Is there anyone more intelligent in modern day politics?

Is there anyone more intelligent in modern day politics?

Why aren't you listening to Ben Shapiro?


>Ben "cuck" Shapiro

i just started listening to him.....he is making me think that it may have been a mistake to pick trump over cruz

Because every argument he makes somehow involves Israel.

He's kind of a baby.

He is anti-semetic so I don't like him

ben "looks younger than ten" shapiro

Like a stereotypical jew... hook nose, sweaty, beady eyes...

Because I will never listen to a hypocrite that proudly continues to display "Facts don't care about your feelings" on his front page after the whole Michelle Fields fiasco.


Intelligent people don't get triggered by Milo.


Anyone have that Ben Shapiro as the kid from Children of the Corn picture?

I don't listen to him cus he spergs out when you call him shot.

post timestamped shapiro in pooper or gtfo mah Sup Forums

Would you look at that, not a single good reason posted.

because he's a typical republican fucktard who exposes the worst parts of his party platform while ignoring tons of valuable data that proves various democrat platforms right?

he's got some heavyweight debating skills.

fuck that son of a bitch i'll see his career buried if it's the last thing i do

I laughed in his Islam video how when he was naming ways Islam is backwards and mentions female genital mutilation.

Funny how genital mutilation is backwards unless it happens to be in the name of judaism, then it's justified.

Name one thing Democrats have right.


Because he's a Hook Nosed kike.

Talking fast and interrupting people doesn't make you intelligent.

Hes all right, but he needs to stop abshing trump befor the election.
He may get hillary elected.

What kind of influence do you think he has over what portion of the electorate?

Maybe as a Breitbart writer, but I really doubt there's anyone that reads the Daily Wire as like a main source. It'll just be either the NRO or the Breitbart crowd visiting for a secondary source, and each of them has already made up their minds regarding Trump.

I thought smegma was bad and clits are good?

You mean Ben "Gonna Need a Bigger Yarmulke" Shapiro?

yes, mutilating your child is only good sometimes


Wtf is this comic?? You alt right faggots are truly the bottom of the barrel of society. Go back to worshipping your degenerate faggot alt right king Milo.

He talks to so many powerful people.
He is a thinktank guy and plants ideas in many important people minds
He ads a decent chunk of people who wont vote or even vote for Hillary.

A '

what are you even doing here, leaf?

Personal hygiene is a thing.

He's nothing more than a stereotypical badger.

> slaves of degenerate faggot
> cucks.jpg

that is accurate

Because he's a neocon zionist jew

Some people shower more than once a month. This may have been a real issue back in ye olden times, but not in the modern era.

Yeah he was so smart he immediately identified why Trump was resonating with Republicans and predicted his rise and historic primary voter turnout, then hurriedly threw his own personal support behind the winning team and is now looking like some sort of right-wing political prophet for his prescience and calm, collected attitude about it all.

Wait. He did none of that. In fact, he did the exact opposite.

Yeh he's gr8, but anyone who has bought into the anti Israel meme won't like him

sooner or later you folks are gonna have to realize that it's either gonna be the mudslimes or the Jews/Christians who will rule the middle east

there's nothing wrong with wanting marxist kikes to burn, but pls don't confuse them with right wing Jews who just want a peaceful homeland

I hope Ben debates Chomsky before he croaks. I just want to see that old lying kike get BTFO and all his cultist fans see it too before he dies.

That would be great, but what topics do you think they would debate?

Yes, one young lying kike to debunk an old one!

Ben Shapiro is nothing more than a shill for a particular ideology. He shills for (((neoconservatism))) and he's incredibly effective at it.

Many of his arguments are structured with the 6 quintillion of his family members that turned into lampshades so that people will give him a free pass on his bullshit about how Israel is a good guy country and the Jewish people are the Christians' friend.

He's not ideologically consistent despite his main criticism of Trump being that. He treated Trump fairly early on in the race until he started actually winning, and then he changed his tune, shilling hard for Cruz and being on (((#NeverTrump))), even sacrificing his journalistic integrity by jumping on board the lie that Michelle Fields was assaulting by Lewandowski. Bottom line is, shilling for Israel is the most important thing for him, he couldn't give two shits about America in comparison.

Well the tradition dates back to ye olden time for that reason. It's not like Muslims who do it to suppress sexual pleasure. It was so Jewish dudes in the desert didn't get dick disease.

they screw up national security issues and are too kind to the weaker/less important humans, but they tend to be correct about most things.

>ruin all your creditability using SJW tactics while whiteknighting a whore

go home benji. You'll never recover.