Huh... Really makes you think...
Legalization of weapons
>shooting an armadillo
Divine retribution I hope the guy died
Wow, I guess I am a #cruzmissile now
lol why do you like armadildos
Wow, I hate armadillos now
What did he shoot it with?
9mm I bet.
That's why when I see a armadillo I break out the barrett 50 cal and make sure to shoot it point blank.
Someone doesn't live in florida.
Damn things are nuisances on par with rats and moles.
Shooter should have used a Judge though.
LoL thats wat he gets for owning things I have an irrational fear of. He deserved it XD
>if guns were illegal the bullet would have killed the armadillo instead
What does it mean
It will be really funny when we find out that guy contracted leprosy cause the bullet had infected tissue on it
I just run them over with muh truck
That is the way God intended trucks to be. God bless the USA
is that a real fucking question
fuck you that's why
Florida man strikes again
And libs say 5.56 NATO is overpowered for hunting.
ban assault armadillos
I smell BS, it's not like these things have depleted uranium armor.
What is the alternative headline, man gets rabies from armadillo?
Are they really pests? They're so cool though. Kind of dinosaurish.
Clearly, america needs to legalize rpgs so that this does not happen again
That is a good way to shred a tire or smash up a windshield when they decide to jump.
Has this been confirmed or just meme clickbait?
I find it hard to believe it would ricochet on such a soft shell, even if it was an underpowered small caliber round.
a fuckin .38 magnum
damn thing can survive a moose killer
Armordillo doesn't take shit from burgers.
They're neat, but they can be a problem. They chew stuff, and they end up causing a lot of vehicle damage. And they are the only non-human reservoir for leprosy.
Eric Holder's brainwashing is so effective, millenials think outlawing a category of tools will get rid of human stupidity.
They don't. DU is too soft for those fuckers..
I've killed an armadillo with a .22 rifle.
time to ban assault armadillos then
>1 post by this ID
fuck off shill
They're little armored tootsie rolls, yes. They look cool, but are otherwise a nuisance on par with groundhogs.
You'd think they would make cool pets, only thing is *all of them* carry leprosy due to their low body temperature (compared to a human at least)
Nope, it happened. It's happened multiple times actually. I'd wager that the bullet went through the animal, and ricocheted off of a rock behind it; unless he shot it with something like a .22 or other low power round.
I live in Florida and have never seen one not in the middle of a forest.
What does that even mean?
>What did he shoot it with?
probably 5.56
>*all of them* carry leprosy
That story reeks of bullshit. I bet he shot a rock.
>I break out the barrett 50 cal and make sure to shoot it point blank.
I laughed. Good one.
That what you do for trying to shoot one with a .22 faggot. Probably used .22 short to boot.
>dat stupid grille
but yeah cummins >*
>being too poor for the Governor
They never get that high, usually hear them bounce off the undercarriage
what in the motherfuck is a 38 magnum?
>black lives matter sees this
>starts armadillo coat factory and hires 20,000 unemployed blacks to work in it
>makes coats for every black person in America
>blacks now employed, rich, happy, immune to police brutality and wearing stylish suits
Why is this not happening right this very second?
armadillos cause leprosy
kill them all
it means go fuck yourself you shit head shill
Yep. One ran in front of my car when I was driving at night. Just kept on going. But thud.
They're cute too though. Hmm.
>blacks to work
Needed more stoppin powah
No! You should have your arms rotted off for that!
>hunting whales (an endangered and bro tier aquatic creature) is fine but shooting a possum with a shell is not
>these people are allowed to vote/voice their retarded opinions openly to the public at large on social media
Does this not scare anyone?
People have always been stupid but jeez oh man, dominant genes anyone?
But they're cute.
Unbelievable !
That is grotesque, it looks like the shit egg you puke out several hours after an alien rapes your face.
>makes coats for every black person in America
>Every black person in America catch leprosy
But look at this picture of one drinking a beer
Seems like a win win to be honest.
Inb4 she fucks all her boyfriends friends and says that's really all his fault she did it
they're basically like abos
Thats what you get for using a gun and not a contraption.
Wow no I don't. Not my fault they are scum bags and don't want a real woman.
It could be worse.
a famous relative to the armidilo used to roam the US, until all the native americans killed them all
they were much larger, and slower
very unique and endemic creature
Armadillo tanks when?
I killed an armodildo with muh dick
That's honestly kind of funny
>our government funds this
wtf I hate Americans now
What did he shoot it with? 6mm Flobert?
What a dumbass.
Get out, commie.
>Implying armadillos should be legal
Bingo Britbro.
This. Also Chagas disease.
They're fighting back.
Dillo genocide now.
A female (((human))).
Stupid news stories like this are what happens when the 'press' is not forcibly limited to mainly local physical news, with only a few national newspapers of only a couple of pages length...
The founding fathers DID NOT have the internet in mind.
Makes me think that bitch don't know how to use a gun.