the goals of this app, get more people out into parks.
The least you could do is provide a fucking archive.
Not true, caught 8 without ever leaving the house. Took 3 days though.
I think a better goal would be to get people to walk into traffic - thin the herd and all of that.
That was my first thought (GPS and data active and tracking your location on your phone 24/7?). It's probably also tracking who you're with, if it's able. Redditors are eating it up though
If you cannot bench press more than what you weigh, are pale as fuck, can'the hold down a conversation with someone who speaks your mother tongue, and are balding or have pubic-like hair on your head, then you're the James of Japan.
That's the only reason this stupid app exists. Pokemon GO 2 will probably require your camera to be recording at all times while the app is running.
>tfw I live in a world where grown ups virtually hunting for fake virtual creatues in real space is a thing
How can I escape this prison. Someone please make this stop.
what a pathetic coon
For every single black man harassed for playing Pokemon Go, one hundred black men will grab easy free phones off of clueless nerds.
Which of these will evolve first, Sup Forums?
This. When I signed on, I was treated to a warning to maintain situational awareness during a load screen.
>use your resources on us
as opposed to a nonfictional diglet?