I'm fucking pissed

Alright, I've had it. Time to rant.

First off, I don't consider myself a racist. I was raised to treat people equally and let their actions take it from there.

This shit though. This shit is turning me into a fucking racist. Black Lives Matter. Really? They are parroting around these fucking scenes of protest like they are some great accomplishment. Bullshit. Back in the MLK days black folks struggled for SPECIFICS. What do these dindus want? They want cops to stop killing black folks. Why? Because black lives matter. They don't seem to give a fuck that half of these motherfuckers are criminals and the other half and doing something so goddamn stupid the officer thought they were trying to attack. Even if every one of these cases was legit it still wouldn't matter because THEY ARE NOT PROPOSING ANY ACTUAL CHANGES. THEY ARE JUST CRYING FOR ATTENTION. If they actually wanted to change something they would fucking propose changes. Instead they just cry and whine.

I'm sick of this shit. They blame the NRA. The blame White people. They blame everything but themselves. What's worse is that the media manufactures and sells this bullshit to the highest bidder. Fucking look at the facts: Gun Crime? Statistically insignificant cause of death in the US but very visible. Police Brutality? Statistically insignificant cause of fucking black people dying yet very visible.

Nobody gives a shit about the truth anymore. Nobody cares about the statistics. Everyone is trying to sell an agenda.

And no, Trump isn't going to win. Hillary conceded to Obama back in 2008 after a secret meeting, and sorry to go all tinfoil but they decided right then and there that Clinton would be president after Obama. That's the only reason she stopped the attack ads.

This isn't a fucking election, it's a farce. The Saudis, Chinese, and Russians probably bought and paid for their pet president already.

Fuck this gay world. We are not the majority anymore, and we need to fix this shit or run.

Other urls found in this thread:


>First off, I don't consider myself a racist

give yourself time user and that will change

Welcome to the red pill

>for slavery

The entire point of slavery is the slave doesn't get paid.

If the slave gets paid, they're an employee, not a slave.

If niggers get paid reparations for what their proud Negro forebearers went through, we wouldn't be able to call that historical institution Slavery anymore. We'd have to call it Employment. And if there's one thing a nigger hates more than Slavery, it's Employment.

...to where....?

Europe is dying too, can't use it as a fallback anymore. Time to nut up or shut up.


My family came over from Greece around WWII. Obviously, we never owned slaves because my grandparents were fishermen on a different continent.
When they came to the states they were called white niggers, gypsies, etc. My grandfather owned a deli and a meat shop and was a volunteer fire fighter.
Niggers still lump my family in with "da racist slave owners" and say I owe them reparations and shit.
I tell them about my past and they say "well you're white so you deserve it."

the solution is the same as it's always been: GTKRWN

Lol don't worry OP. You'll be signing up to Right Wing Death Squads before you know it.

>Imperialist Great grandparents and grand mother owned a Chinese slave and servants in pre communist Shanghai
>ain't reparating shit

You just don't get it user.
Black people don't want you to apologize.

They just want you to tear down the system you built on their slavery and misery. I completely agree with them.
The first thing you should tear down is welfare.

Shut up, fag.


we need to make this

I've always wondered, tear down what system and how?
You mean just allahu akhbar capitol?

Saudis and Chinese would love Shillary. But I am not so sure about Russians...

Truth... even if spoken by a leaf.

Are we really gonna let the gender neutral Trudeau Caliphate live in our midst?


Liberal cuck SJW here. Reparations are due imho.

Just because you dont know anyone that was a slave doesnt mean slavery didnt have dramatic effects that set back black people.

Also racism is bad, and when your racist views (this goes for most people in this thread) are confronted in the real world you are going to be shit on.

we use it as a temporary containment zone. once we are powerful enough and have allies we destroy it and tell the other 2 nations we saved them.

the first step is to seperate ourself so we can grow strong

we dont owe you shit

what you gonna do whale? flap your arms? drag that 300lb belly as you chase after us? eat us? sit on us?

Yes give blacks 1500$ a piece to move back to Africa. That sounds fair.

The Toronto Pride crashers actually had a list of demands. Does Black Lives Matter USA have one?

Seriously confused as to what they want. They say they want officers to stop killing black men, so the only alternative is to arrest them. But then they say that prisons are modern day slavery for black men. So... what? Don't persecute any black legally?

What are twenty acres and a mule

>implies just for being white that we owe blacks
>fails to take into account the fact that we only purchased from less than 10% of the world slave trade, and it was their own ancestors who sold them into it, no other country gets shit for slavery as much as we do

Glad you identified yourself as a cuck, for good measure let me reiterate.

You're a cucked faggotshit, and no reparations are due considering the fact that the taxpayer already footed the welfare programs for fucking years while blacks complained they were still owed something.

If you truly want reparations, get your lazy ass up and go to other countries that have never paid anything into reparations.

>Not enslavers though history
kek lad, all of humanity have ancestors that were slaves and owned slaves.

also, blacks owned slaves
on this account do they owe each other reparations?
go back to plebbit/facebook/black twitter


it's the new Occupy Wall Street

millenials will understand how crigneworthy thsi whole thing is after a couple of years

I see your type every day at my college, just a bunch of really loud faggots who don't back up anything they say. One of your kind started talking shit to me for wearing a Trump hat and I decked him in the face. Lel he reported me to the cops too. Funny how you bitch and moan about police but call on them to fix all your problems.

Even if your ancestors didnt own slaves they still benefited from slavery. They got a leg up at the expense of blacks

>muh blacks owned slaves too
>muh 'i called you a cuck so i win the argument'

I'm really not sure what the fuck the dindus really want. I mean, if white people have been oppressing you so much, what do you think we are going to do when you start acting like wild animals?

Fucking nignogs need to understand there will be a time when whites say fuck it to the political correctness, say goodbye to diversity, and do what we do best - solve problems.

Keep it up, the 4th Reich won't be German after all, and the Dallas shooter won't be the first of you to die by machine.

>I don't consider myself a racist
Who the FUCK cares?

The day we win is the day we stop being fucking faggots who are afraid of buzzwords like ''racist''.
Let's say you are a racist. You're a racist. Everything you said was just said by a racist. Ok. So what?

If I say 2+2 is 4 I am cool, but if I am a ''racist'' and I say 2+2 is 4 suddenly I am wrong?

>confronted for having shitty views
>resorts to violent
kek, nice chimp out. but blacks are the violent ones right?

And black freemen benefitted from slavery, too. Plenty of blacks actually owned slaves. Should black people pay reparations too?

Give the territories to the based Eskimos.
Everything in the Arctic Circle, maybe.

No, because overall slavery hurt black people, even if a minority benefited from it. As did Jim Crow etc.

Homeboy shouldn't have gotten in my face and put his hands on me

So...collective punishment for a group of people perceived to be a problem?

Iron pottery

You're a delusional apologist.
I work 65 hours a week MINIMUM.
Blue collar asshole, breaking my back to pay off a mortgage and a college tuition.
Where the fuck is this "leg up" you speak of?
Eat a bag of dicks, faggot

eskimos can have honorary aryan status and some autonomy provided they stay around their traditional lands

I love this argument. It literally presents no evidence while ignoring that anyone other than black people ever faced oppression.

White people should pay reparations to blacks for the rest of time right?

My man, the problem with the average black is that they are still incredibly tribal. If you aren't part of thier "family", then you don't matter to them. If you are part of thier "family", you can do no wrong so long as you don't wrong them. Blood is far thicker to them than water, to the point of it being almost solid. They wouldn't give a shit if you started abducting kids, long as you're "family" then you a good boy who aint do nuffin wrong.

They may live in the 21st century, live in modern cities, and have access to all the moder miracles of today, but they are still very tribal at heart.

No need to win the argument by calling you a cuck, I can easily do without it.

You came to the wrong place if you wanted to even come off as right. Maybe if you had some other trash to back you up, you'd have some artificial support.

>attempting to use this coupled with memes to invalidate a fact will not work for you here

Keep trying though, it's funny to see the mental gymnastics you utilize to justify your self-prescribed guilt.

Nice cultural marxism, faggot. I bet if this was 1917 Russia you'd be saying "even if your parents weren't nobles they benefitted from exploiting the proletariat. They got a leg up at the expense of the proletariat"

Fuck off with that ideology

>Back in the MLK days black folks struggled for SPECIFICS.

Cuckservative detected. He was literally the BLM of his day, he was a draft-dodging commie negro literally funded by Marxist jews. He even was an advocate of affirmative action and reparations.

If you're white, Lincoln Rockwell is the figure from that era you should be listening to.

Here's the thing, the liberal cucks don't have the fuckign balls to institute reparations. They don;t have the balls for the simple fact that it would eliminate their victim status. They would all receive their fuckign once off handout and in a year, everything would be exactly the same as before, however now the reparations have been paid and the debts written off. Now they're fucked. No more guilt as a weapon. No agenda to push. They're fucking terrified to see what's on the other side of such a drasstic meaasure. Spoiler alert niggers: You'll be exactly where you are now. You'll still be in a ghetto runnin' drugs in whore infested nigger holes beggin for handouts. You would have spent your reparation shekels on a new car and fly ass jordans. Now there's no more blamin' whitey. They need this agenda to be pushed as long as possible to get everything for free

>cultural marxism
nice meme

This argument is also self-defeating.

If I was born in a post-slavery era and I benefit from slavery 166 years ago, so does a black person born in a post-slavery era.

Black people today benefit equally from slavery 200 years ago.

I'm trying to figure out what the guy in the middle was doing that was against the rules. Looks like he's just swimming...

It's a shitty meme and im literally going to kill Soros for forcing it.

Let us not forget that Egyptians had slaves that were pan African, and that the other African tribes would enslave other African tribes that they went to war with and beat. They should also be yelling at themselves.

>Go on normiebook
>Tiananmen Square: Photo of Black Lives Matter Protester in Baton Rouge, La., Compared to 'Tank Man' Image

Is this an actual joke? Are things really way stupider than I was led to believe they were? I'm literally offended as fuck about a comparison that I have no personal stake in.


It's exactly what happened in South Africa. They're STILL trying to claim victim status from whites.

Yes, I had a dream last night.

The western white men actually got out of there homes, and planned a synced attack against a BLM march.

What happened in the dream
>Whites were getting tired of BLM
>People starting meeting up ( via online), fighting against BLM
>An organization was made, called The Organization Of Proelium
>Planned and sophisticated attacks were about to happen against BLM
>They're all marching down the street yelling "FUCK THE POLICE", you know, the usual
>On the buildings to each side, the whites had there rifles ready, they also had pre-made fire bombs and fire works ready
>They began firing randomly into the crowd of BLM fuck heads, they then threw there incendiaries catching them on fire, and then throwing the fireworks to cause more panic and loud noises so they'd be disoriented
>Finally, sophisticated plans are no longer needed, people are just automatically going out and fighting against BLM, throwing rocks at them, shooting them, making them finally shut there mouths
>After each victory, they wave pic related flag around, screaming "GLORY TO AMERICA!"
>BLM Finally stops
>They have no more moral
>They call us all racists, and flee the country
>America is white once more.
>Wake up with a smile on my face
>I literally want to make this a thing now, I've always had leader ship skills, everyone says I do, but I just don't know where to start
Will my dream ever become a reality, Sup Forums?

Sorry ausbro, things are ACTUALLY that fuckin stupid. Losing your cool won't help things, tho

Blacks make up 13% of the population and have lesd than 2% of the wealth. Explain how slavery and Jim Crow didnt contribute to this.

>duh, niggers er stupid!
Uhhh no its cause they cant fucking afford education

Exactly. Look at Zimbabwe. A prime example. They've chased out all whites and look at what t is now. Unemployment rate estimated at over 90%, currency is worth less than a kike's opinion, food shortage crisis, on the brink of a civil war. I'm starting to see a general trend here with the nogs. Might be turning into a prejudicial faggot.


Kind of like what whites in the 60s tried to do to MLK's movement, that sure worked out nice for them. Kya

> This shit is turning me into a racist

That's a stupid fucking myopic argument.

>implying Trump doesn't know all this

4D chess

Egyptians didn't have slaves. Everyone got paid.

Yea, OP, maybe spending your time in a racist echo chamber turned you into a racist, what a surprise.

Explain how things that ended over a hundred years ago somehow excuse how stupid niggers are today.

Sherman destroyed the entire South, and all that wealth created by slavery along with it. Even if you believed that slavery created a disparity in the lands where it was used the point is moot because that same disparity was destroyed at the end of the civil war.


I can't not get mad.

Tienanmen square is some dude who got caught on a camera he wouldn't have even known was there, literally putting his life on the line for presumably the ideals he believed in and his own frustration, for all we know he got executed for that shit.

This shit is just some stupid bitch all dressed up who is well aware of all the high quality capture devices around her because she's so "brave" for putting herself in a position where there is literally no chance of her being hurt.

If this shit becomes an epic "iconic historical image" I just couldn't handle it.

>I don't consider myself a racist

>7 posts by this ID
>One of those posts being:
Just leave already

I will obliterate BLM, even if it kills me.

I went full circle from Nazi as a teen, to left sjw up to a couple years ago, now I am completely against niggers and self hating nigger apologists.

NatSoc is the answer, and once again I accept that Hitler was right. Niggers are their own worst enemy, and even my FB friends that I thought were educated have been revealed as gullible niggers.

Good game niggers.

They want reperations they cansue the confedrate staates.

Fucking niggers shiting on the country that gave them freedome

Former dipshit like you here. Niggers are too dumb to be saved, just like Muslims.
Wake the fuck up, black people despise you. The one that doesn't hate your gutsis the unicorn. Fuck them.


Be the change you want to see in the world.

This is last resort shit though, once you go violent you lose the moral high ground.

niggers can't swim

They can get basically free education for being black if they showed up to high school enough to graduate, white people have to be geniuses to get free shit


>Hillary conceded to Obama back in 2008 after a secret meeting, and sorry to go all tinfoil but they decided right then and there that Clinton would be president after Obama.

Literally no one to the right of Trotsky cares what a dem president "promised" the bitch. She's "winning" with fewer votes that she had when she lost, while Trump is the most voted for republican primary candidate -- EVER.

Meanwhile, the Eternal Mormon, Romney, lost by 2% against a guy he didn't campaign against for the last two months.

She is going to have a fucking stroke during the first debate.

>I will obliterate BLM, even if it kills me
Fucking lol, internet tough guy here

how do you go from Nazi to SJW?

explain this shit

You spend more time outdoors and less time on Sup Forums.

kill yourself faggot

you will never be considered intelligent by anyone.

quick reminder that the FIRE RISES BROTHER

OP is visceral.

There's some evidence to suggest the pyramids weren't built by slaves. That is not representative of all ancient Egypt though.

Well, considering who runs msm, you know they're gonna push that image incessantly. I for one think it's great, because it will polarize the shit out of the fence sitters. But yes, totally agree with the blasphemy of comparison to Tiananmen

Of all the things I hope for, and wish for, it's that black people wake up and direct their anger at the right people. Not at us, the ones who are fed up with this shit. No, I hope they direct them at you, the ignorant fuck who deliberately robs them of agency, of equality, of decency, because deep down if you didn't have someone that you thought was lesser than you you wouldn't have anything to make you -feel- like a good person.

The problem with the protector/oppressed dichotomy is that it ALWAYS places the protector above the oppressed, and that's why shitlords like you exist, because you always have to rush to the defense of someone without holding them to the same accountability standards that you would yourself.

You fucking make me sick you racist, homophobic, sexist shitlord.



They don't give a fuck about black lives. It's an excuse to revert to their natural form.

Plus my Dutch/German Nazi cousin beat a weakling half to death, then raped his asshole with a stick... then left him for dead on a riverbank.

Same white supremacist knocked up a flip bitch, and had a half breed Island Mexican mud kid.

Shortly thereafter he betrayed me in a business dealing and talked a load of shit about my red pilled father who did nothing but help the price, even stepping in when he caught his dad beating him and kicking the shit out of him as a kid.

Started socializing with more people, and you start to lose the hate.

But now we have a chance to save this country from the banks and globalists, and no matter how hard I try, no matter what evidence I show that they are being fooled, even the brightest ones are fucking mindless puppets.

They are mentally weak. This is a fact. And they truly are the white man's burden.


okay there hitler
this attitude i keep seeing, im sorry, but this is not inclusive to the trump movement. we must embrace our fellow americans of all colors and stand for american pride regardless of race and this kind of attitude seems to be growing here and i just have to say that is problematic and does not make america great again so like could you all just chill with the racism already okay? aesthetics and walls not stormcucks insecure about their tiny white balls

>or run.
to where?

How does spending time outdoors help you flesh out a valid political outlook?

There is no information outdoors. You don't learn about botany by walking past a tree. It's a purely visceral environment. It's "feels before reals" in physical form.

Actually, I guess that could explain (((You)))

what's the point of this shilling? do they think they are clever?

Holy shit that picture lmao

Ok then bro

We mars now.

Do you realize how many universities PAY to get nigs through college? Many don't even have to pay a DIME to get education my ass is 40k in debt for. Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit. If anything, NIGS ARE PRIVILEGED.