Its a "Sup Forums mods delete a thread moderately involving women hate" episode
Its a "Sup Forums mods delete a thread moderately involving women hate" episode
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Fuck off. The mods have been doing a great job lately.
porn is not allowed on Sup Forums, read the sticky
>it's an /r9k/ thread is posted on Sup Forums episode
When will they learn that these aren't any good?
dude are you the guy who keeps posting those weird photoshopped pics of this redhead and call her your girlfriend or long lost sister?
someone tell me what is up with that I've seen maybe 5 of those threads in the last year or two.
>it's a i'm a feminist episode
shouldn't you be whining about sexism in video games?
>literally calls herself a bimbo
>is of ANY importance
I see why the mods deleted the thread. Who cares?
Why you keep posting this degenerate coal burner she's discusting. Pic related those are her real lips not shoop
it's a my dick is ragging for those fucking tits episode
What the fuck HAHAHAHAHA
It's probably some kind of a weird fetish
Why is her tongue in the uncanny valley
i'll ask it again, is that a man or a woman on the bottom?
Where's that pic from? I can only find her instagram which has like 15 pics
You decide I think it's just a mentaly ill coal burner
it got deleted had a huge shitstorm in the comments beforehand too
Prob silicone injections so she could suck nigger dick better
so hot
fuck off racist, she's just got black people lips
do you really think woman are any worst than all the cucked beta faggots that we now call men?
I love how these cunts always have primary color hair dye.
Its a fantastic way for guys to spot them a mile off.
Wtf is that thing. There's people out there like this that exist, we did something wrong as a society.
Then explain all the Lord Cuk, really makes you think, Sup Forums BTFO, how can X even compete, OP posting porn to get attention, topic completely unrelated to politics, etc. bullshit threads.
12/7/14 never forget
End flags and IDs.
what the fuck am i looking at
t. /r9k/ crossboarding cuck.
>Fuck off. The mods have been doing a great job lately.
OP used photoshop. It's his fetish. Don't give him the (you)s he so desperately craves.
Really? I haven't gotten a ban in a few minths. And I have been doing sone serious funposting
These are shill shitposts by Bush and Clinton crime family functionaries attempting to distract our m3g4 p0w3r from Hillary's need for jail, and #ChampagneSocialists like Soros using #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason to hijack the legitimate black rights movement. (
I once got banned for commenting "Tomboys" in a "What girl does Sup Forums like?" thread
>We have to keep /pol clean for legitimate information and ops.
It's too hard to do, user. We've been infiltrated. They make slide threads and newfags bump them. Mods are non-existent. I've been reporting threads all day and not one has been removed. I'm starting to believe this is a containment board.
Where were you when they made shill threads un-sageable, and started auto-saging certain threads to the bottom of the catalog?
Oh, that's right. You were modding the board.
Another one.
She did that shit on her show? I mean, she's hot, but that's a little trashy.
>Its real
She strikes me as a secret slut that has a lot of trouble dealing with the fact that she's hot because she wants to be recognized as intellectual.
That's just... disturbing. And yes, I believe it may be a fetish.
I'm... not even offended? She seems mentally ill, I hope she gets the help that she needs.
how did she make her lips that big?
and before you say i'm a retard, i mean the total surface area on her face
you squirt a bunch of silicone in there and it will swell up, sure
but it's like a permanent photoshop
This can't be real, those look shooped
>taking a sticky on an online imageboard as absolute law
Why do you people mock those that want board rules upheld, but then whine and refer to the rules when someone announces a 'sage' or 'report'?