Did you know whites are to blame for the economic collapse in South Africa?
Heh-hey guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>refuse to pay taxes
As if making the country poorer is going to make a difference
>still highly unequal because whites "abused" ANC policy
We simply went on with our lives, tried to carry on developing until we reached a stranglehold on that. There was nothing stopping the blacks from developing their own nationhood, economy, social status etc except their own mindset.
Sounds to me like this guy is blaming a largely black party's failings on whites
Typical of blacks to blame someone else for their fuckups. No self awareness at all.
I'm really sorry about what's happening to your country. Does it actually feel like collapse is imminent at the moment?
New Orleans
Any given African nation
Getting rid of whites was the best thing they ever did.
Well yeah, OP. Once the whites there say "fuck this shit, im out" theres only gonna be one conclusion. Nigs will nog
I blame South Africa's collapse on their retarded social policies and the affirmative action which destroyed its private and public sector by forcing a 70 to 30 percent black to white ratio.
That's why I'm scouting for resettlement here.
Fuck the ANC, and fuck all the spekneck kaffirs running the show, I'm out.
my favorite newspaper-- the Zim Herald. Today, they are expalinign why cutting off Whatsapp was a good thing....
forgot link-
We're hanging on by a thread, but things are volatile at the moment with elections coming up
>We're hanging on by a thread
you are fucked friend. take what you can carry, any monies you have and get out with your life while you have it.
Within the year, it's going to be Zim 2.0, only a lot more violent. Get out. Easier to say than do, but family left Rhodesia (Zim) while they could still get something for their land, before I was born.
Get out while you have your life.
easier for the brits to get ancestral visas and stuff.
there's nowhere for afrikaners to go. the dutch would rather have rapefugees than their brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered.
Christ man, there's nothing I can do for you but pray. Have you tried applying for asylum in a civilized country?
>implying every white person was to blame
nigs at nite am i right?
I'd sponsor you, if my cuck government would let you come here.
>Did you know whites are to blame for the economic collapse in South Africa?
Whites are to blame for everything and therefore, yes, I already knew.
>+10 progressive points
Most of us English speaking people are in the same boat as you. Our ancestral lines go too far back to claim any sort of ancestral visa.
Wasn't everything better(in terms of income, literacy, life expectancy) for everyone involved under apartheid?
whites make up only around 10% of South Africa and they still find a way to blame whites.
At least its not just our niggers that are worthless subhumans I guess.
yes, I have a letter from the Dutch refugee people saying I would be deported and permanently banned from Europe if I broke the Dublin convention the way the rapefugees have.
They also say "South Africa is officially safe for whites"
your government is the only one even considering giving SA farmers asylum to be fair.
I'm talking about ethnically English people. I'm english speaking though I'm ethnically Afrikaans.
we have plenty of Muslims and Indians and Chinamen and white trash too.
Blacks can't run a nation for shit.
Look at Zimbabwe, their dollar is so inflated it's insane
And the farms.
Shit, look up the Detroit city hall meetings
Shits like a bunch of monkeys in a jungle
what the fuck
i am so sorry. i wish i had resources to help
It's questionable. The Apartheid government drew up the country in such a way that if you were black, you were instructed to move to your ethnic homeland where you'd have all the freedom in the world.
Naturally this didn't go according to plan and blacks swarmed South African cities, leaving their homelands in an absolute mess with a puppet government in charge. While townships were built in non-homeland SA cities, they were very much an afterthought as the quality of education in these schools were terrible, houses didn't have electricity until the last few years of apartheid. Townships were made and then left to fester with no order controlling it. So it was better in the sense that they were given housing, access to poor quality services where these services were previously non existent before in black homelands. Their homelands had very little autonomy and blacks didn't have a say in the running of South Africa, so from that perspective there was political suppression.
Since 1994 some blacks have made it out of poverty (i.e politically aligned ones) and there's been a few cases of townships being improved, but it's insignificant to negligible when you take population growth and net migration to cities into account. 1 black person gets rich, and another 10 are born in absolute poverty. They were fucked over by both the NP and ANC, but the ball is in their court now. The blacks who made it out of poverty have a responsibility to ensure the rest of their people do too, but that's where corruption and cronyism comes in
My family arrived with the 1820 settlers. I don't know how much more "ethnically English" you could get than that
Oh that's fucking rich.
Did you parents vote to end apartheid?
214 years of glorious Negro-only rule.
>buy plane ticket to Lybia
>hop on a boat
>become European citizen
It's really not that hard
we're filled with saffas
most whites did. Apartheid was turning into a global mess.
some one correct my if i'm wrong but didn't the Haitians destroy all their infrastructure because it belonged to whites thus setting themselves back 1000 years?
>mfw our cucked goverment doesnt let our brothers in
That's already happening here
like the other guy said there's a lot of you here and we'll even offer quality speech therapy for that accent of yours
>mfw elderly saffa's here hate being mistaken for dutch.
every south african i've met here has their accent turn into a bogan-ish mess
Reminder that Botswana and Namibia are the only countries in Africa that are really trying, and they're about to get fucked by refugees from Zimbabwe and this shithole.
to be fair tho that happens to a lot of people kek
i think it's the most distinct
They are responsible, but only because they were the ones who gave an economy for the niggers to collapse.
Time to move out then.
Oakland is a majority white and hispanic. Not sure where the oakland meme originated.
TFW no leftist black gf to fuck
The one thing worse than an Afrikaner accent is an Afrikaner trying to imitate an Australian accent.
Every white South African guys ive met has been pretty openly/understandably racist
Most white South African girls ive met have been pretty open about dating black guys
this guy on the pic could be like any of us in the future
Poor bloody safros. They really got hammered by the international community in the 60s 70s and 80s.
They were fucking right.
Perhaps the females living in Wimbledon/Raynes Park. Very few whites here mix with other races beyond friendship
Man if you can, keep trying to get over here. I can't stand the shitshow over there and how your countries of origin are not interested in letting you go back
>Wimbledon/Raynes Park
They always seem to be Cape Town girls
We had a vice principal in high school from South Africa. Massive cuck. Full African nigger wife and mixed child. Looked like Bill Nye the Science Guy and weighed like 10 lbs wet. Chided anyone who was a conservative. He actually refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Sometimes he would mention his African name. Does anyone know if it's common for white South African men to use or have a name in a nigger African language?
In the 80s where Oakland was where all the black people from SF ended up when the faggots gentrified the place. The the Mexicans gentrified black parts of Oakland in the 90s too lol. NIGGA CAN'T CATCH A BREAK
>Cape Town
Seems about right. Cape Town is a haven for sjw's
Can you answer my question about the names and stuff. I knew this guy from SA who was our vice principal and would recognize and tell us his African name. It was literally some nigger tier "Oogabooga" sounding shit, like it was a tribal name. Is this something that exists with white SAfricans or was this guy even more than a cuck than I thought he was? I know his wife was str8 out of Africa and had African kids that weren't his with the exception of one
In a roundabout sort of way, yeah.
South Africa was never intended to be a fully functioning, democratic Republic. So it isn't working as one.
t. White Kenyan
Just move here. Most of you already have.
As rare as it is for a white American to be called something like "DeShawn Jackson"
Definitely not common to have/use a black name. He sounds like a wanker. .
Maybe you should seek asylum in Russia or something...
That's pretty weird. Is there any reason for this or than being a cuck? I'm guessing maybe he did it to appeal to his wife or something who was a full tribal-tier nigger
You get libcucks in any white demographic. Sjw's have almost become a part of white culture unfortunately. SA is no different
Give me a mirror, I ain't giving them free clicks
Any legit sources for this pic?
When they left it did cause a collapse so they are right but not in the way they want to be
True. Thanks for answering. I was just wondering because it seemed to be really weird considering the exodus whites faced there, and he was an older guy so I would assume he was there at the time. He wouldn't formally use it, but it was like some weird special snowflake shit he would randomly bring up
it's no use arguing with these people and by these people I mean niggers.
They will use the rationalization hamster to blame Whitey for everything.
You can't debate with tchem with logic and arguments, because they will reject it all to hold their idea.
This proves again that the most important thing on this planet is POWER, so that others may not tak your stuff from you. Military power and political power.
KeK... did africa even have an economy?
The toppest KeK!
That's going in the folder
Come to spain.
Pretend to be jew or just pay 500k for a property, then eu passport and go hogwild.
Yep, stay safe Saffa and Eurobros.
man this shit will be the worlds greatest wake up call of all time
give about max 15 years for the violence and racial killing (against whites) to start taking place
Are guns/rifles legal in South Africa? Even if they aren't it seems like you just need to pick an area and start clearing out the niggers by any means necessary. All of them.
Yeah mate it's going to be fucking crazy, people have no idea what's coming and how bad it's going to be.
Fucking niggers.
an entire storied nation, strong and never conquered by her enemies, killed from within by "acceptance".
It's okay- this new holocaust will make people forget a little of the old, after all, it'll be a hundred years in the past almost. The idea of having pride in white nations will return. A generation of youngsters growing up will see nonwhites only as a source of division, violence, and helplessness.
Ha ha, no. The media will simply refuse to cover it. Facebook, youtube, and twitter will prohibit video sharing, and the normies will be none the wiser.
>thinking any centralized media will matter in 15 years
LOL you have NOT been keeping up. ad hoc mesh networks and nearly invisible awlays on, always recording, always connected cameras for anyone who wants one. basically no cost.
the islamic revolution will be televised, trust.
There was indeed a treason of the rich whites who just take advantage to mendela bc they didn't care about the country or other white peoples
>ad hoc mesh networks and nearly invisible always on
redpill me more on this subject… how can I be as confident as you?
I would be terrified to live there in the long run. You just know the international community won't do shit when it hits the fan.
As these technologies progress so will the means to control them by those that don't wish for those sentiments to be heard.
Sup Forums is one of the few bastions of free speech left on the internet as it is.
if you think that and simultaneously think Sup Forums is some kind of bastion it shows that you just don't understand what's being discussed at all
tell me again how they're going to control the ad hoc wifi network. are they going to modify radio waves so they don't work? lol.
Try a slavic country, i know le slav meme but i'm sure it has to be better than this. Even other ex colonies like NZ or australia (i heard they're full though).
Expanded version.
What the fuck? Is that pig and the niglet standing on land made out of garbage?
What the fuck is wrong with these niggers?
>Even though Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC) has controlled practically everything in South Africa since the 2004 election, this level of control would not have been possible without cooperation from the Whites.
>If the Whites had simply objected to Cadre Deployment by refusing to pay taxes to a corrupt government then it would have been possible to prevent the current collapse in South Africa.
This reminds me of the part in The Last King of Scotland when the guy tries to tell Idi Amin to not do something economically disastrous, Idi yells at him and intimidates the fuck out of the guy and then when the plan ruins the economy Idi blames the buy for not fighting harder to try and stop it.
to all south africans that want to leave :)
Is that much of an improvement?
Doesn't surprise me, France is completely fucked and will be the start of the up coming European race wars.
>hey pot?
>yeah kettle?
>you one black ass nigga
the world wouldn't even let us keep them separate from us.
as opposed to no other option? indeedie
makes me sad that people are hurting
makes me happy that the difference in value between whites and blacks is recorded in history
Is that why their king nigger was begging them to come back?