Is this real /pol? Are these niggers real? Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
Is this real /pol? Are these niggers real? Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
>Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
niggers will never understand
If a white person said something to this effect they would be called a skinhead or neo-nazi. That's the real racism.
>we are the israelites
really makes you think huh
The only thing he is right about is the part about moving cocaine and other drugs into their communities, which was done by the CIA.
>Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
OP, what the fuck.
Where do they come up with this shit?
The question is does he realize just how much double meaning subjecting white people to "Barack Obama laws" has?
How can niggers be real, if your eyes aren't real?
>Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
Kiwis shouldn't be "aloud" to be real.
wew he forgot black wallstreet memery, but this is what i have to deal with everyday at SF state.
It's easy to see who's the real threat:
Who are you NOT allowed to criticize? Would you feel safer at an anti-gun protest in front of NRA headquarters or at an anti-terrorism protest in front of a mosque?
>Who are you NOT allowed to criticize?
Ah yes, the conserva-meme that youy poor widdle victims aren't "aloud" to criticize someone.
Tell us, which group do you shy, inhibited conservatives not criticize because of those mean old liberals?
Yes, anyone can see it's you conservatives who are the victims here, what with all the persecution you imagine you suffer.
>pro-black is not anti-white
they just legitimatized the KKK, neo-nazis and other extremist white groups
>they just legitimatized the KKK, neo-nazis and other extremist white groups
You racists are really showing "the blacks" how much smarter you are.
>implying that someone wouldn't be socially and politically crucified for saying the things we say on Sup Forums in real life
And then the thread died because OP and this guy:are clinically retarded.
Way to embarrass yourselves.
>implying that someone wouldn't be socially and politically crucified for saying the things we say on Sup Forums in real life
You can criticize people in real life and not get "socially and politically crucified". Other conservatives do it all the time and win elections.
What you want is to show everyone you're a miserable racist nutbag and not have them think less of you.
Free speech doesn't mean freedom from people judging your character.
wasted dubs
>straw manning this hard
You'll take the red pill soon reddit
>Should such a stupid race be aloud to be real?
There are theological consequences to this question that I would like answered.
I just mean the general way in which people talk. You were implying that because people say whatever on pol, they can say whatever they want anywhere in America. I happen to think pol is more condoning of any type of speech than the real world, would you disagree?
The victim mentality is strong with this one.
>straw manning this hard
Do you even now what the term "strawman" means?
What's your claim here, stupid?
That conservatives don't criticize people and groups all the time?
>You'll take the red pill soon reddit
Is "red pill" some kinda code for "delusional fucktard with a persecution complex"?
People have always faced consequences for saying controversial things, you big fucking babby.
Put on your man pants, little girl.
>Some skank is behind the name "Hakeem", which is a character.
So some attention seeking whore or fag is hiding behind a fictional character's name, spouting a bunch of bs for attention? Yep, seems real to me.
>post breaks down all the ways to systematically cripple a race or class of people to prevent them from gaining power to secure your own
>similar systems have existed since the days of roman colonialism
>"such a stupid race"
What exactly did OP mean by this
>Dear white people
Blacks oppress themselves with this white man conspiracy and self defeating attitude. They have no self awareness or reflection, a lost cause, really.
If they want to contribute their homeland isn't far away and I'm sure Africa would be lifted from the ashes by afrolectuals who know how to build and maintain civilizations.
>a fictional character's name
It's a real muslim name actually.
They don't say things like niggers are subhuman and Hitler did nothing wrong, you stupid fuck.
Hakeem Lyon from the TV show "Empire".
Empire on Fox.
Forgot pic
>*smacks lips profusely*
What do dogs mean by this? Are they niggers? Or are they just telling me to hol up?